Will she ever get a happy ending?
Even if she did, you wouldn't know about it, because it won't be shown.
Her only chance is to befriend the last vampire(s) and find a way to stop her blood from killing them. She'll remain irrelevant until they stop hiding.
Here's the official translation
>"Did you hear what kind of treatment I got here originally? Like why there are hidden rooms all over the building? "You're probably too normal to endure it,"
They seem to imply the same thing. Likely rape, torture, or highly invasive experimentation. That said, I feel like we would have been shown some sort of scarring for emphasis if it were the last two. So as grim as it, it was most likely sexual abuse.
Now I want her to win the Toumabowl simply so that she can be happy.
I don't see how rape is implied more than just regular torture.
She is the tragical girl, so I guess that ...NO!
It's purely a meta narrative thing. If it were torture you would usually get scarring, which would then be displayed to the reader at some point in order to put emphasis on the tragic circumstances of a character. Since we didn't get that, then it stands to reason that it might be something else. From there the most prominent thing that comes to mind would be rape.
Of course this is purely speculative, but that was the impression I got. Perhaps a Japanese speaker would be able to provide some more context? Since I'm now morbidly curious.
No, as said, the fact that one dragon wasn't enough to beat Lv 6 Shift Mikoto implies that she was much stronger than Izzard. This is something that a lot of people ignore or try to make excuses to explain away, but it is in fact perfectly legitimate.
You're kind of completely ignoring the "portrayed in the anime" part.
Well of course Izzard only needed one dragon, by the time it came out his power level was that of a regular human who had shitted his pants and was crying "mommy mommy".
Misaka who was a lvl 5.03 was ofcourse stronger than him.
Where does this 5.03 thing come from anyway? Between Gensei saying she started at 2 percent, her visibly growing througout, and the design labeled "5.3," I don't really get it.
I don't know why you guys aren't just saying she was kept only to extract her blood and research about it, both rape and torture would've been too ignored for a girl like that
Mikos are for bullying.
Izzard got freaked out because he instinctively knew that he stood no chance in hell against the dragon, much like LPSAD Fiamma got freaked out by IT. It should be obvious that the explanations given in OT 2 like the dragon coming from Izzard's power were total bullshit.
By that logic rape would have lead to emotional scarring, which we've seen none of. Himegami is just a quiet girl by nature.
After Izzard returns as a vampire.
That would hardly be something that Touma is "too normal to endure". He already knew about about her power and has just defeated the dummy Izzard. So it's not like she was trying to keep him uninvolved from magic either.
True, but then you need to consider the target audience. It's one of those weird double standards where it's fine to talk about straight up torture, but not about straight up rape. I want to be wrong, but the way it's worded and the circumstances make it difficult for me to see it any other way.
Is there any character in To Aru as pointless as Saten?
Batsu Gameo?
That one bitch from NT4
Saten isn't a pointless character.
>To Aru
You're pointless, imagine being so autistic that you drag topics across multiple threads.
I read that as Satan
Which one?
The cellphone one?
I've watched up till episode of Railgun S1, and I already understand the entirety of her character. Basically, her perverted acts with Uiharu.
Do you know about the batsu game? This is really important
How so? being kept captive by a literal cult of science bent on trying to figure out if the supernatural is real can be some shit. It doesn't have to be rape and it hasn't really been implied to be, we've been shown both regardless so it's not like Kamachi is afraid to talk about either.
What's wrong with that?
>episode 19 of Railgun
Because it gets boring really fast.
when is the batsu gameo coming?
I don't give a shit, let's talk about someone who matters. Will she have a happy ending?
if she can win the batsu gameo
Stop spamming.
Big is beautiful
Yamato Nadeshiko are always best girls.
She will get killed by Aleister when she is about to crack the virus
What will Ruiko Chan do if her girlfriend dies?
Detta is for wedding.
Her girlfriend is already dead.
Tell me about the batsu gameo, who loses it!?!
The wiki says Uiharu is still alive.
They haven't updated it yet. She died 2 volumes ago. Saten still doesn't know and just thinks she's missing.
More like, Why she never got a good ending.
>he doesn't know
Is there any girl in To Aru that is erotic as Kaori?
No and she's great.
Has the last two volumes been fully translated? I remember hearing some fake spoilers during the summer that Misaka was killed off.
If its true on Uiharu, I wonder if Ruiko will be killed off next.
I can name a dozen off the top of my head. Her personality makes her less erotic.
Mikoto, but she nerfes herself
You're getting memed. This is what he's referring to.
Dude they're fucking messing with you.
Maybe it was just classical bullying.
The batsu gameo will fix that
Because both translations of the scene imply that something traumatic happened and I can't picture anything else that wouldn't have been expanded on in some way, or that Himegami would have been unwilling to share to emphasis her argument. Who knows, really. I hope I'm wrong, but I just get the impression that isn't the case.
Misaki a pile of shit
I want to exchange saliva with Mikoto while sharing a hotdog.
you have to win the batsu gemu first
As stupid as it sounds, Touma's brows look like someone drew them on.
Her belt is thicker then her wrists.
Only if that "Hotdog" is Touma's dick
Probably did after all the fire Stiyl throws his way.
I wonder why she was so embarrassed about thanking him for helping her.
>jesus is 20 times stronger than a normal saint
Those Romans are lucky he didn't resist
he lost the batsu gemu, so he couldn't refuse
Fuck Off Misaki
Touma is not impressed.
I doubt Saints handle rejection well
Mikoto, Misaki, Will, Coronzon and the AAA will all fuse together
Only if they all lose the batsu gemu and are forced to fuse with their mistress mikoto
Mikoto + AAA and Mikoto + Misaki + AAA already happened, probably Mikoto + Will if you count the Level 6 shift
Unfortunately Kanzaki is kind of irrelevant now.
While I think it is debatable whether or not she actually likes him it's definitely not a crack ship considering how many characters in universe try to ship them.
Fuck off misakiangryposter
She's gonna have to get used to it or learn that sharing is caring. Isn't that one of the lord's teachings?
>Mind, Will, and Heart fuse together
It checks out.
I remember when these two were the main contenders of the bowl. Good times.
There's no main contender anymore, just the sweet release of death. In any case, Index always stood a better chance than these two or anyone else.
Isn't it literally just Tatemiya. Tuschi was just bullying her.
Mating press the maids
Mommy Maids
>a battleship full of maids just for him
>eyepatch literally wants to be whipped and dominated
>also has the hottest imouto on the planet
>still complains
Heivia can be a fag sometimes