Why? Why would you hate your own work so much? I don't understand

Why? Why would you hate your own work so much? I don't understand

Nigga, that ending was perfectly appropiate for the manga. They are all scum.

I think Japan in general has a problem with endings.

Come on. It was obvious that he got tired of drawing it at that point: too much reused panels, white backgrounds, all the panels on a page are faces.
But this ending is sort of appropriate. Could be worse.

Because after so long, you stop doing it for pure love for it. You just want it (or you) to die. Also don't forget, the Japanese work system, etc...

Should i be worried if they were all relatable?

if you didn't think it would end like this you are dumb.

This was exactly the ending Kiyoshi deserved

277 chapters? Holy fucking shit.
It means I ended up barely reading around half of the manga. It was truly too long for its own good.

Stopped keeping up with the series a while back. What happened to best girl?
Mari, of course

She is fucking dead

>It was truly too long for its own good.
not really, there were a ton of interesting places it could have gone especially with side characters but instead we got awful things like sports day and memory-loss dad which you luckily skipped

flew off leaving everything behind

How anticlimatic

there's gonna be an epilogue in april which may or may not wrap things up better, but anticlimactic is a pretty good summary of the current ending

> Chiyofags lost anyway

Hiramoto pulled a Final Destiny and killed her in a plane crash.

It was the ultimate joke tho.

Perfect ending only brainlets didn't see coming.

The whole series is literally straight out of Sartre and existential authenticity.

Pretty much only Kiyoshi lost. Can't say Hana or Chiyo lost when they're the ones who left Kiyoshi.

kiyoshi's ending was great but abrupt, and there's way too many other threads left untied or sloppily tied to call the whole thing perfect

His life's work was a Robert Johnson biographic manga. Like he literally spent hundreds of hours on every chapter, refining and rewriting and getting every single panel as perfect as he could. And it didn't sell at all and got cancelled. But rather than giving up entirely, he took up Prison School right after. And from the very beginning, it was laced with that hatred towards the industry and audience that threw away his best work. Everything about the character design and story and etc is just angry deconstruction of the terrible genre garbage that the public and publishers demand. And of course, it was the most successful thing he ever made.

Can somebody quick rundown me, how did it end and what became of Kiyoshi and his friends?

kiyoshi confessed to chiyo while wearing hana's underwear and lied about it, hana ripped his pants off revealing this while also causing him to pee on her and chiyo, causing chiyo to turn into mari. boys sailed off into the sunset with the girls on pbr-sama, girls got their shirts soaked giving us the closest we'll probably get to wet t-shirt contest. epilogue in april will hopefully give us something better

They aren't scum really, their actions show it

That manga was pretty ballin' tho. Sad it didn't sell well.

nips don't care about black people

Yuri harem.

I don't know, user, ask your folks.

Apparently, he got permission to start it up again, so that might be why Prison School ended this way.

It's not fair. What happened to the wet t-shirt contest

Wait what the FUCK happened? Last time I checked Kiyoshi confessed and Chiyo said yes or something

Hana had second thoughts about the confession and revealed to Chiyo that Kiyoshi was wearing her (Hana's) panties when he confessed
Kiyoshi also happened to accidentally pee on both of them when Hana showed Chiyo what he was wearing
And then flashforward to the page in the OP

And that's the fucking end? Holy balls, how did the pairingfags react? This is brutal

>pee on both of them when Hana showed Chiyo what he was wearing
Really regret dropping it midway

It's generally more important that the ship you hate is decisively rejected than that the one you hope for wins out. So honestly, this kind of ending is the thing that will make the largest number of people at least partially satisfied, as well as being a pretty obvious final bitter joke about genre tropes.

There ain't none

a lot of hanafags gloating because chiyofags had been gloating in the issues prior to this, but not as much as I thought there would be. there was a lot of "kiyoshi got what he had coming but chiyo didn't fucking deserve THAT" which is where I fell into


>And that's the fucking end?
Forgot to mention that Mari left the school, boarded a plane and left everyone behind
Meiko and Kate were left crying on a beach

>Kate were left crying on a beach
This was truly the worst.

mfw I dropped it 2 years ago

So Hana won the Kiyoshibowl?

