Debuts on Netflix this Wednesday

>debuts on Netflix this Wednesday
is Sup Forums ready for the anime of the year?


Declaring something of the year in January, must be a marketer or typical cross boarding retard.

>doubting Urobuchi


>Pushing Gojira

It's a dead franchise. Let it go already.

Godzilla looks like he had a few too many slices of pie there.


>Hideaki Anno's Shin Godzilla is the highest grossing Japanese Godzilla movie since the 1960s, won dozens of awards, sold merchandise like hot cakes, and the 2nd highest grossing Japanese film of 2016
>Dead franchise

So how much you getting paid to shill these American bootleg anime?

I thought some of the hype died down a couple months ago

we dont fucking deserve Anno

A vocal minority of Western fans spazzed out though

So are all the humans in this Nips?

it is not a dead franchise, especially when the NEW american version (and not that shitty 90s one) is actually allowed to make sequels.

The Godzilla bottle feeding finale was really silly, you have to admit

>is actually allowed to make sequels
Sony could have made sequels to GODZILLA (1998). It was intended to be a trilogy. They chose not to make the sequels because of a variety of reasons. Namely diminishing returns. The first movie barely broke even and left droves of unsold merchandise on store shelves. Stores were pissed and were not going to get involved a second time around. Theaters were furious because Sony demanded a larger percentage of the profit to make up for it not doing anywhere near what it should have and the theaters were left with a movie no one wanted to see. It was supposed to be the biggest movie ever up to that point. Yes, bigger than Titanic and Jurassic Park. Fell way short of those numbers by hundreds of millions of dollars and it was the only major movie out at the time because rival studios were afraid to release anything against. So Sony just let the adaptation rights expire in 2003 and revert back to Toho.

A lesser offense compared to a lot of other things that have happened in these movies

SPOLIER; Godzilla is human!

Jokes on you it's a plant with Aryan blue eyes

It had a limited release in Japan a few months ago. Now it's getting a worldwide release on Netflix.

It wouldn't have worked anyway. It takes about 3-4 years to put out a sequel, which means Godzilla 2 would have come out just in time for 9/11.

>Godzilla 2 would have come out just in time for 9/11
Unless it was terrible I think it would have done fine against the competition

is this the sequel to godzilla: the animated series??

>Anno directed Shin Godzilla
>tfw this movie drops on netflix and starts off with very vague landscape shots and then EVANGELION 3.0 + 1.0 appears on screen

He meant to imply they'd be scared to actually release a movie about american cities having their skyscrapers destroyed right after 9/11 (with shit like movies where buildings were destroyed having those scenes cut and all), and if it was released it would likely spark controversy.
If you ask me the controversy would just make more people watch it as usually goes, but eh.

No. It's completely unrelated to other Godzilla priorities and continuities. Written by Urobuchi and directed by the guys who do the recent Detective Conan movies.

and i thought 2014's Godzilla was fat, wtf Japan they bash on Americans making godzilla fat but this is on whole other level.

>Polygon's jank ass CGI
>Being anything but worst of the year
>Ripping of Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah Monsters all out Attack
Fucking Butcher, first he make an edgier Sailor Moon, then he makes an Edgier Kenshin with puppets, now he's just rehasing plots

He's literally the biggest Godzilla in every way.

what the fuck urobuchi?

planet sized godzilla when

i know that, I'm just saying the size thing became a competition because Americans claim to have the biggest Godzilla on screen until Shin showed up and now Japan is obsessed with size. all i care about a good Godzilla movie not the size

He's a big guy

He's not planet sized but he is called Godzilla earth.

>not Gaiazilla of Godarth or even just Earth Godzilla
>Godzilla Earth


These are the same guys that made the Blame! movie, right?

the size of godzilla should keep going up until he is the same size as TTGL or larger.


>every new movie has to have a bigger Big G

I really hate this trend. 100m needs to be the limit. Any taller, and you're forcing old monsters to need to grow in size to catch up and formerly taller monsters to need to grow to remain imposing.

I like the way you think.

Yes. Polygon Pictures did Blame and Knights of Sidonia. Wish he could have gotten another studio and 2D animation tho... Maybe Madhouse, Khara, or Kyoani

Will it be better than the cartoon based on Zilla?

Zilla Jr was best boy

Why is all netflix anime CGI

>NIGEL blowing up every episode
>creative monster designs
>understood how to keep the human plot relevant
>made good use of the French conspiracy subplot that the movie failed to properly explore
>made by the same studio who did Men in Black the Series and Jackie Chan Adventures

Nothing could be better than Godzilla the Series.

