Released decades ago, yet superior in every way to Devilman Crybaby. How did Yuasa fuck up so bad?
Released decades ago, yet superior in every way to Devilman Crybaby. How did Yuasa fuck up so bad?
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You're already a faggot for thinking age is a factor in quality.
I'm just saying a god-tier adaptation was already created. All Yuasa had to do for Crybaby was follow the groundwork that was already laid out for him but I guess that was too hard for a famous director who's worked in the industry for nearly 20 years.
It's not like this is going to be the last reboot this series get.
see ya in 10/20 years suckers
Fuck off with your shitty bait.
If you think the one on the right looks better then you are a complete and utter retard.
If only it had properly finished, 5 OVAs, was it too much to ask?
Fuck you
I like Ryo’s older design better too but I’m not an autist who goes around shitting on things because of changes.
Is Ryo korean? why does he have that shitty korean hair?
>you shouldn't shit on things just because they're trash lol
>every change I didn’t personally like makes it trash lol
It’s definitely flawed in pacing and some questionable changes, but by no means were they bad enough to make it shit. This is especially true since the core themes have a shifted focus, so some characterisation changes also had to be made. Different isnt always bad.
>superior in ever way
nah man, OST is the best in ages
He's supposed to look fashionable, so he has a haircut that's in style.
Was Ryo meant to be a better character than Akira?
If you think a striped blue turtleneck, sideburns, and a shapeless raincoat is fashionable or a even viable character design in 2017 then you are a fucking retard.
Ryo is an archetypal pretty boy. Yuasa made him so by 2017's standards. Deal with it.
>Different isn't always bad
While I agree, I wouldn't be so butthurt if the old OVAs were a complete adaptation. I've been waiting fucking ages for a complete Devilman anime adaptation, and instead of just giving me goddamn fucking Devilman, they had to go all "different" and zany and shit. JUST FINISH THE FUCKING SHOW I WANTED, THEN DO ALL YOU'RE DIFFERENT SHIT
the ovas were expensive to produce. the 80s were a different time, and they had money to burn unlike today.
>tfw digital killed animation
For starters? The missing sideburns.
Sideburns nowadays make you look like a sleazy hobo.
>2017 standards
Then he fucking failed because a faggot with a bowl cut is not what I think of when I think "fashionable."
Not him but we’re talking japan here. Minimalist blonde bishounen with a bowlcut is fashionable.
Both Ryos are cute as fuck
have you seen japanese/korean boy bands recently? that's what they look like fagdick
Honestly, I'd fuck either of them. I like the og design better, but it would look out of place in a series set in the present day. Of course, you can also argue that they shouldn't have updated it to the 2010s in the first place, and should have kept a 70s/80s setting.
>Released decades ago, yet superior in every way to
Is that supposed to be surprising ?
>Devilman theme
dat is mane
>devilman crybaby
>devilman does nothing
>only watch everyone around him die
That is why is Devilman Crybaby and not Devilman Superhero
>Manga Akira expressed his emotions with creative paneling techniques and rage
>Crybaby Akira cries
He's a crybaby, get it?
>thought all the references to the first Devilman anime existing in the Crybaby universe would go somewhere and maybe lead to some sort of metanarrative
>it never goes anywhere
>just a cheeky reference
>god tier
>never covered the whole thing and glanced over a lot of things