Violet Evergarden

Just finished this. Oh. My. God. Human mind cannot fathom how good this is. Every aspect of this show is far beyond perfection. Clearly years ahead of its time. This is what all other studios will strive to replicate for the next ten years at least.
Need to say, it makes any other anime (even Kyoani ones, even the Hyouka) look like a sad joke in comparison.

After seeing Violet Evergarden I had to lower the rating of every other anime I have ever seen. There are series that I wholeheartedly believed were a 10, but after VEG I had to put them down to a 6 because there is just that much of a gap between them. Anime has peaked and I don’t think I can go back to watching work from any other studio.

How can other shows this season compete?

I wholeheartedly agree. I'm crying tears of joy watching this. They basically reorganized a later chapter to form an intro for her. I loved every second of it and it was beautiful to watch. It does just enough to world build, character build, and tease a good story to keep those who don't know the story hooked. well done. I can't wait to see them start the episodic stories.

Look Mom I posted it again lol.

I like how even VEG OPs are nothing but shitposts.

Why didn't they filter it shot by shot while animating instead of just adding a cheap filter over the entire episode? The former would look good since it'd be matched for each shot. But now the blacks are washed out completely. Low-effort, and actually makes me not want to continue.

It's new pasta though.

Is every single thread just going to be about filters?

What's wrong with your monitor/TV? Here's how mine looks with everything on default.

I got a Bimbou Shimai Monogatari feeling from this

It's very nice and melancholic

Umm, please get out of my thread? Animation experts talking here?

Yes. Since there's no story yet, the filters are the only thing that can be attacked about the show.

When the story turned out to be absolute meh, the discussion dumbed down into visual & cute girl circle jerking.
Pretty much every Kyoani shows' threads post K-On.

I think we might find out the anime of the century. No joke.

We could talk about the rich and deeply intricate dialogue.

Like this screenshot for instance. When she says this line my heart just pound heavily and i was just like, "God. KyoAni, you are just- GOD."

It was then that i know, other shows this season can't stand a chance.

There is no story yet, the first 2 episodes were literally made for commercial purposes. This will have a total of 14 episodes for a reason.

You fucking ignorants, you absolute morons! Do I have to teach how to appreciate this gem of animation, this CROWN JEWEL of anime? So listen carefully you literal children. This. Show. Is. Deep. Now, do I watched it? Not yet. But I already know everything I need to know and I can assure you that this show is a masterpiece. And trust me, I can recognize a work of art when I see one. Want to know how? It's simple you donkey, by the amount of dialogues. The more dialogues show has the deeper it is. If you don't know this rule then you should leave this thread and educate yourself you fucking imbecile. And one more thing - if I ever see one more of those "clever" and "snarky" comments about how Pop Team Epic is better than Violet Evergarden then let's just say I will make you disappear from the internet. Don't feel threatened, feel warned.

I sincerely hope you aren't being ironic, and claiming haters just have shitty monitors really is the new tactic of the defenders of this shitpile.

The story sucks ass and nobody really cares about the characters except for the MC, so yes, get used to it.


>What's wrong with your monitor/TV?
Are you retarded? The display device has nothing to do with how screenshots or video look to other people. My screenshots are from the untouched Netflix rip in mpv, no filters. You look like you're using MPC-HC, and there are artifacts in your screenshot. So it's a issue on your end with whatever codec pack you use or whatever crap you need to use on Windows. But it's still the same, washed out.

I pity other studios that trying to be better than Kyoani. Sad.

Circlejerking happens for literally every anime, popular ones just get hit harder. And the story is fine, I don't know what you expect from a single episode of a drama.

Just wait, the BDs will be unfiltered. Who'll be laughing then, huh?

What fucking story?

What's going on? I never bother to watch same episode of currently airing anime more than once. In rare occasions I might watch the same episode twice if I missed a lot due to being tired or bored, or if the episode was really damn good, but I've already seen the first VEG episode 7 times. Is this the effect of Anime of the Century?

