Will they do his death justice?
what the fuck spoilers
Hate to be that guy but it happened nearly 20 years ago.
Gappy makes me happy
At least he didn't tell you Jotaro dies in part 6.
>not being a part virgin and waiting for far superior anime adaptation, especially for such an action genre manga
I hate to be that guy 2 but most current Sup Forums posters were eating glue 20 years ago.
That said, spoilers actually have been shown to enhance viewing experience so bring on all spoilers.
That's not even half as sad as Yasuho dying in part 8.
Excuse me can you stop?
bruh those moments weren't even close to how sad it was when mista was murdered
I can't believe Yasuho's fucking dead
Read the fucking manga
idk who Yasuho is sorry
Don't even get me started on when everyone turned into snails.
Joshuu makes ME happy
Giorno turning Jotaro into a vampire against his will then killing him the same way Jotaro killed his dad was pretty fucked up.
That shit made me cry for weeks, man.
>"excuse me can you stop"
I'm sure you can down vote all the shit you don't want to see there too
At least the trip to Disneyworld worked out well despite Mickey being missing.
I don't even know what a JoJo is but I know this is bullshit
I was so mad when Dio but Denny in the oven I dropped this shit and never looked back
Still doesn’t top Johnny using the Stone Mask with Gyro’s blood then raping Lucy to death and eating Valentine’s fucking face until Diego puts him down.
Should've read the wiki.
Still doesn't beat Jorge Joestar
Or read the wiki.
Just read the wiki my dude.
The best part is when DIO returns and saves Giorno while the gang watches.
Listen to these guys.
We need more wikionlys.
DIO's happy family is what helps me sleep at night.
I love that scene. Anyone have that page?
Ripped from the wiki, for you.
Thanks my dude!
Thank you. That's one of the few things in JoJo that made me cry happy tears.
>when Killer Queen is revealed on bluray
I'm actually climaxing right now. Watched it at least 10 times
You Jojo Plebs Should've Just Read The Fucking Manga. Don't Whine When Someone Spoils Something Because YOU Didn't Read The Whole Fucking Series.
What chapter is this title?
I want Avdol to Magician's Red my insides with his BBC
>reading the manga
>not saving time by reading the wiki
heh, stupid josuke.
This Isn't A Title.
This Is (Not) A Drill
I Enjoy Reading The Series, Instead Of Ripping Information From The Wiki Like A Total Doofus.
What Title Is This On?
Reminder that you will NEVER get to watch this version of Stardust Crusaders.
You're Pretty Cool.
Kys animeonly
This. Wikionlys > Animeonlys
Thoughts on Diver Down?
I read on the wiki that he's alright.
>Diver Down
diverdownfags, everyone
I actually thought this stand had more potential than it was shown, to be honest.
Such wasted potential. DP should be ashamed of that abomination that they put out instead of this.
That's funny user, because my favorite stand is GER, like every ventofag does
bet that fucker wasn't even alive 20 years ago
>retard Animeonlys shitting up the thread again
Wikionlys truly are the best.
Defend this.
Good. That art style looks like absolute fujobait and I'm glad David strayed away from that shit after Part 2.
This. Only retarded animeonlys want that shit.
I'm gay
You should be locked in a asylum, like good mental ill people.
What's the longest and shortest Jojo parts?
If we go by "in-universe" time, which part features it's entire story over the shortest period of time or the longest?
I hope it's sarcasm
Part 1 is over like 8 years.
Part 2 is around 30-40 days.
Part 3 is around 50 days.
Part 4 is like half a year.
Part 5 is around a week.
Part 6 is also around half a year.
Part 7 I’m not sure, I remember the race being projected to take 6 months for the winner but I also vaguely remember that Diego crossed the line at 4 months.
Part 8 counting from when Josuke woke up in chapter 1 has only been like a month at max, everything from California King Bed to Walking Heart, Breaking Heart were set on consecutive days and Blue Hawaii onwards has been set on a single day not long after Walking Heart, Breaking Heart. So a couple weeks at most.
This just shows Araki rushes his writing style and is the reason why anything after part I is utter trash.
How does he rush things when everything after Part 1 is way longer in page count?
A good story is like fine wine which needs to age.
Rushing a manga in a few days/weeks makes it taste bitter.
PB: 857
BT: 1313
SC: 3044
DiU: 3476
GW: 3121
SO: 3260
SBR: 4474
JJL: 3103~
Original Series: 15071
Reboot Series: 7577~
Total: 22648~
As of February, JoJolion will be longer than Golden Wind. It’ll overtake Stone Ocean and Diamond is Unbreakable this year too.
>Part 5 is around a week.
No wonder it sucked so bad.
