GT or super?

GT or super?

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unironically gt


Probably GT, but I'd rather choose neither.

At least GT tried
Super does not give a fuck, Toriyama is the George Lucas of anime.

its like asking diarrhea or constipation

Gt i enjoyed gt more than Z too


Somehow, GT.

GT >>> super

GT had the better OP.

Super is definitely better than GT, 17 is actually not terrible in super, all the characters are getting decent screen time.
I didn't like Goku black, but the tournament episodes have been enjoyable. I also like Super's "Frieza has to work with the z fighters" thing.
Jiren is way cooler of a villain than anyone in GT, Omega Shenron was stupid and worst of all, He was the best thing about GT.


GT is the Quran and Super is the Book of Mormon

DB>Z>garbage=GT(can recycle)>shit>>>SUPER
prove me wrong

DB AF>>>>> both

Unironically GT

>All these faggots saying GT.
Get out, GT was barely a Dragon Ball show.

Which is better than whatever the fuck DBS is.

You're just calling DBS bad because its new. After it ends and ages your head will be cleared and you'll know which one is better out of the two.

Sure thing pedro.


>didn't even air on tv before Z which is the one everyone cares about
Might as well be an optional prequel. Oh wait it already is.

Am I the only one who feels like everything after Namek is boring?

Never liked how GT turn every character old and useless except for Goku and Vegeta, it was kinda sad if you started watching it since the original series, at least Super keeps everyone young.

>didn't even air on tv before Z

umm super of course no shit question


Both it and Super have a lot of the same problems, but GT had the decency to be set AFTER the original story instead of DURING it. That makes it easier to enjoy it as a side-story and let it play by its own rules, whereas Super is constantly screwing with the continuity for no good reason.

Also, a big part of Dragon Ball's charm and appeal was the progression. Seeing time pass, characters age, and the world change along with them. GT kept that going pretty well for what it was, while Super has done a lot of universe-building but kept the main cast feeling stagnant. Doing stuff like taking away Goku and Vegeta's cool new RF outfits, or refusing to age any of the kids.

So GT manages to feel like a real sequel, while Super has wedged itself firmly inside Z and refuses to budge. It feels more like a sequence of the side-story movies than any sort of actual continuation.

>all the characters are getting decent screentime
Jiren is so strong that this unironically doesn't mean shit. There hasnt been any character development at all, so I couldnt give two shits about "hey check out this basically filler episode where roshi beats two dogshit fighters that Goku couldve killed in a second!"
>Jiren is way cooler than any villain in GT
>his visual design is as imaginative/interesting as a standard background character
>generic "I'm so strong that instead of raping everyone in a minute I'll just meditate" cliche (he better have cancer or some shit as some sort of explanation, but even that's cliche)
>so obscenely strong all the fights with him thus far havent been interesting in the least because you know how they'll all end up
At least Baby had a motivation and you could kind of sympathize with him hating Saiyans. Jiren's just "UHH JUSTICE.....I GUESS?" hes not even the one trying to be the next U11 GoD

Oh and I almost forgot: That horrible ending to the new Trunks arc in Super was worse than all of GT's offenses combined.

forgot to link, hurr

Super > Fanfics > GT

Who could anyone like Goku and Vegeta's RoF outfits? Nu-Toriyama's designs are awful.

Hate DBS all you want but Super introduced new enjoyable and memorable characters like Beerus and Whis, GT was always more of the same but older, also turning Goku into a kid was fucking stupid.

Is Pan going to hit that monster with her butt?

GT at least tried to be its own thing, though it failed on execution. Super is nothing but lazy nostalgia wank.

Lots of people like those outfits. They were great.

Even if one doesn't think so, then they were at least *different* and served well as potential distinct "Super" looks for the characters (Goku's even looked like a halfway-point towards his end-of-Z and GT outfits). Plus, the color schemes definitely meshed with Super Saiyan Blue better.

