Would the "Devil Dash" actually work in real life or is it just autistic...

Would the "Devil Dash" actually work in real life or is it just autistic? I like it either way from a design standpoint but would it be practical?

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>would it be practical?
I don't know, have you ever seen an Olympic sprinter doing it?

If only there were some way you could try it to find out.

Maybe if you are a demon.

I know you're trolling, but no, it's ridiculous. You'll spend more strength and stamina just trying to not fall foward. The only reason they run that way is so they could have some pay off during the track meet when they reveal Kodai is a Demon.

are you fucking retarded?

wtf not baiting
but isn't there some shit with wind resistance

Maybe none have tried
It takes just one to start thinking out of the box

heck you meanie

Then you're retarded.
Just go out and fucking try it.

More practical and less autistic than the Naruto run.

you can run like Naruto, but you can't run like in that devil dash.

It should work with constant acceleration

Do you see Usain Bolt doing it?

it's highly unaerodynamic and less energy efficient than normal sprinting. you'd waste half your energy on those stupid arm flails and human anatomy can't stay in that pose for long without falling over. running is basically controlled falling where you just catch yourself over and over again, so bending at practically 90 degrees is just going to make that harder to sustain.

I actually tried it since it was a pretty big thing getting posted as of late
I own a pretty decent size of land and do some running on my off days(3 miles generally in less than 20 min) so I figured I'd give it a try and see what happens if I change my stance.
At first it seemed pretty difficult to get used to, I fell over once and nearly broke my face another time, but after a few tries I got the hang of it. Now in terms of time, my average time for 1 mile is about 8 minutes at full sprint, when doing the devilrun in perfect form, 5 minutes. I was shocked but to say I would openly do this in public is probably a no go.

Fuck off

You would need to have muscles of fucking steel and adamantite spine to run like that . It is not physically possible for human beings.

Post a video

It is practical but you need a giant demon bulge to shift your center of gravity back or else you'll just fall on your face like a retard

Devilmans weigh more than humans, what if all the weight is in their butts and it balances out when running.

slow down sasuke.

i think it was just a way to show the demons' bestial side. they pretty much defy human logic after all

That would imply the center of gravity is way way down compared to that of a human. Which could be as demonpeople gains weight as ryo said about the russian scientist. That means the demon within the human body is probably located in the dick/pussy.

The arm flails are to cut through the wind resistance in front of you. It's like swimming in air.

Are suggesting going outside?!

What if we convince people to run like this and record themselves so they break their nose's doing this.
The Chad Sprint challenge we could call it.

Just get yourself a brain already

if the amount of energy required to move the arm through a medium is greater than the amount of work that it produces in forward movement then it is inefficient and you're better off not doing it. that's why swimming in water works but "swimming" in air is retarded.

the thing with naruto run it's actually practical, but only if you can run really really fast. Like on non-human levels of fast. You swerve to front so your whole upper body is alligned almost horizontally, giving you the least amout of air fraction. If you are able to run like no human can your arms get in that position naturally, going with the flow to prevent additional air resistance. That's all there is to it. Given how people in naruto are able to move in almost *teleports behind you* speeds such a way of running is indeed not impractical.

You're an idiot.

Shit doesn't work like that. Your center of gravity would be shifted much more forward, which means that in the event of a weight-shifting action as harsh as running, you'd be constantly trying not to fall forward. As a result, you'd be using a lot more energy because you need that muscle strength in order to make up for the fall and you body would be absorbing more shock, just like those last few steps when you slow down and stop right after a sprint because the body uses the ground's energy-dissipating property in order to dissipate the kinetic energy created by the act of running.
Also, the upper half position and its movements are retarded. Such a position doesn't allow good breathing and would tire you out very fast. The flailing arms also needlessly spend energy because air with little to no wind doesn't have a resistance large enough to cause any significant change in performance, which in turns doesn't allow the body to use it as a way to propel oneself forward.

This thread is an affront to life, Satan robbed you of your quads for a reason.

Are you an idiot?

I have not watched this but if he's controlled by a literal otherworldly being I don't see how you could say any of his actions could work in real life.
Anyway it was only done as a way to show his inhuman nature.

>Would the "Devil Dash" actually work in real life
Yes, but only Chads can do it.


I really wish this wasn't bait. It would make the world a bit more hilarious knowing that people can be this stupid.

Half the reason I run on a local trail is to see just how fucked some people's running posture is

It's great

You're one of those kids that run like naruto, aren't you?

It's joke.

It's more of an abstraction, rather than a joke.

i think at a certain speed your body would have to take that posture to keep itself in contact with the ground.

Not him but oh my dude do I have news for you...

It's garbage



Every damn time...

I didn't know there was a correct way to run wtf

Absolute madman if true