Was he right?

Was he right?

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He's always right.

Has he ever been wrong?

Fuck him hope he dies soon




Ironically the only reason he is right is because he and his buddies created the conditions for him to be right.

Even about being buddies with John Lasseter?


Retarded hack.

Miyazaki Tsutomu is an otaku extraordinaire.

yeap those noodles has to be done perfectly during crunch time.

Have you ever heard of that thing called balance, by any chance?

Why has he never made a movie that wasn't extremely safe? He's shitting on the industry despite never having actually challenged the industry. He just makes movies for little children. Can it get any more casual than that?


According to you, what wouldn't be safe? Furthermore, being edgy for edge's sake is stupid and pointless if done in a meaningless way

>According to you, what wouldn't be safe?
Stop making this about opinion. All I did was state objective facts. You want to make this about my opinion just so you can shit on it being an opinion. I'm onto you. You go ahead and project an argument out of it anyways. See if I care.

>Stop making this about opinion. All I did was state objective facts.
>objective facts.

I asked because I'd like to know what makes his movies "too safe."

Read >

He doesn't show naked little girls, people getting stabbed/raped/etc., I'm assuming is what he means. Idk, I kind of prefer Miyazaki for that reason.


>Say something ambiguous.
>Can't back it up and just deflects away.

Next time don't say anything at all if you're just gonna pussy out of it, fag.

When I think of every other anime being made, maybe not including movies, his films stand out given how different they are from the majority of everything else. That's what came to mind to me at least, so I was wondering what made them safe if everybody watches everything else anyway. I don't even love all his movies either.

Wind Rises isn't safe by any parameter


The funny thing is, his movie that showed people getting stabbed and aspects of Japan's sex industry at the period is arguably one of his most recognizable and influential works.

>literally kills off the wife in Wind Rises when she lives in real life
>Extremely safe
What did you mean by this?

he's from a better breed of people, he doesn't think like a edgy shithead so he probably wouldn't be able to satiate your degenerate needs you picked up from living your entire life alone

Characters that didn't originally die is a fucking Disney hallmark.

Yes, but the trick is finding it.

Would you mind naming an example? I can't think of any of the major Disney animations that kills off a main character that didn't die in real life the same way.

>He's shitting on the industry
>Fan service, pointless tits, pointless gore and lolicon aren't shitting on the industry

You can talk all the trash as long you want about Miyazaki. However his work has its own gist, totally different from the common places that modern anime has to offer.

I'm not him, but you gotta be more subtle about how you samefag. Alternatively, go back to whatever shithole site you came from.

>I'm not him

mm did you say "samefag"?

I'm the other guy asking him what he means by "too safe," still waiting for him to pop in an answer. You're the only moron mouthing off at muh fanservice and muh pointless edgy gore in 3 posts.

>3 posts.

I only made this post: think what you want

Like most old people, he's right about a lot of things but also like most old people, he's an idiot when it comes to new stuff, like technology.

anime always had fanservice and pointless tits.
pointless gore has been largely phased out of anime a long time ago and real lolicon anime hasn't been much of a thing for a while now.

Damn, you're right. I guess TV anime is a breeding ground for brilliant artistic work.

He didn't say what the internet memed you into thinking he said, and the things he did say are all comepletely wrong.

Actively resisting all ideas coming from the real world is pretty far away from the balance. Escapist or creator, pick one. And Miyazaki never said anything about going full normalfag, just having _some_ life experience. Hell, he even hired Anno at one point.

This guy’s the Otaku Murderer, right?

>is a breeding ground for brilliant artistic work
just like every other medium. You're going to see tons of trash "shitting on the industry" no matter where you look.

I don't agree with the way he views his son and his work.

Yep, that I can fully agree on. This guy's a jerk to his son. Not sure about his view with his work though

Like mobile gaming.

this guy just woke me

How does he view his son? Watched the documentary, but he didn't really mention his son at all. Meanwhile his son seemed to be unhappy with being in the same line of work, with directing.

You have to realize to most newfags "pointless gore" means any sort of violence at all.

>ITT: Non-Creatives explaining how to create

This is so fucking stupid.

Yes; perfect realism can make a work boring.
No; perfect technique does not make a work ugly. I have no idea how he arrived at that conclusion.

His son is a hack though