Taking those outfits away and reverting to their tired old standard Z looks not only exemplifies what I'm talking about with Super's problem with progression, but also makes it all the more obvious that these new transformations are little more than recolors. It no longer looks like "Goku from Super using a new form," it just looks like "Super Saiyan Goku from DBZ except his hair is blue instead."

Which reminds me, ANOTHER point I forgot... Super Saiyan 4 is MUCH cooler and more creative than any of the new forms in Super. Like by a landslide. Super Saiyan God is the only one that comes close to measuring up, because that at least had other traits besides a different hair color.

She just kicked it, you nucklehead.

Ditto. Despite how much new material and characters Super has introduced, it still just feels like an extension of Z rather than a true sequel or new story.

Oh, I see the motion lines now.
Pity. I would have preferred if she was trying to hit the monster with her butt.

the most common argument for Super I see is
>you're just hating on it because it's new!
but I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. We were starved of DB content for 17 years then BoG came out and it was good, and at that point fans were basically begging for a new series.

The only reason why Super gets views or why people think they like it is because it's new and they have so much love for what Dragon Ball used to be. In 10 years people wont look back at it fondly, they'll think "wow in retrospect this was the worst dragonball series, easily".

I'll take Pan over that any day.

Only Korean dogs and Mexican Pedros like GT.

>At least GT tried
Tried to what? Whore Goku out as much as possible?

GT easily. As bad as it was turning goku back into a kid, at least that kinda excused him being more retard than usual while in super we have this goku that's meant to be older and wiser, yet outright becomes dumber than ever, borderline retarded considering the kind of stupid shit he does or is ignorant about

>I'll take Pan over that any day.
Of course you will you paedo.


In Toriyama's defense Goku isn't a fucking retard in the manga.


>In Toriyama's defense
Toriyama is behind the retarded/bad father Goku revisionism because he wants to make Goku more different from Superman

Gt. Baby was a neat villain. Abusing the dragon balls being a plot point was also pretty creative.

I gotta admit, I do like Beerus. He's fairly unique as far as DB antagonists go. Not really good or evil, just a higher god (albeit a fickle and cranky one) with a job to do, and the way he's remained this symbol of peak power for Goku and Vegeta to strive towards is kind of interesting.

But that said, he and Whis came from Z material, so I don't really count him as either a plus OR a minus towards Super. Though I guess that should hold true for Golden Freeza and Super Saiyan Blue, too.

He was always different enough. Only the amerimutt dub turned him into a Superman clone

GT, I didn't like all the filler but the rest was great..

>hes fairly unique
Take Vegeta and replace his pride with Goku's love of food, and you get Beerus.

I feel like a battle where entire universes are being erased out of existence is pretty big.
>Master roshi filler episode
What are you watching for show for if you didn't enjoy the world's greatest KAMEHAMEHA?
I don't care if Goku could have killed harvey birdman faster, I cared about Master Roshi actually getting screen time.
Also SSJ4 is so stupid in design, oh Goku was a kid but when he goes SSJ4, he becomes an adult again.
There are so many bad things with GT, Metalman Mc silversurfer, The black star dragon balls, Super 17, Baby.
The Dragons were the only decent thing about GT because of the idea of repercussions for using the dragon balls.

But Super has the Better ED's

Future trunks saga from super is the worst arc in dragon ball history, gt may not be great, but at least is better than that shit

I guess the difference between GT and Super is that 90% of Super's episodes are basically filler that could be enjoyable to some (like Roshi getting screentime, even though realistically he didnt do anything relevant) whereas GT had an actual driven plot but a lot of old beloved characters were thrown aside. I personally prefer the latter, but we like what we like.

>ssj4 is stupid in design
but surely it's less stupid than super saiyan blue? Super Saiyan has from the start been about devolving into your primal instincts, and its shown with how ss1 -> ss2 -> ss3 transformations get progressively hairier, like an ape. ss4 being an actual ape-man hybrid made a ton of sense. Blue is actually just "hurr durr, theyre stronger and hair changed"

>repercussions for using the dragonballs
another shitty thing about super is theres no repercussions for anything. even with goku seemingly like an idiot for starting the tournament (which he was, he didnt know the zenos planned on deleting universes anyways) they still make him the good guy without any faults.

