>I don't like school but I do like music
I don't like school but I do like music
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Her breasts are rude.
Best girl
It's obvious. She got all the traits.
so fucking perfect
I want an adaptation of the rest of the VN Kazusa True Route of course
Where's the flat chest and short height and young age?
You know, if I had political power, you would be shot on spot.
A shit
Rude to my dick.
Fine by me my dude, could finally go meet my loli waifu, just make it painless.
She made me want to pick up Piano/Keyboard.
and she is cute
Okay, fair enough. I agree desu. White Album 2 is my favourite anime series when I'm not being boring and saying Neon Genesis is.
This bitch
When is season 2 coming?
WA2 is the only worthwhile romance anime ever made.
bold words
Wasn't expecting the yuri rape scene desu
True words, too bad Sup Forums still has a bonerfor Toradora
porque no los dos?
Coda translations when?
Never. Maruto is busy.
cute girl
Reminder that kazusa is a loser coward who only knows how to run away and cry. Also she's completely fucking useless. A fucking drag on society that doesn't deserve to exist.
Never because fucking ESL animefags don't deserve to play this game.
>A fucking drag on society that doesn't deserve to exist.
Kids will be talking about Kazusa's music for generations to come just like how thethree mains in WA2 still love Yuki and Rina's songs, who the fuck in Society is going to remember Setsuna?
Oh yeah because classical music is all the rage with kids nowadays. Fucking dumbass.
Didn't stop her mum becoming a world famous musician. But hey, I guess that can't compete with the money Setsuna pumps into the Karaoke industry, keeping society going.
Is the VN translated yet?
T. Moogy-wannabe
>bragging about having skills to read chinese porn games
Thats why MC is perfect for her
WA2 isn't an eroge though.
Is WA2 too for Expert Eroge Players Only?
It's a kamige.
moogy was so insufferable but he really is a god compared to the sort of people who've flocked to VNs and their adaptations in the Netflix/Steam era.
>Why are you so good at it?
>How many times have you kissed Setsuna?
Damn, this anime is great
It's one of the few instances where I thought the anime surpassed the source material (IC wise obviously). Though the N had its moments.
Is it worth watching this anime if I'll never be able to read the ending?
White Album 2 is the most upset I've ever been at an anime and I'm genuinely disgusted that shit is accepted by so many people, and even called good.
Why? It's actually well written and has a heartwrenching ending. Explain yourself.
What about the reconciliation in the playground?
>"You made have fun playing the Piano again"
>"You made me realise how painful it is to fall in love"
He's probably a Toradora fag.
Because it's literally cuck garbage. And I'm using that word unironically and not as a buzzword.
Setsuna didn't deserve all of that shit happening to her. She didn't deserve the fucking airport scene. She didn't deserve to walk in on MC half naked after he just got done railing Kazusa.
And I'm saying this as someone who's found Kazusa more appealing from the start. But all the shit they did to Setsuna made me absolutely hate it. Who the fuck enjoys watching shit like this?
>your opinion is different from my autistic opinion
If the trio's music had no effect and wasn't trendy do you think the university would have played the trio's song? Think a little, idiot.
>But all the shit they did to Setsuna made me absolutely hate it. Who the fuck enjoys watching shit like this?
It was her own fault, she admits this. The airport scene is the only part I think went too far, and Kazusa suffered far more than Setsuna did, she had Haruki for one night, Setsuna had him for months.(and then later, years). I can never condone cheating but I understand why aruki did it, and it's never portrayed as anything less than shameful, which is why Kazusa leaves for Paris. So to answer your question:
There are a fucking million happily ever after haremshit, love dodecahedron romances out there, this is one of the few with a bad ending backed up by solid logic for every action all the characters take. And the gut wrenching ending is great because it was the only sensible way for it to end after the way everyone acted, it didn't handwave a happy ending.
I made this thread when I was on about episode 4 and I just finished the anime, best romance anime I've ever watched for sure
It's amazing, it's the relative simplicity of it and how well written the characters are that make it so good. But there's more, like, how the relationship between the two girls is just as important as their own relationships with the boy (for once), the absolute genius way it links music to the series (that last episode was a hell of a flashback in context of the events of the last episode right?) and how it has the best non hentai sex scene in anime that didn't go ecchi.
Glad you enjoy it.
Episode 11 was, putting it simply, the best flashback episode of any anime I've ever seen.
The characters were really well written and having two love interests was a perfect amount to prevent Haruki from falling into the harem master trope which romance anime falls into so often.
The ending was great too, I preferred Touma but I still felt really bad for Ogiso, was an absolutely brutal moment but was necessary for the ending to have the impact it did
Todokanai Koi playing in the final episode made me feel things.
Hey user, did you pay attentionto the Karaoke when you watched this?
And yeah, the ending is what made it work, not only did no one win, but everyone lost as a direct result of how all three fucked up so bad. (but love still happened)
The way music works in this series is so good, there's not only the fact that it was a song recorded in White Album 1 by characters 10 years prior (to the user who just finished WA2, I will warn you that WA1 is garbage but if I watched it I can't really advise against you doing so) that brought Haruki, Setsuna and Kazusa together but also the way that Haruki wrote Todokanai Koi, Kazusa composed it, Setsuna sang it on the last happy day all three shared together. Or how Haruki and Kazusa had communicated through song for months.
And the way Sayonora Koto just cuts in during the last few seconds of the episode, that made me feel things.
>tfw no Kazusa Touma in my life
Help mee
Can't believe my old laptop with WA2 images got fucked and I lost everything. Including links to Kazusa's voice actress singing Sound of Destinyand White Album2 and Todokanai Koi.
Is Kazusa the most realistic depiction of an actual tsundere in anime?
I doubt she's the only one. On another note, is there really no figurines of Kazusa in Japan?
Man , WA2 was literally the only romance anime that I truly enjoyed and didn't either bore me to tears, or offended me with its stupidity and unwarranted melodrama. The kids made stupid decisions yes, but always stupid decisions that actual teenagers would commit. I really liked the ending, so I don't know about an eventual continuation, even though I know what happens in the VN already because that would mean one of the endings will be the sole canon one, at least for the anime. Also, Touma was best girl.
>The kids made stupid decisions yes, but always stupid decisions that actual teenagers would commit.
And again, they paid dearly for those mistakes. The only thing Kazusa gets away with is not getting diabetes for drinking coffee with like, 7 sugars every day.
There's something about the way this song is Kazusa singing the lyrics that Haruki wrote abouth er that makes this kind of heartwarming.