Quality over quantity my dude.
your mom sucked so bad
Battle Tendency was JoJo's peak by miles. It's a shame but I have to agree with the guy that said stands ruined JoJo. The pokemon battles with random abilities allow too many asspulls and bullshit. It enables shitty writing. He writes his characters into a corner and instead of finding a practical, creative way for his characters to persevere (like in Part 2, even if it did get silly at times) he can just have their stand do whatever nonsensical bullshit he wants. Instead of Joseph throwing Caesar's flaming headband into Wham's holes after tricking him into sucking up oil or using distraction tactics to tie a rope around Cars' foot, Giorno's stand magically reverses King Crimson's ability for absolutely no reason other than Araki being too lazy to think of a real way to defeat Diavolo. Another example is how Caesar keeps soapy water hidden in his gloves/clothes which he uses to create ripple bubbles. That seems mundane but all of the pieces are there and the ability makes sense.
Nothing needs to make sense when it comes to stands because it's all pulled from the ether.
>random asspulls and bullshit
acting like stroheim popping a MG-42 out of his chest wasn't an asspull.
>Part 7 I’m not sure
Part 5 lasting a week is fairly close, given that virtually everything was actually shown, there are hardly any timeskips in it (not counting KC's bullshit).
Day 1: Giorno meets Koichi and Buccellati, Buccellati introduces him to Polpo and he starts the lighter test. Sleeping Slaves also happens on this day.
Day 2: Giorno finishes the test and joins the gang. They immediately head out to the island, get the treasure, and are assigned to Trish. They go to a vineyard to hide out and it's possible but not shown they spend a night there, as Narancia quickly blows their cover by being busted by Formaggio. When this happens, they get the key from Pompeii and get on the train, and are attacked by Pesci and Prosciutto, and then Melone. Ghiaccio attacks at night and the sun rises as he's beaten.
Day 3/4: They meet Diavolo and betray him. They eat lunch and kill Squalo and Tiziano before flying to Sardinia. Diavolo attacks and kills Abbacchio after a fight with Risotto. They head back to the mainland, arriving at night, and are attacked by Cioccolata and Secco. The sun rises with everyones souls being swapped by Polnareff.
Day 4/5: Silver Chariot Requiem, end of the story.
Based hairposter
>tfw you take down a crime kingpin in less than a week
Based basedposter
Based based basedposter
Based based based basedposter
Post time skip Part 1 from the rugby match to Dio's defeat is probably a bit more than a month. Jonathan gets married 3 months after that and dies 5 days later, with Erina rescued another 2 days later.
Based based based based basedposter
>people unironically like the shitty artwork after part 1
Araki was in his prime when he first started and in order to spam publish JoJo, he had to lower his quality standards in order to meet deadlines.
Part 7 is the pinnacle of art
Part 7's art is inconsistent and sets unreal standards.
Funny Valoretine was fat at the start and then Araki changed him halfway through because why not.
Phantom Blood is a masterpiece and yet at the same time was Araki's swansong.
What the hell are these cards?
The middle pic is fanart traced from a Caesar screenshot, he wouldn't have looked like that
I'm a slut
get fucked animeonly
Late part 4 where Araki's artstyle started getting less and less HnK-like is much better in my opinion. Part 7 after it went monthly is I think his peak in actual quality of artwork but I think the style looks pretty weird a lot of the time. I like how part 8 looks but wish the technical skill was on par with late SBR. Though I don't know if that's actually Araki getting old and not being able to draw as well as he used to or if it's on purpose. JJL still looks great most of the time but sometimes it gets a bit sketchy, especially with the way that the shading is done sometimes.
I also wish we were still regularly getting 60 pages each month.
Kira pls go
Probably age, it’s tough to do 60 pages a month at that quality as a young mangaka let alone middle aged like he was at the time and nearly 60 now. I also wonder about his assistants. Even back in Phantom Blood, his assistants did all the backgrounds, and their technical quality and also quantity peaked in SBR. Backgrounds are getting pretty sparse and shitty looking these days so I’m wondering if he’s got less assistants now or if he’s trying to do them all himself now too.
He can still draw at that quality and often does for covers and promos, but I imagine it takes way longer than it used to for him so he can’t do chapters at that quality anymore unless he’s only doing like 20-30 a month.
SBR kind of spoiled me for monthly chapters. I never really paid too much attention to page counts and wasn't really reading many monthly series anyway. But then having SBR's page counts when reading through it was amazing. But I've recently been reading more and more monthly manga and realizing that 60 pages is nowhere near what most artists put out per month, and I was looking through the chapters recently and one of them even has 70 pages. 25 to 30 is more the norm, with some getting up to 40 or so sometimes. Araki was crazy during SBR. Makes me wonder how many pages an artist could give a monthly magazine until they tell them to stop.
This is why I love Araki.
>Makes me wonder how many pages an artist could give a monthly magazine until they tell them to stop.
The first chapters of Berserk were each like 100+ pages, but apparently a few manga have 200+ chapters not sure if they're monthly though.
I've read some that don't even seem split into chapters. Like Homunculus. The Akira manga too didn't seem split into chapters even though it was serialized somehow. They might have just did some adjustments for the volume releases though.
inb4 Bohemian Raphsody is already activated