Tokyo Ghoul unexplained hop

What happens between episode 4 and 5 of tokyo ghoul? He ends in an arena and suddenly wakes up at the coffee shop in ep 5 wtf
>pic related


Read the manga instead

chapter? id rather someone just describe it in 1 sentence. i felt this was a really big continuity break in the anime and left me jaded

>I can't do one simple fucking thing please spoon feed me because I'm a huge retarded faggot.

>I'm not a massive weeb so I don't wanna waste my time on irrelevant weebshit

Like making a thread on an anime board to ask a question to which you can find the answer in less time by just looking it up?

>Deflecting the fact you can't spend 2 minutes of your life getting the answer to your shitty question.
Delete your thread.

Get the fuck out.

How do you guys search this shit?
>pic related, no relevant results

Refer to the second person to reply.
Now leave.

Didn't screencap search term:
>tokyo ghoul what happened between episode 4 and 5
>caring about how others consume media
Have your (You)

I just found it in less than a minute, you're just completely incompetent.
Unironically kill yourself.

Forgot to add, it's completely clear what happens from the episode itself by the way.

Nice LARP user. Nobody knows what happened between episode 4 and 5. It's a mystery to this day
>MC in arena with psycho who wants to eat him
>Next episode wakes up in coffee shop

>gets all autistic when they tell him to refer to the source material
Back to Sup Forumseddit.

I'll spell it out for you fucking idiot.

Tsukiyama realizes that Kaneki is a one-eyed ghoul, which is special.
He no longer wants kaneki to die here because he wants him all to himself.

He kills the other dude instead to satisfy the crowd and takes kaneki home.

That's one way of interpreting it or
>He let's kaneki go
>Kaneki runs away and is exhausted at the coffee shop and is taken in by the host
>Kaneki gets rescued
>Kaneki is taken as hostage but then escapes
It isn't particularly obvious, why would he take him to kaneki home when kaneki knows that tsukiyama is a psycho? Tsu couldn't have known to capture the woman beforehand to lure in Kaneki, so what you're proposing is a risky move. He doesn't seem like he would risk his meal getting spoiled.

>when kaneki knows that tsukiyama is a psycho?
Why does this matter?
> Tsu couldn't have known to capture the woman beforehand to lure in Kaneki,
Except that was exactly his plan in order to eat kaneki while he eats her

>Why does this matter?
Would you go back to a person who has shown himself to be absolutely untrustworthy? You know the whole "Fool me once..."
>Except that was exactly his plan in order to eat kaneki while he eats her
Yeah but he didn't capture her beforehand, and he could've ended up capturing a random woman if she wasn't available and Kaneki wouldn't need to care.

The more logical decision would be to imprison/bind Kaneki in his mansion while he gets a meal for Kaneki.

>tokyo ghoul thread
>anime thread from a normalfaggot who writes using reddit spacing
Clownposters save us

Reddit spacing is the most autistic boogieman. Have you ever considered people like putting spaces to make their post look cleaner?

>>tokyo ghoul thread
what did he mean by this?