What kind of ride am I in for here, exactly?
The Promised Neverland
Worst fanbase of WSJ after boku no pico academy.
First 30 or so chapters are great, pacing sorta tapers off a bit as it seems directionless, recently its picking back up.
Power creep shonen with gay power ups and ass pulls every other episode.
Fun until shortly after they escape
Starts strong, slows down, seems like it'll go back to being intense. Don't expect much and you'll probably be fine
Seriously? I read it but never checked any threads for it here.
read the first 15 chapters or something but got bored and havent picked it up again
Read the manga, but avoid the shit threads. Is filled with retarded fujos that only thinks about shipping, just like they ruined Mob Psycho threads.
Pretty fun honestly. Probably because I never browsed threads about it. After all, the best way to ruin your enjoyment on a series is to visit threads about it here.
thanks. I may still come back to make a thread sometimes, I still come for the MiA and Shingeki threads when the comics get translated and posted
A ride that recaps itself every single chapter with annoying characters and op tier non-progression. It started good up to chapter 30 but then the incredible potential was lost. Recent 3 chapters seem promising though. The kids need to go
It's a nice series overall, pretty unique among all the other shonen which are the same boring shit.
A fun one.
No characterization, no stakes. Lots of asspulls and cliffhangerbait. Pretty defensive fanbase. Great color pages, tho.
Man, is that what the threads have become?
Why does everything that looks good have to be shot down so fast.
I mean, I just hit chapter 14 and I think I get where the fujos get their ammunition ... but christ, that really does make them pedos
At least the "mamas" are hot.
nigga what
Get the fuck out.
I see you've never been to the threads.
It starts off maximum KEIKAKU.
More recently though it's been more action-focused with comparatively little keikaku.
Hell recently Emma even said she's sick of keikaku.
Third, you forgot Huntahunta
A disappointment..