I would like to thank Sup Forums for introducing me to this anal beauty.
My life has never been the same since.

thats cool but what about my wife Takane

Now I can only cry lonely tears because this wonderful girl isn't real and next to me.


I want iori to make disappointed faces at my little penis in her unsatisfied butt

Ioris anus is very welcoming and accommodates to different penis sizes.

But I'm sure after experiencing so many different shapes and sizes of penises, she would find mine to be unremarkable at best

Iori has yet to be topped.

When is iM@S 3 coming out?

butt stuff

Ugliest of her group.

Very soon.
Ask /vg/
>not a single Ami or Azusa thread in sight for the last 6 years.
Ok kid.

You know that the only reason Iori threads get notes is so people can come in the backdoor and make anal jokes


They get old after a while, but at least she's getting dedicated threads.

My beloved waifu never gets old.

I meant the anal jokes. Iori's eternal[ly 15].

Iori is tsundere trash


Attacking Iori

I don't think that's going to fit in her anus.

Hahaha that's so hilarious!

You underestimate her power


Wow what's up your butt user?

I'm up Iori's.

Iori's anus is a 4th dimensional object. It can effectively engulf infinite objects because it consists of time, not just space.

It's literally just verty spamming the same "iori is the best" threads. Sometimes they transition into proper im@s threads, which is good but most of the time they don't because of the shitty OPs.

But all their eyes have distinct shapes and they're all different characters. You should atleast look at the characters before spamming "muh sameface" memes.

I hate them but on the other hand they can get banned for just being character spam.