Why did anime suddenly stopped being drawn like this? What was the deciding factor that caused this to happen?
Change of styles
>muh retro anime
fuck off
Are you talking about the simplistic background that looks like it was drawn in 5 minutes?
Nothing suddenly happened. Styles changed gradually over time.
This. It happens every decade, OP.
Compare 70's anime to 80's, then 80's to 90's and so on.
>complicated means good
look at this artistic illiterate
what I miss most is clearly defined noses in profile. Fucking hate pic related where the nose looks like part of the mouth.
No, you need to fuck off nu-weeb
because not every show can look like a 90s shoujo show
I think that was probably the deciding factor
I'm sure it's easy to make up arguments when you quote things I never said, faggot.
For the most part, this. The transition from cel/film production to digital production wasn't that gradual though, and that did have an effect on art styles.
It didn't happen suddenly, you just skipped years/decades between the shows you watched.
>What was the deciding factor that caused this to happen?
cel animation was replaced by digital
Look at it its beautiful. They know not what they do.
not all anime is shoujoshit
the end of the 1970s fuel crisis made for a glut of cheap oil on the market, leading to cheaper cell animation production costs, leading to greater experimentation from artists/production houses and companies, alongside a change in style to reflect the new found optimism that was to be found in the early bubble period.
The refining of art styles, and the transition from cel to digital. Watch some anime from the very early 2000s; some studios adapted well, but for some it took years until they got the hang of animating digitally.
By 2006/2007 people got used to it, and things got back to where everyone left off.
There is a reason why some anime then generally looked so sterile and plain, almost as if animated by a cheap hentai studio.
Why don't you stay on Sup Forums?
The warm pastel colours and the gentle shaking of cel always get me. Something about it just makes me go doki doki.
I thought digital had less limitation, not more? What prevents them from emulating cel style in digital format?
There's not much point in exactly emulating cel style when you don't have the physical limitations of the old technology. Besides that, with digital there's additional corners you can cut if you're short on time/money, which anime productions basically always are.
Most people actually prefer thinner lines and such. It's why only productions deliberately going after old styles, like the recent new Lupin III stuff attempt to emulate thicker lines and such. It's not seen as a mainstream choice.
This gets my dick hard every time
anime name?
You are kidding right?
Trolling or not it's Card Captor Sakura.
If you legit don't know you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Current digital anime doesn't look like a natural evolution of the end of 90s cel stuff at all.
It does however look like a natural evolution of the work of the 00's. The cel to digital transition was the most radical change in the anime industry.
There's nearly two decades between the end of the 90s and now, user.
digital animation happened
cannot unsee
Digital colors look like shit compared to real colors
And because it's digital now they can push out quantity over quality
Oh wow...actual animation and not just retarded mouth-flaps for 20 minutes
>tfw the 90s are over and roller skates are just meme teir
>tfw Sakura uses a fucking smartphone now
Literal forced animation
>camera in film shows interesting angles and moves in interesting ways
Literal forced cinematography
Hey faggots. Check this out
>those repeating trees
Yeah real impressive
watch more anime faggot
>the simplistic background that looks like it was drawn in 5 minutes
than what is that supposed to mean?
General reminder that Sailor Moon was made over 30 years ago
The people who drew and animated it probably don't even work in the industry anymore. They were probably taught how to draw by people who may not be alive anymore. They were taught how to animate on methods that people don't know how to do anymore and in formats that aren't used anymore.
I like the old style but we have to remember; that era is gone and it's not coming back.
Also general reminder that Cardcaptor Sakura was one of the most highly budgeted TV Shows ever made. It was funded by the government.
You can't compare shows budgeted with pocket lint to shows that were considered grossly expensive even when they were made.
>the 70's
holy shit can we have 70's style with today's prod'values? holy shit my DICK!!!!
Comment got 404'd
wtf did he post?
Looks like a 4 dimensional moving object
See It's always been there.
Probably asking for a source on the CCS image.
Art is just like human life. In the beginning it was really simple and naive - humanity was just discovering its artistic powers, not really sure what they were doing when they drew bison and left prints of their palms. This was our childhood. Then, with time, humanity matured and acquired both skill and sophisticated direction in its art, while still retaining the sense of wonder and naivete. This was the peak - our adolescence. Then, as humanity amassed more and more knowledge and ascended to more and more abstract levels of discourse, art started getting worse from the esthetic point of view - first just abstract, then entirely revolting, as our childish naivete was slowly dying, and we were desperately and feverishly seeking ways to re-experience the intoxicating freshness of our youth, all in vain. This is our adulthood - the peak is past, but the memory of it is still alive. Another symptom of adulthood is mass-produced formulaic trash, that follows all the rules and principles discovered in adolescence, but is devoid of any soul.
The same general process happened with anime styles. It's what happened in video games, it's what happened in literature, film, everything really. It cannot be stopped.
This is not youtube.
How do we change the path of the future?
It did not.
>funded by the goverment
Yo wtf
>Digital colors look like shit compared to real colors
Only when the person responsible is a retard
>It was funded by the government.
>Declining birth rates
>Produce a show that makes the populace even more attracted to girls below the age of fertility
Are they trying to make the Japanese go extinct? What is their endgame here?
Kill your fucking self ironic weeb.