Okay, so Kakegurui has no plot, but god damn is it entertaining...

Okay, so Kakegurui has no plot, but god damn is it entertaining, and every female charactersofar hasbeen fucking crazy as shit

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Yumeko has a hairy anus.

What does Sup Forums think of Yumeko?

Hot babe, best girl in series. Ignore the faggots that think eyepatch is any good.

She's fucking crazier than Yumeko, which is saying something. I'm reallyenjoying a series where the main character is such a self destructive lunatic actually.

Which is funny, because Yumeko's craziness hasn't really been all that self-destructive yet. She's lucked out quite a bit; maybe this makes her a Mary Sue?

Well she still loses even, which I like.

It's a completely average show if you want to watch cute girls fuck around with no stakes
It is not a gambling anime

>It is not a gambling anime

It is Yugioh if Yugi got massiverragers during a shadow game. Evendown to him calling ou cheaters and still beating them.

kaiji is superior in every way but the waifus, prove me wrong

Doe larger sums of money get casually tossed around like in Kakegurui during Kaiji?

She lost two times out of what, 15 gambles? I still love this piece of shit tho

YES, and actual death is a thing

Kaiji's artstyle is fucking horrendous.

It was entertaining but desu I got annoyed that nothing bad happened to anyone (except the decent, responsibly sane guy) and everyone was nothing but smug all the fucking time.

it does not matter, the animation is good its easy to understand, and it as an infinitely better plot than kakeguri, also if thats the only thing you can say its bad about kaiji, you KNOW its doing something right

>literally every other character in the series is much more interesting and has more depth
Is Yumeko even the MC anymore?

Money in kakegurui is not a stake
Everyone involved is filthy rich, and worst case scenario you become a pet, big deal
Even in the scenarios where death is the stake the writers just go "oops forgot we can't kill anyone's waifu or they'll stop watching"
And even when there are interesting stakes like the fucking nail bet (it's not money and it actually has an impact on the people involved without killing them off), THEY STILL PUSSY OUT

The more I think about this anime the more annoyed I get

If you want a gambling anime watch Kaiji

This is okay though, right? I don't think Kakegurui is intending to be the same type, it uses the gambling to just push the insane cast along.

That's true, I just get fucking tilted when people claim it's a gambling anime

How annoyed do you get by Yumeko's Death Note levels of deduction of every cheater she plays a game with? I can't believe she deduced the girl in the 'life or death' game was cheating since that whole 'sword chips in a pot' thing ade no fucking sense to begin with.

slightly annoyed

Not so fast


kakegurui really just feels like a bunch of party tricks to me in regards to the games which is why i haven't watched it

Some of them look fun. I liked Ballot Rock Paper Scissors, simple but a nice wee twist on a classic.