Real Violet Evergarden Discussion

Is there any better beautiful anime in the world? This is gonna be the one of the best shows of all time and we know it.

>god-tier award winning light novel source material
>adapted by the best studio
>animation and art is a 10/10
>headed by perhaps the most talented TV director in the medium

KyoAni continues to find a way to push animation beyond this universe while other shows gets left in the dirt. Sad. I'm done with normal anime now. I'm going to exclusively watch KyoAni anime from now on. Let's discuss this masterpiece.

>animation and art is a 10/10
Yes, it's very good. So why did they painstaking animate each shot only to then contrast filter the entire video and wash out the blacks? I will be waiting for the BDs and see if they fix it there.

Why do they keep applying that gray shit on screen? I thought I had downloaded the wrong file when I started to watch here.

Don't be a faggot.


did netflix hire some shills to shill this on Sup Forums? Or is this some sort of low level trolling?

"Ah, you got me, 1/10 for effort"; is this what you wanted OP?

>this oscar-bait wannabe Your Name art
>muh Netflix exposure
>paid shills defending it everywhere on the internet

And for all its efforts it's just going to be yet ANOTHER forgettable KyoAnus flop that won't be remembered one week after airing. Hilarious, isn't it?

Your webm only adds to my post. It's washed out, the depth of the shot is gone (also, the webm is shit and needs more bitrate). All because some retard somewhere, maybe even thanks to Netflix meddling, decided to filter the entire thing last minute, for that last-second anti-art touch.

It only adds to your bias and your opinion you mean.

Discount Shinkai

Quite ironic because Shinkai lost the industry's standard award for animation to KyoAni.

>god-tier light novel
That's an oxymoron.

Sorry, but Devilman and Pop Team Epic are going to take that spot

>posts video evidence of washed-out blacks and feigns retardation
Stay deluded.

>it looks good therefore it's good
Fuck you and fuck your bait.

>Pop Team Epic

Newfag series for a newfag audience.

Well the other thread is copy pasta OP so do the math

Stop wanking yourself off over your shitty saturated edits

Why is it always foggy in Leidenschaftlich?

I think I might just wait for the BDs to come out to watch it.

>KINOani doesn't shill online they said

I think we can start assuming that every fucking production company does.

Those are grabs from a media player.

>multi-million dollar companies pay people to shill anime in some backwater corner of the internet
Oh gee, I see that people can't like VEG.

Wow leddit is pretty triggered by us editing images of VEG

My bad - just fucking tired of that one fag that keeps posting the shitty saturated edits.

if you read what he says, he actually has a fair point.

>fair point

is this the state of kyoanus?

Stay there.


Animation isn't everything you know? The plot is not good.

It's better than anything else this season.
Having a bunch of brainless CGDCT helped.

reminder that violet wants to know what love is

so if something is less shittier than shit its not shit anymore?

Not really, no. But the story is actually decent as far as LN go.

Read more LNs

but also isn't the song for that "What is love"?


Excuse me?! Half of the shows have way more content than Violet Evergarden, from many genres.

Buy yourself a mirror.

yeah, although it's more of "I want to know what love is".

No they don't. Overlord would've been better if not for the fucking lizard arc.


What the fuck are you smoking.

>Half of the season shows
>Overlord did not

Ohh I see the problem

>Is there any better beautiful anime in the world?

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Violet Evergarden.

I too see the problem here. Learn to post like a normal person, this isn't reddit.

>awards meaning anything ever

She wants you to show her.

>b-but it's a discount shinkai
CoMix can't draw decent faces for shit.

He's probably trolling. I highly doubt anyone on Sup Forums pays to watch anime so shilling here would be the biggest waste of money imaginable

No you aren't. Maybe on MAL or AnimeSuki, but not here.

Got it boss!

If Violet was starved of love all up until now, would it even be possible for her to comprehend it anymore? Wouldn't she practically be APD through her lack of empathy growing up?

anyone have the titty webm

They can. They know what meshes well with their visual setting and when to add detail or not.

Nice meme. The eyes are terrible.

They aren't and I'm not sure why you'd think that. Especially since you picked it mid animated.

No? It's not a meme at all either. It doesn't dismiss the point at all.

Nothing terrible about the eyes though.

Yes they are and it has been a problem since Garden of Words, they can't animate eyes for shit unless the character is crying.

Is there a difference between not being able to feel emotions and never experiencing emotions before

>go for a down-to-earth art style
>Why don't they have sparkly Chitanda eyes!?!?!?!?

Every time.

Nope and you telling me they are isn't exactly a good point and still doesn't invalidate what I said. Sorry, do a better job. It looks perfectly fine and meshes well and is mid animated.

If the main character wasn't such an autist it'd be more enjoyable.

Child, I don't have to do a job when voicing my opinion. Grow up.


Oh you do. Elaboration is important if you're not going to bother then it doesn't mean much. It seems you need to grow up if you're that bothered by people telling you otherwise.

Yui Ishikawa only knows how to play autistic killing machines.

>ITT: Oscarbait the anime.
No thanks.

They look perfectly fine

Yeah, you can't unshit the shitted shit. He was right. But blame us like a kind of criminal is an underhand tactic.

No I don't. The eyes look like uneven shit to me and you're not the center of the world.

>Brainless CGCDT
Antartica girls is legitimately AOTS at this point just because of its great direction.

Holey SHIT. That's not the way it work. You must calibrate your monitor.
I joint the sample to doing that. You must see the 6 (six) Q (characters).
Play whit your luminosty and contrast till you see all of them.

Next you will say Ghibli can't draw decent faces.

Oh but they can. They also were the best ones out there when it came to drawing non-human faces and expressions.

ComixWave hired Ghibli's best animator for Your Name.

Ghibli draws great faces. All three of them.

I didn't know that and best animator is quite subjective. Clearly he wasn't enough to save it.

Or maybe you're just biased. There're many big names in the industry workes on the project. And the chief animator himself animated Spirited Away.

Or maybe I just have an opinion about Your Name faces.

That's why I'm confused with you? Your Name facial animation is literally that of Ghibli. What's different?

Not him but it's funny that when you get backed into a corner you resort to "I just have an opinion!" as if it means shit.
People have opinions about kyoanis choice to throw a filter over everything but that doesn't stop you from getting assblasted about it.


>go into anime with the preconceived notion that it will be shit
>pick out anything small things that fit my narrative instead of actually just watching it

It was okay.

I guess the rest of the show are episodic stories about the customers

It's clearly not?

Gosh how dare people think differently.

>go into anime with the preconceived notion that it will be shit

Not according to the threads and fans though.

Your image literally says you expected it to be shit.

>Show about introspection
>Fans are the least introspective people around
Really tingles the old thinker

Who gives a single fuck what these faggots think?

And he was correct.


As someone who thought the first episode was kind of boring, I do think the top looks better for the style of the show than the bottom. It gives some kind of "old timey" impression, not sure how to put it into words.

>he actually has a fair point
You mean upbooted

Once again
>go into anime with the preconceived notion that it will be shit
>pick out anything small things that fit my narrative instead of actually just watching it

Yeah, but the notion was correct?

Of course you do or you're a shitposter, right from when you discarded some other anons opinion as a meme just because you were assblasted they disagreed. They look uneven because they're mid animation and until you elaborate this will go no further. You're lucky I didn't discard yours so quickly.

You didn't really discredit what he said though. It's clear you're assblasted right when someone disagreed.

For somebody who thinks so mighty of himself you sure love to give me all the (You).