This is fucking pathetic.
Super was a mistake.

Two nukes weren't enough.

GT by far and that’s saying something because it was considerably worse than Z, Super is just terrible

Disgusting what they did to Vegeta

Jiren is boring, but you can easily sympathize with him.
He's a litteral hero who's trying to save his universe.
I don't care how cocky or moustache twirling evil they try to make the pride troopers to make them seem unlikeable.
At the end of the day they are legit heroes who have saved the universe and are trying desperately to save the universe from ultimate annihilation brought about in a tournament created by the worst villian that the multiverse has ever seen.
Goku has the highest death toll of any villian in DB you can name.
Fuck he's directly responsible for more death and destruction then all of the GoDs combined and villians in every movie put together at this point.
And they can't unfuck how unbelievably bad the universes that were given the news that they were going to be erased for not winning gokus stupid bullshit tournament.
Even if they wish those universes back those fucking universes were outright fucking ruined because of that shit.

They've been set back entire epochs. That shit doesn't just get fixed with a LOL ME SORRY ME JUST GOKU!!

They are fucked forever.

I'm DAMNED sure that not only Goku, but all of U7 will be on the eternal shitlist and kill on site list of every fucking universe except U6 and outside of the faggots(and hit champa and vados) in the u6 fanclub they'll fucking want them dead two.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Super is a lot better. These faggots saying GT are either:

1. Autists trying to be edgy and contrarian
2. Read the thread and are underaged idiots trying to fit in

There is nothing not ONE fucking thing GT does better.

I agree with everything you said, but
>Jiren can be easily sympathized with
If he was a real hero and just wanted to save his universe, he would have done so in the first 5 minutes of the tournament.

I know.
They couldn't even get that right.

Better super form
Better grasp of the IP
Fantastic internal consistency
Shows a love for the characters
Better villians
Better situations
Do not like most of the designs for the heroes however.
Going to have a better ending at this point
Even some of the battles are more imaginative.

Super is so bad right now that GT seems like the superior product.

GT is bad
Super is dogshit

>If he was a real hero and just wanted to save his universe

He doesnt want to the the reason other universes fall.


exactly what I was thinking even with my little bit of nostalgia for GT

so hes a pussy?

>There is nothing not ONE fucking thing GT does better.
It has a better name.

Let's be honest. Toei failed miserably with GT but after seeing DBS and specially this arc I choose GT.

Super would honestly be better if it was a slice of life with some minor conflicts like the U6/U7 tournament to inject some excitement every now and then. A lot of the character moments, like Piccolo taking care of Pan, or 17 and 18 interacting, were a lot more satisfying than how everyone was wasted in GT. But the high-stakes conflicts have all been complete garbage. I'd rather re-watch Super 17 than Goku Black.

There are so many. How about you name ONE thing Super does better so we can laugh at you?

it’s because how can you have high stakes when you know every character you’re watching will be fine and alive (besides Goku) by the end of it?

I’m still amazed they decided to place this series between the Buu arc and EoZ what a stupid decision

Everything about Super is fantastic other than future Trunks going back to his shitty timeline (a version of himself already inhabits) for no reason, and Jiren being a nothing so far.
Zamasu was a great REEEE lord if only he had a bit more development than seeing some lizards hit each other and getting mad. Felt a bit Anakin.
Goku is as he should be, a god of fighting based on the lore of Son Goku/Son Wukong. It feels a bit like Jiren exists to poke fun at what people think Goku should be.
Dorky hair transformations are just part of the ride.

>contrarian enough to praise GT

>Not an absolute pile of shit.

GT absolutely fails on every single level.
No, SSJ4 with its magic clothes and eye liner is not "ok looking" its shit.
No, the start of it is not like "OG Dragonball" it was so shit that in later versions they condensed the first 20 episodes or so into 1 because it was absolutely killing ratings.
No, nobody gives a fuck about GT anymore. Its non-canon shit that will only ever be loved by Pedro and his compadres.

