This show is bullshit because it basically tells you innate talent wins over hard work. Pic very related
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Mashiro is best girl and she won. Talent > hard work.
It does
Sorry if you're offended by the truth.
>Mashiro didn't spend most of her time drawing
That's how it is though.
I prefer a show telling me that you need both innate talent and hard work to be great at something but both are meaningless if you don't enjoy what you're doing
She has literal autism. She can't be best
We can at least agree that the OPs and EDs were god-tier, right?
First OP > 2nd OP
Welcome to the real world, that happends constantly. But at least Sakurasou represents a realistic portrayal of what talent is.
Let´s Analyze the "talented" people that this anime presents us: Mashiro, a youg girl that is excelent at painting... because she has been doing that since she has memory; the genki, that is a genius animator... because she practises as much as she can; the computer nerd is an expert programator... because he is in front of a computer the whole fucking day.
The characters that are not "talented" are because they have not worked as much as their "talented" friends. Sorata has just started developing games so of course he is not going to be the best. The tsundere practises as much as she can but she has reciently started to be seiyuu. If those two achived their goals ehat the anime would be saying is that their little effort values as much as the effort of the "talented ones" (aka those who have been improving in what they do well the entire lifes).
Sakurasou No Pet Na kanojo tells the viewer "if you what to be talented, work hard; but do not expect to be a genius in a year becuse it takes time". Is the talent more important that the effort? No, because the talent is huge amount of hours practising
Innate talent AND hard work > hard work.
agreed mami
No it doesn't
You're wrong. It actually tells that innate talent with hardwork beats the talentless hardwork. Which is actually true
Very wrong. Mashiro is talent + hard work
>Sorata and Aoi are the not "talented".
They are perfect for each other desu
That's not how it works
first OP was good second OP was shit
first ED was shit second OP was great
When i saw Sakurasou for the first tie i supported Mashiro, but years later i watched it again and i started thinking that Aoi was much better character and deserved Sorata more. I matured and started relating to other type of characters, i suppose.
And if you do not like Mashiro... well, read the final novels which were not adapted. It is such an horrible ending that the studio of the 8 final episodies of Railgun S (JC Staff) did not adapted them, just saying.
Didn't Sorata fuck her in the ending?
The first three episodes are full of every anime trope and cliche ever. Does this get any better? I've heard good things since I liked Just Because.
Getting Sorata is hardy considered winning in my book. She dodged a bullet there.
Sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes both lose to other factors. There is no magic formula for success. I hate series with this theme because they treat it with such juvenility.
I hated the MC because he was such an entitled faggot about not being as good as people who with more passion and skill in their pinky than he had in his whole body.
Nah, if you don't have the innate talent to become what you aspire to be then no matter how hard you work you'll never reach the goal. Even if your goal is within the reaches of your limits, others who are more talented than you might progress better than you. Even more frustrating thing is that you'll never know your limits unless you actually test by working hard and wasting several hours only to get depressed at the end over the fact that you lack talent
Innate talent can only get you so far. Without hard work you're just a genius that people look at with pity and say shit like "if he just worked hard he could become something".
I play the guitar and when I think about genius guitar players that were born with innate talent none of them could play it right away and all of them struggled with it. What sets them apart is that they were obsessed with playing the guitar and worked really hard and even when they achieved the highest status as guitar players they never stopped practicing.
The truth is that hard work can only get you as far as your genetic ability allows you and only having the genetic potential doesn't get you anywhere. You still have to do the work.
This is a theme-carries show with very good moments and very bad ones (skip the episode of the little sister, it is just horrible filler). The beggining is to generate contrast, so at the beggining you think that the genki is just a genki and then it comes the episode 19 and is like "oohhh, fuck, i did not expected that".
I reccomend you to wait until the end of the christmas. If that has not touched you, then drop the anime. And Skip the episode of the little sister
That's not an accurate depiction of talent; it's innate, not something you acquire through effort. Hyouka was a more accurate depiction of talent.
Wasn't Zenkichi father from Medaka Box left his mother because he was just a mediocre while she was talent.
But nepotism is the most important thing in life.
I am talking about what Sakurasou says, not the real world.
And about that thing of "i am not as good as you because i was not born under the good star"... that is shit. It may be because i have always had very good marks, but i hate the coment of "i am not as talented as you, that´s why you are better at X or Y".
When i was in high school i was constantly said that if i had better marks was because i was more intellingent, when in reality was just because i studied much more than everyone. And when everyone was in the twitter or instagram (i´ve never had one of those), i was in front of a book learning what the teacher taught that day. Then i had a ten and the guys who studied the day before the exam used to say me "oh, i would like to be as intelligent as you".
And the same with the sports but in an opposite way. While everyone could run kilometers without problems, i used to feel pain in the chest for running more than 200 meters beause i did no sport whatsoever because in my free time i was studiying, playing videogames, watching anime or talking with my friends for hours without doing nothing. I was not "talented" at sports because i did no sports, and i was "talented" at videogames or studies because that is what i used to did always
Life is unfair from the moment you're born, deal with it.
