Where are the settlements? where are the bands of nomadic raiders? where are the newborn civilizations...

where are the settlements? where are the bands of nomadic raiders? where are the newborn civilizations? random people scavenging on their own? how would the world that ancient even have anything to scavenge? fuel still works after a millenia? same with combustion engines? or digital cameras? why do the girls know military tactics if they're scavengers? who is the grampa if assuming he taught them, but the human civilization that actually knew said tactics perished long ago and people can't read books for some reason anymore?

then I could go on for about how the story is still in act 1 after 50% of it's length but I will leave that out since I'm willing to let that slide seeing the show focuses more on the world building than a story you can grasp onto, but when the world building is actually bad how do you do even that?

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lol cry more loser

ask /k/. theyre the ones with the nuts that dream of this stuff

no, I will literally post this every day until I get some satisfactory answers since apparently this is the hot show everyone is on about but it falls apart so easily if you actually have a brain that thinks about stuff

also bump

What's it like living with crippling autism?

>where are the people
They all died from war/ran out of food

>where are the settlements? where are the bands of nomadic raiders? where are the newborn civilizations? random people scavenging on their own?
Are you fucking retarded? They're dead.

what's it like living with a brain*

how? the most war ever killed is ww2 and even then it only managed 110 million, so basically nothing

if we assume nukes, cities would be wiped out and maybe 50% of the population of the earth if every nation launched all it's nukes, but simply having even 5% left alive would be enough to repopulate earth, move people to countryside, slowly start up new settlements and build up the world avoiding the hotzones of radiation

how? inb4 war or famine

the whole human race can only be wiped out by an event such as an asteroid crashing to earth thus altering the environment of the planet to unsuitable for human life, or some fucked up genetic mutation across our species over tens of thousands of years which leave us infertile, not war, again

We don't know. It doesn't really matter, either.

In all honesty, everyone who's left alive is anywhere but the massive city Chito and Yuuri are in . It's being really unlucky , thousands and thousands of miles away from any newly developing civilization. Slowly they'll wall in circles, blissfully ignorant of anything outside their dying city until their eventual deaths

>when the world building is actually bad
That's a matter of perspective. You can't build up a world without spectators. If you saw the show, you should probably know there's like only two of them.

in that video montage in the anime they mention that one battle wiped out 60 million people. These death robots were extremely efficient at killing. After the majority of the population died the wars continued for thousands of years in small skirmishes like the one where their grandpa died in after allowing them to escape

>Where are the settlements?
All gone
>where are the bands of nomadic raiders?
>where are the newborn civilizations?
Don't exist
>random people scavenging on their own?
Most of them are dead
>how would the world that ancient even have anything to scavenge?
Future tech, don't have to explain shit
>fuel still works after a millenia?
Future fuel, don't have to explain shit
>same with combustion engines?
Future tech, don't have to explain shit
>or digital cameras?
Future tech, don't have to explain shit
>why do the girls know military tactics if they're scavengers?
Doesn't matter
>who is the grampa if assuming he taught them, but the human civilization that actually knew said tactics perished long ago and people can't read books for some reason anymore?
Their grandpa is really smart.
You strike me as the kind of person who'd complain about how The Terminator is shit because they should've just sent a terminator back to kill Sarah Conner when she was a baby.

How is that watching a show without a proper offscreen commentator who would explain everything happening.

it creates a lot of issues if you don't know since a large majority of this show revolves around the fact that THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HUMANS LEFT PERIOD to even create a small settlements where people can form up, trade and socialize, something that's such a base need for us that it's been at the core of humanity for 2.5 million years

if we assume full suspension of disbelief and accept that there are no humans left, does it mean that everybody on the show is infertile? do people still have the means and knowledge to practice agriculture? because if so, they should be able to acquire food, which would be used to grow settlements, eventually leading to more and more people finding their way there, and with safety in numbers, growing offspring

and doing this for a few hundred years alone would lead into couple ten thousand people on just the spot with the original settlement, not to mention people who move onto greener pastures and form new life there

but the problem i have is that it's REALLY hard to see how people would still struggle like depicted on the show when there is no apparent immediate threat (from death robots or such?) to their existence, and they possess knowledge that humanity has done for the past 10 000 years (agriculture)

>it creates a lot of issues if you don't know
No, it doesn't. You're told they're dead, you accept that. This is a story about the last humans wandering around a dead planet. The fucking logistical blow-by-blow of how everyone died out is not relevant to anything.

>This is a story about the last humans wandering around a dead planet

And they missed their chance to procreate

>no one's made a doujin of Chito offering her body to a food Horder in order to get food only to find out there's a gang of them that brutally rape her and make her a mind broken baby factory but not Yuuri because she's funny and could kick all their asses
The internet continues to disappoint me

Where are the alien breeding pods for lesbians to repopulate the planet?