Seriously, look at this fucking gif, look at this fucking video, and try and tell me GT had "good art"
Jesus fucking Christ

Doesn't matter, GT and Super are garbage.

Yes, absolutely. Super is below Z and DB in quality.

But its better than GT. And canon.

So the same thing the franchise has done since the saiyan saga

Super is fucking trash

GT is bad but Super manages to be even worse. That's how bad Super is.

Not really. Super does not have magic clothes, furry inspired transformations, and an incoherent mess of a plot (most the time)

Super isn't great, hell I wouldn't even say its good, but its better than GT.

GT had better animation, music, and attempted to bring back the adventure of the original. Super is Z, with none of the charm, animation, or creativity that any of the other dragonball shows have had.

>muh canon
>have non canon idea

SSJ4 shouldn't be called SSJ4. It seems to better represent a mastery of the oozaru form by depicting goku and vegeta as monkey men.

Plus one thing I like about the monkey man design is that it better represents what goku was based off. I still think goku being turned to a kid again only to transform into an adult whenever he takes this form is stupid.

>Super doesn't have an incoherent mess of a plot

The OG DB Manga is wayyyy superior to GT, Z and whatever the fuck Super keeps dishing out. Post OG DB feels really soulless after reading OG, trust me.

>furry inspired transformations
saiyans are monkeys you retard
>magic clothes
magic clothes have been in dragonball ever since piccolo was introduced you retard
>super doesnt have a mess of a plot
LOL what a fucking idiot.

If you don't enjoy all the coolest Dragonball characters duking it out in multiverse tournaments what do you want? They have the strength of gods now, plot options are limited. Anything overly clever becomes GT bullshit.

> SSJ4 shouldn't be called SSJ4. It seems to better represent a mastery of the oozaru form by depicting goku and vegeta as monkey men.

Yeah, most official stuff that talks about it does say that the "Super Saiyan 4" name is really just out of convenience, and that the form is actually something very different.

>Plus one thing I like about the monkey man design is that it better represents what goku was based off.

Totally. It calls back to both 1) his early days as a monkey-boy and occasional giant monkey-monster, and, 2) his creative origins as a parody of the Monkey King. Just put him back on top of Kintoun and wielding Nyoibo again, and the imagery is complete.

>I still think goku being turned to a kid again only to transform into an adult whenever he takes this form is stupid.

Well the way I see it is that it's not so much "returning him to adult size," and more that SS4 is a part-Oozaru transformation that's actually physical, and just grants a certain body type.

It's easier to tell with Vegeta than Goku, but Super Saiyan 4 actually makes you *taller* than normal. It's as if that's simply the default size and form for SS4, and undoing Goku's kid-size in the process is just a side effect.

no. it didn't even have choreography it was barely animated.
no. dan dan was ok but super all sorts of awesome op and eds and the ToP music is rad and addictive as fuck
i'll give you that it had a genuine gather the dragon balls thing going on that super doesn't have yet? maybe in the next arc.

vegeta could go after the super dragon balls since let's face it he's not winning ToP

I love how Shenron shat his insides form just the aura


An explanation of which is better and why

>dan dan was ok but super all sorts of awesome op and eds and the ToP music is rad and addictive as fuck
How old are you ?

Anyone else find it funny how Multiverse is a better Super than Super?

it unironically is

I like multiverse, but those special chapters are complete garbage, both in art and writing. Plus the translation is a bit odd at times and some of the writer's ideas are really stupid

I think Super is definitely a better show, but I like the designs for SSJ4, Baby, and and Omega more than the color swaps that super is known for

Does anyone think anything will ever top the final goodbye in GT? As bad as it was, wasn't that ending just fucking perfect? Tear up every time I see it. Yes, with the english soundtrack.

Nope it won’t be topped

the GT ending wasnt without flaws but it was pretty much the perfect way to end the series