We don't know yet, but they did piss on each other.

the kiyoshibowl was attacked by terrorists and it was cancelled

kiyoshi laughed at her feelings and got told off by chiyo for it so it's not likely but possible

The Kiyoshibowl was cancelled after the participants realized they didn't want the prize and in fact found it to be disgusting

I can't believe Mari got brushed off like that.

According to and some rumours I read in tv tropes iirc, he hated this work from the very beggining.
But let me tell you, regardless of your opinion of the ending, we all have to admit and admire the way. Instead of ending with a whimper, he went all the other way and ended in a thundorous bang, which imo, fits the series perfectly.

That's basically a bond that surpasses even marriage.

seems like they were pushed to end it since a "greatly improved epilogue" is coming out

not seeing the problem this is exactly the ending chiyo shippers deserve

Yeah because usually you don't want to end because that means you're out of a paycheck.

This makes me want to read both.

How have you not read it yet.

It's still ongoing, idiots. Also, he was making raunchy stuff long before it, retard.

All he made was that soapland one I thought?

There will be two versions of last volume. In first he end up with one girl, and with another one in special version.

Does prison school end like this? Thanks for the spoiler.

PS ends in april. That just the joke.

His life's work was Agogen.

To be fair, it was an autobiographical manga about jazz set in depression-era America starring a black man, it was never gonna do particularly well.

It is really good though, hope he comes back around to finishing it eventually.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Prison School. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Tanabata legend most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Gakuto’s idealismic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Three Kingdoms literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Prison School truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kurihara’s existential catchphrase “Those who like ass can't be bad” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hiramoto Akira’s genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Kangoku Gakuen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


I'm just saying, we've never seen Akira Hiramoto and Robert Johnson in the same room together, have we?

>feel sad prison school ended this way
>found out author actually hated it the whole time and there was a better work out there all along that he was more invested in
This is a weird feel

I'm so happy that prison school ended so that he might work on me and the devil blues again.
That series was magic.

>Tanabata legend
>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Dose anyone know anything about that?

This. I love the ending. Prison College when?

I know that Hiramoto drew pic for game.

the ending is so classic prison school

ya it usually takes two of them to get the point across

Also this sprite.


Just found out there two new.

More than "hate his work" he just hates Kiyoshi, all the other folks got girlfriends but Kiyoshi got shit and what the heck is wrong with Chiyo, she forgave him much worst things than wearing fucking Hana's panties.


>4 months until epilogue

Dicky move.

Letting it end in the first place, was a mistake.

What manga is this from?

Me and The Devil BLUES

That's just bullshit to justify this shit end. He did raunchy stuff before Prison School.

>Andre is the only one who ended up with a happy ending

You forgot the whole peeing on her thing, and still lying to her after promising to come clean

Everyone got a happy ending actually
Except Kiyoshi

Certainly took come cues from M Night Shamalamadingdong

Is this a manga about people who are in a prison and who will stay in the prison forever, except maybe this guy here ?

As much as I love Prison School I can't help but feel where he's coming from after now learning the sentiment behind it. The blueballed ending we got suddenly feels deserved.

Can becoming a broken, and cruel man hater truly be called a happy ending?

What's all the talk about Hiramoto hating Prison School? Are you guys taking the rumors seriously?

You can make these people believe any shit just by repeating it a couple of times.

I don't believe that.

You can make these people believe any shit just by repeating it a couple of times.

OP confirmed for watching too many disneys.

I don't believe that

Even if this is true Prison School is still one of the funniest pieces of entertainment I've consumed.
I hope he could go back to Devil Blues, though.


>he has never seen the author's previous works
Fuck off.

this, basically

Kiyoshi screwed up his own bowl.
He got nothing. He won't get Hana since he made light of her feelings for him, and he won't get Chiyo after what happened at the end.

So, no one won, but Kiyoshi lost hard.
It's also possible, considering the last page of the manga, that he got sent to prison again.

Yes because she's hotter that way.