Darling in the franxx
Why does she say boku?
Imagine watching the episode and liking it unexpectedly lot
its a man, baby
>you'll be my Darling in the FranXX
Really Nishigori?
I hate these kind of characters
dominate way of talking for a girl
I love these kinds of characters.
I really love these kind of characters.
That was a whole lot of exposition for this episode.
Hopefully it delivers, my zero expectations went way too high after this episode.
I love her misato outfit so much.
>these kind of characters
Good ones?
What's Japan's reaction so far?
Is it another flop like LWA?
I love her.
I want that red darling to suck my Franxx
Stitches and webms. Post them.
Best pair
Zerotwo might as well be my favorite heroine in the last 7 years or so.
Please don't tell me they conveniently killed Naomi
Someone post the webm of the mc falling towards the camera and then the cut of him hitting the ground
Fresh off the shitposting presses lads.
Shes like Anemone with Misato's outfit.
I hope the show will focus more on the relationship between Hiro and Zero Two rather than the action. I don't want to see the themes be brushed under the rug to shoe-in Imaishi's action scenes.
How the fuck can anybody tell if something is a flop or not after one episode?
being gay is not okay
>forgot pic
>she already lost by the first episode
She's going to be the villain.
Anemone ripoff
She lost the race even before it began.
Even if she ends up with him in the end, it's true that he had his first kiss with another girl.
It will do both
>I don't know why getting kissed by a hot girl who I previously saw naked made my heart race
This is past Shirou levels of denseness.
She was going to be gone anyway so the death seems kind of unnecessary, and we didn't see any explicit death. Makes me wonder if she will return somehow.
Can't say it was impressive but good enough to make me keep watching.
Is this 12+ episodes?
Its ok, she will kiss glassesbro
Or refuse to
>they almost killed her in the first episode already
Being openly gay is perfectly normal in this day and age.
Wow what a surprising episode. Who saw that coming. Are we really saying that this is AOTY material here?
I mean he's an autist who literally doesn't understand the point of a relationship. Of course he's not gonna understand "THESE FEELINGS?!"
2 cours. Might be split cours. Forgive me if I'm outdated in regards to info.
I'm really indeferent to these kind of characters.
Post more Ichigo.
Like Eva, this would be better if you switched the genders of the MCs.
Was this shot really necessary?
I hate whores as well
What the fuck is a klaxosaur? How did they get that name from whatever they're called in Japanese?
It's two cour
puffy cunny
Trigger is back
So are the Franks going to end up being bad
F-Ranks and all
The ship she was in got torn to pieces. I'm not sure how much more explicit we can get, short of seeing some bloody clumps on the ground.
So make a guess of what kind of drama there will be. I say that there's going to be drama about how "inhuman" Zero Two is.
are you a homosexual by any chance?
Rank the pairings.
3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > MC & Heroine
>young sheltered teenage boy at the cusp of puberty acting like one is autistic
Very cool episode.
It's just a little bit of character development, user
>design a best girl
>kill her off in the first episode
How is this supposed to be a good show, again?
So the female MC saw ikemen swimming naked then she grabs the ikemen's underwear?
It was important to confirm that Kokomo is the best
he didn't even knew what a "kiss" was beforehand, hence why she explained it to him as something "very special"
with an absolute confidence: yes, it was one of the crucial scenes of this episode
At least she's a character.
This but in reverse order.
Oh yeah, she is the "danger loving, broken girl" but eventually she will CHANGE when she sees what an "interesting person" and nice guy our utterly boring MC is.
>man swimming in lake
>curious, nervous girl sneaks a peek
>he pins her down and licks her
As much as I love /gfd/, this would also be hot
>short of seeing some bloody clumps on the ground
That's what I meant. It just didn't really scream "she's dead" to me.
I don't know why they would censor her death when we see a bloody dead guy a few minutes afterward anyway.
>the height difference on 4
MC will be forced to partner swap for a good chunk of the series and fail miserably at it like with the dead one.
MC Squad > ShotaLoli > CoconaSquad > GlassesSquad > FatsoSquad
Don't tell me this is gonna be like that anime where the red hair alien girl drops in on a bunch of friends and there's a bunch of love triangles. Similar as fuck art style too fuck I forgot the name.
What's up with the weird shorts?
2 > 4> 3 > 1
I wonder if everyone else will have cool nicknames like her's
>How is this supposed to be a good show, again?
It's not. There is too many cliches and stupid writing. It's just heavily reliant on the animation and the porn
>Was this shot really necessary?
user, the first episode and the manga made it clear that it's the only selling point of this anime, fanservice of female characters.
No one gives a fuck about enemies, awful humanoid mecha designs or "plot" to pair up the guys and girls to make out in said mecha.
Only boobs and asses matter i nthis anime, and also the bland boring MC cause he is the MC logic behind this show.
The only part of the show I like so far is the pure size of the klaxosaur, the sheer scale, truly xboxhueg. Everything else seems painfully generic but I'll give it two more episodes.
>implying she's dead
I hope she comes back as a monster to fuck with the MC
Ichigo is automatically #1
She's amazing
1 look like the most boring nerds ever, jeez
1 > MC & Heroine > 4 > 3 > 2
pair 1 does seem to be the most competent amog them, while pair 2 does seem to take things too lightly and will most likely end up dying first
This was really fucking bad and generic. Jesus christ.
I hate her horns.
3 > MC and Heroine > 1 > 2 > 4
Soap opera drama, the girls will fuck other guys because misunderstandings and sadness.
This one is obviously gonna be raped be date raped by her mech partner
Was it rape?
She looks 1:1 like the fat witch from LWA
do you think the japanese get real tired of seeing black hair protagonists ?
I especially lover her horns.