People always pulling the "talent" card doesn't change anything, it still exists.
It's ok, she has the cute kind of autism.
I believe in existentialism.
Talent exists, but you won't go very deep in anything without ambition and long hours.
>days of dash
Depends on the amount of talent. There's lots of super talented people out there who are putting minimum amount of work required and pretty much winning at life. Talentless hacks can only dream about life like that.
If you believe some trials, everyone can learn everything and to master something, you need around 10.000h of practice.
It's called reality.
That sounds more like someone tries to impress.
And because of that they're not reaching very deep in their field. The person who is as talented, but ambitious, has already surpassed them.
Excepting one person, there's always someone more talented.
If you follow any sports closely, you can find plenty of players like that.
Who cares? You can still live a very high quality life even if you're not a multi-millionaire at the top of your field.
Not saying its a instant hack, but it does give you more bang for your buck, and thats gamechanging in competitive fields
People have their own talent, it's just some people lucky to find it, others didn't. Even worse, some people has talent that "worth" in society, while others has talent that considered useless.
t. Goku
Why didn't Misaki get more screentime?
>that shit taste
>implying Konomin is crap
I watch anime to escape reality though.
>it basically tells you innate talent wins over hard work
Sasuga Aoyamafags, you don't really understand why she was such a loser. She never did the "hard work" part with her dream, she only did hard work to earn money and try to get a boyfriend. Mashiro actually worked all the time on her skills.
Autistic user here: Mashiro a shit and Aoyama a best.
Is this anime any good?
It is not as good or mature as White Album 2, but as romance works and has some very cute and emotional moments
The MC is a retard, but it's a decent series.
It's good but you're better off not watching it because it has the worst MC ever.
I'm guessing the MC is a wuss and wimpy? But if the romance is cute and sweet I'll give it a go. Is this harem btw? It looks like that to me. Btw, thanks anons.
It's mediocre. First half was decent but second half was quite bad at times, and the endings just ruined the show for me.
Out of all the forced drama in here, and holy fuck there was a lot, the one with the bitch from England (Rika?) was just the worst. At least Nanamin's suffering was realistic.
>wuss and wimpy
He's the kind of guy who would beat up his wife every day just because he has no talent.
Man now I'm not sure whether to watch this show or not. I'm not fond of terrible MC on top of having a bad ending. Welp.
>not wanting to put this autist into a mating press
Shiggert diggert
What if this show is a social commentary of Japanese culture
>sorata is the failure typical jap who wants to succeed but gets dicked
>mashiro is the token gaijin that nips idolize
>aoyama is the jap that only looks like they're working hard when in reality they're really aren't
>neet has the best life
You either didn't watch the show or are just memeing. What the show tells you is that talent + effort > effort.
It's pretty much impossible to beat autist savants, unfortunately. But at least you'll have your skills points more evenly distributed and won't be a total retard in every other field.
How can a girl be so best and yet lose nonetheless?
>talent + effort > effort.
Where the fuck was that implied? Ryuunosuke is a neet who suceeds solely off talent. He doesn't even go to school which is supposed to a big thing in Japan or something. Mashiro is literally an autistic savant so she's bound to succeed at her career in art. It's literally just talent>effort.
I feel like the creator of this shit series was a cheeky cunt who tried to make a pun of artist/autist since they're pretty much pronounced the same in moon.
It's trash.
Pretty dumb desu.
Try to remember what Mashiro has been doing for most of her life. She's been drawing, drawing, drawing and then drawing some more. She's constantly practicing, with little regard for her health if I may add. That's effort. The main character made the point himself by the way.
You would have a point if Mashiro was fooling around 364 days a year and then she painted a masterpiece in day 365. Clearly, that's not what she's doing.
Did we ever see that she was bad at drawing at the beginning ? She is an autistic savant, so maybe she really never needed to practice ?
What are you even saying at this point? Of course she was naturally good at drawing. My point was that she has been constantly polishing that talent by practicing a lot. That's why Mashiro is talent + effort.
This makes sense.
Some savants don't have to practice to be god like. Do you even read anything else than Sup Forums ?
That's great. Did you perhaps forget though that we were talking about a specific character (Mashiro) who is shown to be constantly practicing despite of her talent? Did you perhaps forget that the point of this chain of comments was to assert whether she is talent + effort or just talent?
Next time, read before you post.
My point is, whether your claim, that she is practicing is really the case. I can remember the show soso, but wasn't every picture she drew not for practicing, but for a gallery or similar ?
I really doubt Japanese LN writer would make puns based on English language. Do they even have actual word for autist?
Also savants are a thing.
You are not autistic but normalfag then
Aoyama a cute,
It does. Life isn't fair.
>This show is bullshit because it basically tells you innate talent wins over hard work.
And it's the damn truth. You can spend 10 years learning to do something and honing your skills, and some little shit with a knack for it will just stomp you out of business.
The trick is to find your own talent. Everyone is good at something, even if it might be serving hamburgers or sucking dick.
Kill yourself