Cry me a river, faggot.

Something about Violet learning how to love again, same sappy melodrama bullshit kyoani have been pushing to us since 2011.

This thing is nothing but awardbait.
>gloomy setting.
>wah war is bad.
>muh wat is love

They honestly might be.

>selfie angle
>we want the normalfag audience
What in the absolute fuck KyoAni mean by this?

Gotta call out Sup Forumsermin when they make it obvious mate.

Studios discovered that people love shit like kimi no na wa. Proceed to produce more style over substance works that somehow seem 'deep'.


writing that it's false won't make it false, and without the lighting and that colors it would look a lot more "2 dimensional" and flat and generic and so on and so forth

They're trolling, ignore them.

Thank you for posting the pathetic damage control attempt version of that image, this wouldn't be a real VeG thread without both of them.

All those explanations can be summed up as
>I have attention deficit disorder and can't see shit on my own, so I need everything to be pointed out to me on screen

>what you expect from a single episode of a drama.
I actually got what am I expecting, a meh story.
That's why Kyoani need to adapt series like Nichijou, K-On, Amagi, and Fumoffu even more. Because they're suck at drama.

>t. armchair director
KyoAni, the current standard for 2D animation in Japan as per the Tokyo Anime Award, should hire you.

>me and another couple handful of people dislike the visuals
>others point out how the visuals work
>hahaha damage control you're pathetic
>I don't know what visual direction is but it's useless

Has Kyoani done anything like this before to indicate they might?

You don't interact with much people do you?

>calling people Sup Forums
>when he thinks monitor output is somehow representative of the video or image data itself

>you just don't understand it
You don't have to be a visual director to be able to see what's shit.

No, they've never just put a white filter over an entire series for TV viewing purposes in the past.

>elder scrolls pic
>not Sup Forums
Nice try.

VEG/a/ns give a bad name to kyoshitters

>t. armchair critic
Those damned japs screaming sakuga are all so blind for not agreeing with user.

>elder scrolls pic
Well, I wouldn't know. But you sure are familiar with Sup Forumsideo games yourself.

This is the most damage controlled piece of media since The Last Jedi.

They finally did it. An autist without charisma. I want Yui back.

>exposing yourself
Nice job user.

I'm grateful for not living under a rock like you.

I though Hibike did it well, and this seems to be better handled than KnK so far (which was a mixed bag in how it handled its drama). KyoAni is certainly more consistent with their comedies, though.

How did you know what it's from, user?

>knowing what it is means I post there
Do I browse Sup Forums for being shown batman when I was little too?
What boards do you browse based on that ape logic?

Wakaba Girl S2 when?

We will never have any quality threads for VE because society wants to shit on your face.

It's called not depending on starbucks to browse the internet.

Why is it that for this one show everyone is so defensive toward the directors? If you did a mockup for another series people wouldn't freak out as much as they do with this.
Are there a lot of actual directors visiting here right now calling others armchair directors because they really know their stuff?

>having to resort to ratings to prove your point

>is a Sup Forumsermin himself but calls others out
Just shut up, faggot.

Ok, but you know for a fact that anyone who doesn't like this mediocre filterfest is from Sup Forums?

People aren't more defensive, there's just more criticism being lobbed at KyoAni directors than any other. I blame popularity and unreasonable expectations.

Real non-bait thread

>look mom I can't argue for shit!

I don't. But saving stuff that I imagine to be only found in Sup Forums on your computer and then posting them here sure is a good way to know.

>The Last Jedi.
Why are you bringing up off-topic Western spew out of nowhere?
And the problem isn't with the blurring of the backgrounds - that's an artistic effect and was clearly done shot-by-shot. But then they go and reduce the contrast over the entire video regardless of context and ruin it.

I watched it and I couldn't decide whether it was good or just expensive.

I'll keep watching.

I waited until the first episode to judge but I think both of these have a point. I think the left one doesn't put enough focus on violet but the right at times was distracting. Especially when kyoani did their blur shit in scenes that already had light sources.