>what's it like living with a brain*
No user, you're arguing against the logistical improbability of a post-apocalypse scenario where the actual apocalypse part is overall irrelevant to the actual story. This is a textbook example of autism.

but if the show fails on it's premise alone, it voids itself of any depth and you just have to treat it as a dumb popcorn flick that could have been much more if it tried to flesh out it's world

decent show in the end I guess, with a decent amount of lost potential

>map autist is the last man on Earth
>runs into 2 young fertile girls
The doujins write themselves.

> if the show fails on it's premise alone
Jesus fuck, is right how autistic can you possibly be? A premise being unrealistic/impossible doesn't matter in the slightest.

It will be explained in the EPILOGUE™ Chapter

Couldn't have put it better

>If a story doesn't dedicate time to explaining the irrelevant details behind its world building, then it's a dumb popcorn story that wasted all its potential

Nice autism.
All of those things are not relevant to the story the author wanted to tell.

I should add, it's like writing historic fiction where the nazis win WW2 and it's because they invented magic, as opposed to writing something like "they finished their atomic bomb program before the west, bombed london and used the threat to subjugate the americans"

then again if the show just came forward and stated that fucking space alien magic happened instead of trying to bake some half assed effort into some ambiguous death robot war it'd have been better for sure

there's a pretty good reason not many works exist that feature a post apocalyptic scenario where literally no humans exist beside a stranded few that the protagonist runs into, without there existing some larger communities in the background since it essentially removes the stupidity of "lmao last person alive" dilemma while producing the same exact stage for your story

>tfw I have brain cancer but I'm still more functional than OP
Thanks for the good feels man.

>I should add, it's like writing historic fiction where the nazis win WW2 and it's because they invented magic, as opposed to writing something like "they finished their atomic bomb program before the west, bombed london and used the threat to subjugate the americans"

I'll take it you're not much of a fan of The Man in the High Castle, Uber, Wolfenstein, etc then?

It's fucking fiction you sperg.

I guess you haven't really watched anime...

It's implied that the city had a settlement of people and Yuuri accidently blew them to smithereens with a giant laser.

here is your happy ending

>Yuuri accidentally ended the last remnants of civilization
>the only thing she probably was concern afterwards were rations and sleeping

this show sucks

>I should add, it's like writing historic fiction where the nazis win WW2 and it's because they invented magic
I would see literally nothing wrong with that in most cases.

You suck.

"My cursory knowledge of the subject, largely gathered from Wikipedia, entirely prevents me to enjoy this piece of anime fiction."
Imagine being this much of a dumbo.

Wait what the fuck no it didn't.

to think that mankind made a way to obliterate themselves using AI, its plausible that only a handful of all of humankind living in a towering metal structure in Japland to survive. But then again, this comic was made for the author to share her crippling depression

Read blame instead

>fuel still works after a millenia?
If shit is not ruined, sure why not.

>same with combustion engines?
Do you fucking doubt how robust combustion engines are?
If they aren't too badly corroded by rust or some other shit, chances are they'll fucking run no problem, ESPECIALLY the engines that don't rely on electronics.

See: youtube.com/watch?v=a1Z4IOQWNKY

I don't think the end is the end either, recently the artist did that fan art collaboration and ended it with her own submission that had Chito dreaming of an alternate reality were her and Yuuri were in a normal world after watching a movie in a theatre with her. It'll also helps confirm that there's a romantic undertone at least on chitos end. They both wake up and head off and I like to believe that's after the "end" with them sleeping on the roof . If the manage is born from the authors depression and feeling of hopelessness then logically the conclusion to the story is the same for everyone who gets past depression . Life finds a way don't it?

This is one of the things I can't stand about japanese storytelling. At least it happens a lot more in japanese stories.
>big important thing happened
>how, why?
>lol don't think about it, it doesn't matter
Yes, I know, autism.

Blame sucks

it gets even worse

>because i don't enjoy this anime, i don't want anyone to enjoy it, so i'm gonna keep posting about it... on Sup Forums...yeah, that's what a person with brains would do, not move on or some stupid shit like that
>also i have more brains than you guys

this is actually a redditor would do. Hell I even think this OP is a redditor who needs to go back from his shithole

That's one of the things I like about it. I don't need the story to waste time explaining a bunch of who-cares background information.

