Precure Thread

Pretty Gay thread

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You mean Pretty Cute?

The good wife Rikka


You mean Pretty Cula?




Did she beat the bad guys?

I like beet. It's tasty with herring.


Check out Himari and her HIP and COOL sunglasses!
Totally NOT a pudding nerd!



Yume to

Kibou wo!

Let's la mazemaze

I want to lick those armpits forever.



allright /pc/

Who do you think is the best One-shot-non-parfait-Fairy-Mascot-Cure





I need to watch this movie.
I think it had an abnormal release time when it came out and I missed it initially.

Pekorin is just better overall, though I think both designs are good.

It's pretty fun! The Halloween theme overall is nice. The best one is the one that's just animated normally, though.

One-shot? Not even close.

But you probably meant on TV. That's probably

The disappointment of hoping she sleeps nude only to find out she is a fridge that wears layers

Full trailer for Super Stars

I'm hoping Hugtto has a very strong pink (as in character) again this time. Ichika wasn't bad, but it was really more about the group. On the other hand I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about the baby fairy.

Will they go all out with the elisio fight for the end or just have him lose to a Ichika speech.


Is this our first peek of Hugtto that has animation and voices?

I don't think I'm going to get my hopes up.

I bet all it takes will be a single cupcake.

It's getting so close to episode 50 now that I wonder what Noir is even going to do.

Who are the other 3?

We're pretty much out of time for anything complicated. This week is Cure Pekorin, then there are only two episodes left.

If it's an "old-fashioned" approach:
>47: Pekorin saves everyone from despair, cliffhanger ending as they steel themselves for the final battle
>48: Cures battle Mega-Elisio to save Lumiere + Noir, manage to do it, Elisio flips shit.
>49: Cures + Lumiere battle "This is not even my final form" Elisio, and eradicate him relatively quickly in time for a part B "I can't believe we saved the world" epilogue

It's modern:
>47: as above
>48: Cures battle Mega-Elisio, save Lumiere. She puts her heartfelt feelings into a bakeoff that redeems "your love saved me from myself"-Noir. Elisio flips shit.
>49: Short battle of Team Precure (Cures, Lumiere, Bibury, Pikario, Pekorin) vs lonely Giga-Elisio. Whip redeems Elisio and fills him with both kinds of kira-kiraru. Weepy epilogue of them parting ways and Ichika pressing on (like Haruka). No post-credits scene.

I really miss GoPri, I guess I'll go ahead and rewatch it

Toei please, my dick can only get so hard

Komagata Yuri (OP)
Miyamoto Kanako (ED aka Cure Sword)
Kitagawa Rie (Mahou OP)


I want to drink her cure ale

Not a fan of this one.

Attack of the 50 foot stewardess

They all wear lipstick, that's too bad ...

If it's just on the bottom lip it doesn't look so bad.

My HaCha scars are still hurting, I'll pray that it's handled well this time but so far I'm liking what I'm seeing, also the pink looks thicc af, I like that

I like how her hair is pale pink, it's unusual for a lead cure and makes her stand out. The magenta on her outfit is nice too. She's definitely the best design of the three in my opinion. I just hope we get some nice fighting animation again.

I wish I could watched those live

Legs for weeks.

I like that she has tits and want to see them jiggle.





Sorry for the long absense, I'm on vacation.

>precure tits animated by Itaoka in 1080p

Mana da best

How do you girls find the stuffed fairies on Mandarake? I have been quite autism lately and want to bringg them to bed

Do they die at some point ?

Ichika was good at start but since Ciel came, she feels weaker.

>belly button
Who allowed this ?

She has some big foot. I think she will be my weakest cure this year.

I prefer Pink with blond hair but I quit like this colour too.


>that earring
Holly shit a Sup Forums reference


Oh no.

Super cool.

Maho season 2 when?


Her eyes are weird and her outfit sucks


Next year with hope.

>Toei is reading this thread
Oh boi ...
Toei we want more Mana, give us more Mana, always more Mana.

>Ichika wasn't bad, but it was really more about the group.
That was the original intention behind KiraKira. Toei didn't want it feel like "pink and others", but like a company of equals.

Next you are going to say Fresh is inspired by Sup Forums or something

Make-up on young girls is sexy. Season looks great, especially the yellow Cure.

>Make-up on young girls is sexy

i'd hit it

Yeah, it was a great scene. Fapped so hard.

Rewatching DokiDoki as we speak.

Of course. And hidamari poka-poka too


They're more than just friends, right?

Yes indeed.



Pekorin is so sexy! Make-up makes everyone beautiful, even a fairy.

Creepy as fuck

>Pekorin is so sexy!
This, but unironically.
Can't wait for today's episode.


And there's that person who is into middle aged + women.

But I unironically think that she is cute, sexy and beautiful. Those puffy cheeks, that tiny ass... I want to touch them.

I was unironical too, just never thought there would be another people sincere about their love for Pekorin.
Nice taste there.

Making sweets as a serious business.

Cute dweeb

This episode looked a lot like One Piece for some reason.