>I though Hibike did it well
Yeah, that was okay. They really need to toned down the KumiRei yuribait though.
That shit ruined everything.

Damn who is this ugly bitch

Just finished this post. Oh. My. God. Human mind cannot fathom how good this post is. Every aspect of this post is far beyond perfection. Clearly years ahead of its time. This is what all other shitposters will strive to replicate for the next ten years at least.
Need to say, it makes any other shitpost look like a sad joke in comparison.

After seeing OP shitpost I had to lower the rating of every other shitpost I have ever seen. There are shitpost that I wholeheartedly believed were a 10, but after OP shitpost I had to put them down to a 6 because there is just that much of a gap between them. Shitpost has peaked and I don’t think I can go back to watching shitpost from any other thread.

How can other shitpost this season compete?

It didn't ruin it for me, personally. I understand the disappointment, however.

No thats not true

>I don't. But saving stuff that I imagine to be only found in Sup Forums on your computer and then posting them here sure is a good way to know.
Alright, now explain to me a couple things
1. Do you really think images don't circulate?
2. In your opinion, 1 person can only have 1 (one) hobby, and no more? And liking more than 1 medium instantly invalidates their opinion on anything? A person cannot like both video games and anime?
3. Why attack a pic of all things? Or do you also belive that the majority of people complaining about filters just have bad monitors?

At least we can agree that the Hill episode ruined Hibike threads for good.

No doubt there.

>tragic robot girl character has human feelings she can't understand

WOw it's so original I've never seen this before....... how does kyoanus do it...

You could say this about practically every anime.

reminder that violet wants to know what love is

I sure do love lazy CGI backgrounds. Thanks for saving anime KyoAni!

They do but that doesn't make crossboarding any less cancerous.
Have the hobbies you please but when posting on Sup Forums don't be a cunt and stick to the rules.
Because a pic that breaks rules ought to be attacked. I believe the majority of them are idiots with their own opinions but idiots nonetheless.

Not about most of the good ones. VEGs premise is really generic.

I just watched it and it was okay. Not a fan of how shiny everything is. Also I'm not really fond of love stories to begin with, I think being co-dependent is a bad thing and should not be glorified.

you'd benefit from having visual direction knowledge though, because then you'd see how those colors and lighting works well with everything else instead of repeating memes

Give me an example.

Could you find me an equivalent of Evangelion please. Chop chop.

This whole industry is nothing but recycled stuff, stop kidding yourself.

She's not a robot. She's a damaged teenage girl who's been in the war her whole life, being raised in her childhood as a weapon.

post the shit version

Now THIS is paid advertisement!

They aren't glorifying co-dependency, getting her away from that mentality is literally the series' endgame.

>I think being co-dependent is a bad thing and should not be glorified

This is clearly how the story ends, Violet moves past Gilbert. Probably because she discovers a letter that he left her, telling her to live her life happily if he is to perish in the war. It's could be hidden in the jewel thing from the war that she lost and is now looking for.

I would wager $50 that that happens at some point, and she shacks up with one of her post office reverse-harem members

That's good to know. It wasn't really clear, some scenes made it look like it was trying to show her being obsessed with Gilbert was a cute thing.

>oh a boy gets a mech from his father and is forced to save the world
See? Disingenuous and reductive isn't it?

Why is she able to fight men nearly twice her size despite being short with no obvious muscle?
Is she actually fucking Saber because if she is I swear to god...

Yeah except he didn't save the world, so you're cheating.

Fullmetal Alchemist and Steins;Gate, to name two of the most normie and beginner friendly anime.

Can we stop pretending to take kusoanus seriously now? This is Kyoukai "Monogatari Killer" no Kanata all over again.

>She's not a robot.

Yes she is you idiot

I thought it was pretty clear from her near obsessive dialogue, and the Colonel pointing out that her acting of her own will is a good thing for her at the end.