Yosoro tambien
reminder that violet wants to know what love is
Stop saluting people you lunatic.
why can't she smile?
>netflix anime
what the everloving fuck is this farce?
netflix wants to become your one-stop-shop for visual entertainment.
fucking idiot
>calling that extreme banding low quality shit "visual" entertainment
I don't even care about the Anime, just get your video encoding in check. It's not even visual entertainment if the visual is shit.
Well, considering Netflix is one of the largest video streaming providers, i thought they might have it figured out by now.
The do have it figured out.
Morons give them money and the deliver shitty bitrate, everything is working like they want it to.
Your internet sucks ass.
Probably not, Netflix just doesn't give a fuck.
Try pressing play
They gave a fuck on my end. Maybe they just don't like faggots.
Really? Go to the start of the episode and take a screenshot for comparison then.
My TV doesn't have that function I'm afraid.
I think he is right.
No shit sherlock. It still plays the lowest available bitrate for the first 45 seconds or so. My internet is fucking solid.
Oh you don't have a computer that can navigate to Netflix.com?
Who the fuck owns a TV anymore?
This could be avoided by simply giving people a choice with what bitrate they would prefer their playback, instead of this "automatically adjusted" nonsense.
>watching Netflix through your computer browser
Well there's your problem.
I don't watch netflix on my computer nor do I intend to.
Yeah i know, i downloaded the rip of the broadcast version instead, and stuck it in my player with banding and ringing filter. Almost acceptable.
Netflix changes it's bitrate preference based on viewing platform?
Wouldn't it use the lower bitrate for TVs, as those are ordinarily used much further away than computer monitors?
this show is fucking boring
Idk, on my browser on my computer it never goes to 1080p, but if I use app it's fine.
this is literally me
this, the visuals are alright but nothing interesting was happening and there was too much melodramatic dialog from characters that I couldn't possibly give a single shit about in the first episode
>Autistics still scream and cry about streaming even though they're watching fucking TV rips in the first place
>"b-b-but muh triple-inverted hyper-paradigm inverted Kepling-Schoff algorithim codec for my autistic video player on my shitty monitor, I need to see my animes as the creators intended, but you know, not how they inteneded, xonsidering I'm watching illegal downloads on my computer."
Navy salute is different, moron.
Wow, a violet evergarden thread, not a sinlge shit poster, and 17 posters.
The show is so uninteresting that you'd rather talk about the fact that it's on netflix. That's how you know a show is truly bad and devoid of any real entertainment value.
Kill yourself streamfaggot mcnormaltard.