modern family
Modern family
Will he impregnate his daughter next
his son would be his grandson
A family born of an asspull.
I didn't know Ayase and Kyousuke had a child?
how long until their children fuck each other
Happy family.
>Their kids don't have downs
it's a myth
They're at least 10 IQ points dumber instead
It's factual science you dumb shitter
Ideal family
>factual science
women over 23 shouldn't have children either because probability
>dating a girl with glasses
Way to fuck up your genetic line.
it's good to create one desu
Worn out roasties that don't settle down and have children by the time they're 23 are always whores that should be excluded from having children and poisoning the human gene pool.
Reminder that incest is just natures plan B.
If it was that degenerative it wouldn't be possible.
All the kink of the forbidden fruit with none of the genetic drawbacks that lead to miscarriages and retarded children!
It's meant to weed out the retarded population and make them even more retarded and weaken their genes to the point the healthy population won't associate themselves with the incestuous population that's diseased and too retarded to survive the harshness of nature.
It's natural selection, those that commit incest have failed life. It's not a plan B.
If done over several generations and within a limited genetic pool. Knocking up your sister is still better than knocking up no one at all.
Let the next generation do the hard work.
the salt of Sup Forums
Oh it happened
>one case of incest immediately makes the children have defects
it seems that the one with downs is you
It takes dozens of generations for the effects of incest to show, if you were to right now fuck your sister and she gave birth to a baby, it will be healthy as any other baby.
People who think that it's an overnight process are the real fucking retards here.
Where are the diseases?
>researchers examined four studies (including the Czech research) on the effects offirstdegreeinceston the health of the offspring. Forty percent of the children were born with either autosomal recessive disorders, congenital physical malformations, or severe intellectual deficits.
Kill yourself brainlet
You're literally creating white trash tier mouth breathing brainlets just like yourself. Thank your parents for blessing you with a lower IQ.
There's literally a major increase of birth defects from just the first offspring and a major drop in IQ 2 to 10 points.
And that's just cousin fucking.
I can only imagine brother sister is much worse.
I wish newfags would just lurk like they're supposed to instead of bringing their stupid 3DPD shit into every thread they invade.
Nothing new about it butthurt loser.
there is no brakes on dunjinshi bus
Maybe not for you.
>Have a (rare) recessive gene for a genetic disorder
>Reproduce with family member, who shares genes and so also has rare recessive gene
Congratulations, you've brought down the probability of having said genetic disorder from 1 in 10,000,00 to 1 in 4
Incestuous reproduction is tantamount to child abuse
>blog posts are now valid sources of information
I thought I'd never see the day.
Why is Ryosuke blond?
Fuck out of here. No one fucks in this board.
>ITT: pseudo-science "facts"
Literally worse tan psychology and psychoanalysis
>blog posts from a doctor with citations from studies aren't credible
Lmao you're worse than a Sup Forumstard
bruh I read a blogpost on the internet. Im literally an expert geneticist
Why is Kirino so perfect, Sup Forums?
Does that mean I can't suck mommy milk bag no more? BUT I WANT IT
Choose one
Reminder that the chance of deformity or mental deficiency from incest is not "lower than having a child at an advanced age" or "only risky if you do it over multiple generations". It is something like 40% chance of complication of having children with your first cousin.
If specifically searching out for a partner that shares nearly all of your genetic defects and flaws to mate with them to produce sick or defective offspring isnt illegal then im not seeing why marriage between family is illegal.
also season 2 when?
wasn't it that she isn't his actual sister or something
That's the asspull