>two series and two movies
>all anime
Really makes me wonder

Because CGI is allegedly cheaper than traditional animation.

And it shows.

But a cg anime was AOTY last year?

Listen I know this isnt technically Sup Forums and regardless of what you think of the movie as a whole. Can we just agree that the entire sequence in Shin Godzilla where Godzilla attacks Tokyo at night was fucking incredible? Its the most Anno shit ever.

Anigoji is being different, it's not going the usual kaiju route. We still don't know the core theme of the work yet.

But it's trying hard to make the contrast between Goji's strength and humanity as large as possible for dramatic effect.

>Recently got a new successful american movie
>Got a new japanese movie which is the second most profitable movie in the franchise only behind the original
>Godzilla 2 and King Kong vs Godzilla are on the way
>Dead franchise

To capture mainstream mass audience, not 2D loving creeps

>Nothing could be better than Godzilla the Series.

Why are the posters always so much cooler than the movies?

Second worst Godzilla design, but best American Godzilla story.



I don't know who the fuck Minilla and Godzuki were supposed to appeal to. When I was a kid all I fucking cared about was Godzilla and not his fucking runt of an adopted son.

Godzilla Jr. was acceptable, though. He actually mattered in the plots of the movies he was in, and the payoff to his character arc was huge.

>but best American Godzilla story
.... whoa... you're actually right.

Because the posters are drawn like they're for a fucking James Bond movie or something.

At leas tthis puts an end to the whole "My Godzilla is bigger than yours" thing, r-right?

Did I miss a movie or is this Butcher's Godzilla?

We're barely at Gunbuster levels of huge.

2017 is Butcher's godzilla, yeah.

We're not even at Leviathan size, user

At least we don't have Godzilla piloting a mech, yet.

Will she be waifu material?

I bet she gets killed in the first 15 minutes

at least there's Eren and Kaworu

So everything will be up in a single day? All of anime should be this way.

No, but I'm hoping she gets to pilot mechagodzilla in the next movie.

It's the first movie in a trilogy it's not an anime series although it was originally meant to be a series

im still not sure just what Netflix is. Is it those kiosks you see in some grocery store or a new video rental place?


that's redbox you dumbass

Netflix is Blockbuster, but through the mail.

Why doesn't someone just go up to fucking Godzilla and put a bullet in its head. Or use a railgun from a destroyer or something. God... These movies are retarded.

imagine just how big Ghidora is going to be.

only Imaishi can pull that off.

Wouldn't it be much quicker just to go to the video store on the way home from work instead of ordering a movie from a catalog and waiting a few days (I assume USPS) to get to your house?

>what is the plot of the entire first movie

I wish there was some kind of network, like telephone, but not just sound but also with picture, where you could just watch something at any moment.

If there is a Blockbuster in a convenient location, maybe, but even then you're still dependent on the Blockbuster in your area having the movie you want to watch in stock and not being rented out by someone else or not out of rotation in favor of newer movies.

Not everyone had a Blockbuster or video store nearby, but everyone gets mail.

Fucking Godzuki ruined the cool op.

He's my friend and a whole lot more.

Because they are meant to get you to watch the movies

I miss Raymond Burr and think 1984/5 was just fantastic. I actually met him on a few occasions. Beautiful blue eyes you would be stunned.

One of the single best, if not the best, scenes in the entire franchise.

Did we ever get nudes of the little mothra girls?

I completely agree.

The breath reveal and that short shot of him glowing red during the blackout were both 10/10. Same with the reveal of Kamata-kun

It's not much. But it's the only thing I'm aware of. It comes from Mothra (1961).

HnK was

yes i want to get Butchered

Yeah but to be fair we don't get that Godzilla until it's the last few moments of the movie. The Godzilla we see for most of the movie is actually the one we see at the very right marked 2017 with a 50m height. That's the height Godzilla was when he first showed up 20,000 years ago in Earth time. Then later it was as a clone of that Godzilla called Godzilla Filius. Then at the very end when they've killed that one, the 300m behemoth Godzilla Earth redefines the word 'rape' on the colonists.

I think Urobuchi actually took inspiration from Anno in regards to his Godzilla film. The Godzilla here is basically what Shin would have become if he continued evolving without limits. At the very end in Shin we see Godzilla starting to form skeletal humanoid creatures out its tail. That's basically what the Godzilla here does to make the Servum and its clone. It's literally Shin if it survived for tens of thousands of years and evolved all that time.

>3DCG garbage

>CGI in 24 fps
>Polygon Sameface animu characters
>out of place J-pop song paired with Godzilla

can't wait for the backlash from the western watcher.

This. Most of the world is on the CGI train.

another great moment