>fan art collaboration

More like
>Big important thing happened
>how, why?
>That's not relevant to the story being told
>jap story telling sux

actually high castle + wolfenstein both use the nuke idea, there is 0 magic in either of them

Did you ever watched Mad Max and wondered how the world there ended? No, it's because the actual end of the world is not really important for the plot of the movie, only the world that they are living now is what matters and the same can be said about this manga.

mad max is not about being the only surviving human left alive, it's about post apocalyptic civilizations warring against each other + a million different lit. themes, so the whole issue is never there because there can be a million ways you can ruin a civilization but not many in which you go near extinct

also it's pretty easy to piece together how the mad max universe came to be unlike SSR

>how I wanted it to end

>it didn't end how I wanted to so it's SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
Took long enough for your kind to show up.

Chito and Yuu not knowing the full details of the Apocalypse - and never will they have the information or resources to put it all together, even if they tried - is a core theme of the story.

The world is the way it is.

I think it's not hard for humanity to go near extinct if we had weapons strong enough to decimate entire cities within seconds with the click of a button.

>make a baby
>baby doesn't have food
>baby dies
Great job dude

Well, we kind of do have them. We just made sure never to use them again after the first time.

Aliens won't allow that kind of things, is anti christian

It selected a target before firing user, and its made to kill people. Now what do you think its sensors found and targeted down in the city? It's obviously just funposting, but its slightly disturbing because there is a chance of it being true.

>We just made sure never to use them again after the first time
The people in Shoujo Shuumatsu had a different attitude.

So has the last chapter been released? How does it end?

They dab in hell now

they would have to be self sustaining (ie. nuclear powered), and you would have to have millions of them across the globe, even if we just assume future tech that seems like stretch, it'd be like having USA construct 1 million nimitz class aircraft carriers

so essentially a non-plausible scenario, same thing with nukes, there's only a limited amount of inter-continental warheads or subs that can launch nukes near the target meaning that the destruction would be limited to major population centers, and once people start getting the news that cities are being systematically erased the majority will emigrate away from the cities, hide in shelters, etc etc

not saying the following nuclear winter wouldn't majorly fuck us up for the next few decades especially with food production being cut to pieces since the infrastructure would collapse in a major way but it'd be nothing like an actual extinction-event


They get to the top and there is literally nothing there but the sky, snow, and a featureless stone block. From there its literally the ED sequence of the anime' taking stock of their supplies, having a meal, and thinking about what they should do now.

Didn't they calculate we have/at one point had enough nukes for such an event?

Well a large part of the nukes are old shitty USSR nukes that you're lucky launch in a straight line and don't drop in some poor farmer fuck's field 50km from the launch site, or regular bombs dropped from planes. It's the ICBMs that count and those are only about 100 in the whole world.

A big golden guy comes and asks if they want to help him build an empire.

You sure are a dumb nigger.


>somewhere, on the other side of the planet, Nausicaä is removing radiation from the water supply

Id love to know what your favorite anime is


space brothers

>nuclear winter
Soviet propaganda

>fuel still works after a millenia? same with combustion engines? or digital cameras?

a hundred years ago we had tech that last for centuries, in near future is not to hard to believe to have tech that last a milenian


Planet earth IS actually quite big so I won't be surprised if there are thriving new civilizations scattered in other parts of the world. Especially in places where there are lots of water.

The post-apocalyptic setting is there to convey a feeling, loneliness and desolation, it's not build to be an alternate realistic world, this show is a SoL with cute girls, not a mystery sci-fi.

It's like your typical digital art fantasy scenery, you're just supposed to look at it and go "wew this looks cool" and maybe imagine what kind of world could be, but that's it.

Yeah, I think the result of nuclear war is a nuclear summer.

Only very briefly.

Already enough nukes were test-detonated that if nuclear winter were real, we'd have experienced an only slightly milder version of it back in the 50s. Yet, we never did.

One of the last pages, where they lie in the snow:
>sure was awesome to be alive

Don't you dare to ruin our oh-shit-manga-finished sorrow with your doubtful crap, you fuck.


Fuck your gif.


This, that world becomes pretty stupid if you start thinking about it stuff, like how the fuck the life is erased, even with a war, there will be grass, bugs, and smaller living beings, specially after many years of the war.
Same goes for living people, how the fuck there are no more people, if two girls finds food with no problem, why the fuck bigger groups of people starved to death, first the entire world should be emptied after centuries of scavengers looking for stuff.

The problem is that you want realism

No, the problem is that OP is focussing on irrelevant details.
Wanting realism is a secondary issue.

Suspension of disbelief is a thing in practically every fiction ever. More so if it's a comedic one.

>being this much of a brainlet
how does it feel knowing you'll never in your life be able to appreciate surrealism and enthusiastic nihilism ? How do you enjoy anything ever if you only ever see things at the most surface level of value?