What was Sup Forums like 15 years ago?
What was Sup Forums like 15 years ago?
Surely they were shitting on the anime version of Azumanga for its shit production values and awful comedic tiiming?
this was a good thread
epic ftw
15 years ago, there was a war.
azumanga was super popular at the time, even though the anime was garbage, it was the original annoying internet weeb show
It barely was a thing.
It was garbage on a technical level but that didn't really do the show any serious harm. In my opinion the derpy animation and character designs only make the show more cute an funny. I still think Azumanga holds up as a good SOL
Exactly 15 years ago? It didn't exist yet, ask again in october
What was popular way back when?
Did Sup Forums like doki doki school hours?
obsessed with Elfen Lied, Gundam Seed and Genshiken
I completely forgot about elfen lied. Fuck that takes me back. Not to good times, but back.
It's still one of the very best
me in 2 years
It was allegedly a great site
>moot samefagging for ecredits
Fun and not paranoid.
well, war's broken out here plenty of times before
>wryyyy before it was turned into ree
I wish we could go back.
The anime isnt bad but the manga executes the comedy much much better. And this is coming from someone who hates "just read the manga" fags
It was slow as fuck, people just came here to be their weeb XD selves, the server kept going down, and there wasn't much anime discussion.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general in the beginning was just a place for the quiet kids in school to come and hangout with other people like them. Sup Forums was just a gathering place for those kind of people who shared a common interest in anime/manga.
>back when Moot did the trolling
It's been a while hasn't it
Shit. Sup Forums has always been shit.
>obsessed with Elfen Lied
Sup Forums always hated Elfen Lied and its cancerous fanbase. Did you know the Naruto copypasta was originally about Elfen Lied? It wasn't until the manga got translated years later that it became a guilty pleasure for a few.
this reads like a something awful autism ego post
God i love having the same thread that was on Sup Forums in this board.
Very funny, original and creative OP!
there were a loads of threads about it either way
What happen???
Nostalgia bubbles need to be burst. The early days of Sup Forums were fairly cancerous in terms of comments.
The manga was just as stupid, but at least it went to more interesting places.
>Giant artificial homunculi weapons
>Infinite arms sacrifice to destroy the missile (and she literally fucking melted in the process)
>Potential incest path completed (I'm still not sure if it was actually incest, I remember no clarification whether or not if they were only cousins by marriage)
Well considering that they're the UK to our USA, that's not that strange.
They weren't perfect, but they were fun. Maybe we just got old, maybe the kids these days are little shit gibbons. Probably both.
Even moot waxed poetically about it when he signed off for the last time. I think that DAICON IV project a month ago was the first time I've seen that old creative spirit in years.
It's a dumb pic anyways. In many countries, there's nothing wrong with living with your parents at that age, in fact, you're expected to take care of them as they get older. Sage for not anime.
Proto-redditor before the great migration took place.
I was on a different board in a general OC thread, and someone posted that.
I think I actually cried while watching it.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general in the beginning was just a place for the quiet kids in school to come and hangout with other people like them. Sup Forums was just a gathering place for those kind of people who shared a common interest in anime/manga.
Looking back from now,damn,i wished i could have discovered this place alot earlier.How i wish i should have joined on those countless fun threads,shitposts and faggotry that transpired on this ste
yeah it's crazy how this new generation is so shitty, and also how we were the first ones to post extremely correctly online, and also how as time passes we will remain correct and each new generation will be more wrong.
I still to this day go back and idly read 1d4chan and encylopedia dramatica, then I just gaze with a defeated stare at my room's roof, questioning myself where it all went wrong, when we started getting excited for dull political shenanigans instead of lulz and wins, when the spirit of the chaotic hobbyist interwebz was killed in favor of blurry irony and forced social media crap. Are the Fox news coverages, the fappening and the presidential election to be blamed for opening the floodgates for the unending stream of newfag and underageb& ? Or are the mods and mootykins to blame for letting cancer fester in Sup Forums and Sup Forums and making breeding hotspots like Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /vg/ thinking by dilluting the filth it will eventually die on its own ? Or is it simply a matter of oldfags accepting the futility of it all by either vacating the website or killing themselves ?
>I still to this day go back and idly read 1d4chan and encylopedia dramatica, then I just gaze with a defeated stare at my room's roof, questioning myself where it all went wrong
probably around the time raids become forbidden to avoid legal issues
If you were an oldfag you would have wished you never found this site.
>room's roof
Its called a ceiling baka
It was this but smaller, with worse memes, and the newfags were edge lords from Sup Forums instead of lebbit
gomen, i'm braindead
they also stopped being funny in the slightest
I've never seen Azumanga, give me a quick rundown.