Whats the appeal of this character? why is it popular?

Whats the appeal of this character? why is it popular?

Is there even anything unappealing about him?

Crossdressing, Maid, Dark Skin and generally cute.

for one.
>Dark Skin
>generally cute.
guys aren't suppose to be cute.

>guys aren't suppose to be cute
Looks like someone needs some re-education

I can't think of any other straight brown traps.

He fulfils a specific niche.

What show was this again?

he's a very handsome man


Make me feel guilty for jerking off to it.

as you should feel. thats gay.


I'll take Tensai instead. She's the only reason I want a S2.

Tensai is only good when she has the black handlebar pigtails

Good personality

>guys aren't suppose to be cute
That feeling is also part of the experience

>Voiced by HanaKana.

Tensai is always perfect, thank you very much.

That character is not popular though.

She/he had the bad luck of coming before the trap golden age

>Design cute brown character
>Make it a trap

only reasonable, down to earth character in the show despite crossdressing as a maid

That specific character is a rare combination. The novelty factor is great, even as the rest of the series was bland.

See? literally, there's no reason not liking her.

Sorry, *him.

I understand all too well.

We need more cute brown girls

i don't even know who he is.

what is this feeling in my chest, is this what it feels like to have a husbando/waifu?

Its the anime good?

No, its boring. Alas it suffers from the plague that is good characters in otherwise boring franchise.

Oh too bad

Name? Yeah I am gonna look for porn.

Its not bad. its just boring. if you got free time you might aswell see it.

Daruku (the maid) is actually a pretty good fun character.

what's the point of a straight trap? I was talking to one briefly and I asking it why it do but I never got a response

>what's the point of a straight trap?
infiltration. if the woman doesn't see you as a man she lowers her defenses.

Like that scene in the anime where the Daruku gets Tensai to taste food from his chopsticks and then tastes her saliva while Tenssai is on guard against MC.

you can like to look cuteand be straight user.

now you're just making stuff up

literally who

He was a straight trap; he wanted to sexually fuck the detective. Dude had the right priorities, just didn't get the end goal. Did MC get together with Detective? Or the ghost? I don't remember.

>brown trap

it isnt, anime charasters arent popular. just look how dull they are

Loran Cehack, aka Laura Rolla.

Better be ghost girl or I'll riot.

My man of good tastes

Thanks user, not sure if you would know but happen to know who this is by any chance?
Does she also crave MC's cock?

tensai a cute

>Dark Skin

this show gave me the biggest dose of S2 never depression, who the fuck even makes an 11 episode series anyway?

Nah, it should be Tensai or his servant. Ghost a shit.

I will watch this show because of this thread, and none of you can stop me.

have you finished your backlog that you can allow this?

>make Tensai thread
>0 replies
>the gay trap maid thread is made
>+200 replies
Life is not fair. Fucking faggots.

I think about watching this show every time i see this gif but get sidetracked everytime.

But this time i will watch the show, and none of my backlog can stop me.

OwO who dis

God fucking damn it.

thats the power of traps.
You cant help but get entrapped bh it

feminization should be mandatory for all young boys, and they should all service other males.

Good, Tensaifags are an infestation anyway, just as bad or worse as Uganda Knuckles.
Kuroneko forever alone and a shit.


Jewgold's fiancee, ユリシーズ.

No one won, we got an abrupt ending. But Jewgold is chasing after Nanana who finally escaped the room.

To be fair she's the best character in a show full of girls that range from mediocre to terrible

Sorry for being an idiot when I ask this as it's probably fucking obvious but when you say Jewgold, do you mean Juugo?