Shin Sekai no Yori

So, I was watching this shit to see why it get praised here so much when at episode 8 this shit happens, out of NOWHERE. I'm not an homofobic or anything but this shit right here was the last straw that made me dropped this. Still, the show itself was kinda dissapointing and predictable, I mean, yes there were a couple of interesting things (That was why I keep watching up until this point) but asspulls like they regaining their power that easily were hard to eat.

Looks like the pleb filter is doing its job.

The anime is too good for you anyway

It's too late, Sup Forumsnon. You're totally gay now. Might as well just embrace it.


Anime is not supposed to make any sense. It's tropes playing on stereotypes playing on archetypes tied together by the same eight stories told differently yet somehow doing the same retarded shit every time.

Wasn't there some lesbian scene like seconds before? why was that ok but this isn't?

girl on girl is hot tho


>I like gay shit
>just not THAT gay shit

fuck off normal fag

Some people would say boy on boy is hot too.

Because he is homofobic even if he says he is not?

Kinda amazing how it keep working after years.

and with zero maintenance.

The false minohiro mentioned that encouraging sexual partners, even of the same sex, would be encouraged to keep the population docile. Comparing humans to apes.


But they foreshadowed and explained it, pleb-kun.

but that's gay

Which bring us back to


>Anyone who doesn't like homoshit it's a pleb
Bet you fapped to Yaoi on Ice didn't you?

if you're really that bothered with a few seconds of male homosexual kissing, after a much longer and sexual lesbian kissing scene then you have a problem.

People being insecure.

I never thought about it until now, user, but you're right. After the first couple timeskips, after episode 8 its just dudes dancing and kissing each other every single episode! Why didn't I realize I'd been so easily duped into thinking it was a series that explores the boundaries of the human condition in an apocalyptic world?

Yes, faggots deserve to hang from lampposts.

>using term "homophobic" unironically
literally end your shitty life

yeah no you're just a bit fucking retarded


This actually feels like a moment where homophobic makes sense literally. He couldnt handle too guys kissing for a couple of seconds. He must be afraid of fags.

Am I in 2011? Good times. Can we go back?

>le homophobic means he is afraid of gays haha xD what a pathetic guy
it's literally a fucking children argument that doesn't understand how disgust works
not to mention you are literally butchering a medical term for your shitty LGBT propaganda
you should be gassed

What's the problem in finding dudes kissing gross?

Best part is, they have no fucking idea why it's a pleb filter and just make themselves look even stupider.

None, that's natural if you are a straight male. Dropping a show because of a short scene with two dudes kissing, that's being retarded.

>episode 8
And episode 9 it's where shit actually becomes interesting. Fuck.

Well you could say some people find it more gross than others

yes, that gay sex scene is really nicely animated. A shame OP missed out.

Nothing. All people screaming "homophobic" are triggered fags and roasties because someone called them out on being disgusting.

1. op is a faggot
2. squealer did nothing wrong

It makes you literally a nazi and soon it will be illegal to not like it. better get used to it while you can.

No, you are not homophobic because of felling disgusted about that scene, you are homophobic for dropping a show just because of it.


>LGBT propaganda
I don't give a fuck about fags, anime has a lot other way more fucked up shit to be surprised at. If your weak constitution can't handle two dudes making out for 5 seconds you must be a pussy.

Homo stuff out of nowhere? now that sounds like my kind of thing. Watching this asap.

That doesn't even make sense.


Should've seen it coming at the first mention of Bonobos

retarded bait thread

everyone in this thread is retarded

i hate you all

It does. Because he is judging the whole show because of one scene.

You're retarded, and I hate you too user-kun!


i am retarded because i took the bait and read all the shitty retarded responses in this thread and it produced an emotional response

i am the retard

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.


If our mods actually gave a shit they would give this cancerous shitposter a global range ip range ban.
They stopped giving a shit along time ago. Probably even before moot was exposed as a cuck.

It's 2018.

Yea I was thinking this is bait

Then again, it became bait for a reason

But he is not, if is OP, he already said that the disgusting fag kiss was the last straw in a shitty show.

100% bait, spelling homophobic wrong

you should all be ashamed

Really top quality thread that definitely belongs on Sup Forums and not some containment website.


Seems like just OP's opinion instead of bait, no need to get offended by it

is it the best pleb filter of all time? it always works

Squealer did a few things wrong.

>the show itself was kinda dissapointing and predictable, I mean, yes there were a couple of interesting things (That was why I keep watching up until this point) but asspulls like they regaining their power that easily were hard to eat.
This, OP sais the whole show a shit but the triggered homosexuals insist on calling him because he didn't like the gay kiss. We let the LGBTAH joke go too far

>didnt watch it while it was airing

not even worth watching without that experience

What the fuck is moot?

Yeah sure. He watched 8 episodes of an anime he thought sucked and only dropped it right there, but it wasn't the faggotry that was important, oh no no. And he's not the only asshole to have done this either, that's why we call it "the pleb filter". Stop making him sound like he's special or has any original thoughts in his brain.

user, you have forgotten to capitalize the word "fuck"
please remember next time!

>Actual discussion about one plot point in anime is worse than repeating the same waifufag threads over and over.

tfw dont know if serious or not anymore


Yes, all of that makes him indeed an unoriginal pleb, but not the homophobic fag hater people itt are calling him.
You sure sound flustered my dear namefag.

try lurking more and learning how to greentext

>I'm not homophobic or anything
There's your first mistake

>Shinsekai Yori

Did we watch the same show?

I don't know if he's a homophobe or not, and I don't care. He's missing out on one of the great thrill rides because he can't get over himself. Frankly, he's no loss. It isn't like the entirety of Shin Sekai Yori's existence depends on another random user getting filtered.

These threads pop up all the time, and they remain hilarious. Don't get me wrong here, if I smell yaoi I will turn a show off faster than you can say "that's gay", but Shin Sekai Yori isn't yaoi. That's why this continues to be such an amazing legacy.

only redditshitter like this pos show.

It's bait you fucking faggot. Now I kinda want Sup Forums to colonize this board. At least they have original threads instead of constantly making generic bait threads of I drop this slow ass anime one-third in because one scene triggered my fees for years.


Are you seriously suggesting Sup Forums wouldn't also post about dropping shows because of gays?

>literally literally literally literally

Couple of things...
>the anime is quite overrated
>squealer was wrong (he could have done a much better job and was greedy for power)
>Kiroumaru BEST and was right
>gay stuff was just ok
>plotholes, plotholes everywhere

Pretty sure that they turned straight after the time skip.

One of them is deda, the other marries main girl.