Was the decoration really necessary? I doubt Big Mom will care about anything but the taste.
They even rebuilt the altar which I don't think is edible.
One Piece
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Would be hilarious if BigMom demands a marriage in order to create the perfect conditions of consuming the cake.
Everything is edible when you're Big Mom
>luffy against kuri is suddendly stopped by big mom herself when she asks for the bride and the spouse
Would Bege act as the priest?
>Usually used to refer to the head of an Sicilian crime family/organization (Mafia). Being someone's Godfather was a great honor in Sicilian culture, and he was expected to help in the upbringing of the baptized child, almost like a third parent.
he's almost there anyways
Food is for the eyes and mind as much as it's for the heart and soul.
Is something Sanji would say.
>the deliciousness of the cake makes Big Mom forgive and apologize to Sanji for trying to assassinate him and she calls off all her evil plans
I don't know why, but that's been sitting in my head for awhile.
Good looking food = better tasting food. Are you really that autistic to not understand such a simple concept
The altar looks exactly like the one in the background! Take away the top decoration and thats what we get
it's a pretty generic design
holy fuck what's up with the brightness in this scan
Because that is how an altar looks, you fucking retard
>Look guise it is the same altar but with different design
Kill yourself
I would rather have Big Mom dying after eating such a delicious cake than simply forgiving the Strawhats for wrecking havoc in her master plan, breaking her only stone carved picture of Mother Carmel and destroying her main castle like it was nothing.
Who here hype for for kata backstabbing big meme and taking over?
Guaranteed luffy's response would be along the lines of "fine, but we're finishing this after."
What the hell is the true Pudding persona?
Can Sanji even handle being married to her?
Sanji is a perfectionist so of course he’ll recreate the design as well. The whole point was him making a cake that lives up to big meme’s imagination. Kind of a wasted opportunity this whole arc wasn’t oda doing a cooking battle manga instead.
post yfw the cake doesn't work on Big Mom
Would Sanji be able to beat Kyr-I mean Joichiro in Shokugeki no Soma?
Isn't Sugar supposed to be the One Piece version of pic related too? Down to the same voice?
We need at least half a dozen One Piece spin-offs at this point. Oda doesn't have the time to create everything the series deserves, sadly. I would love to see the life of a Marine starring Garp, Sengoku and Tsuru young days, Davy Back Fights involving other crews and also see Noland's story as a whole, but life sucks and we will never get any of those
Sanji got cucked out of being in a universe that would truly appreciate his skills
Wouldn't all the women want to be with him there too?
I haven't seen an episode of One Piece in 12 years
How the fuck do I come back from that? Should I just watch the movies? I've always liked it more than Bleach and Naruto but I'm not sure it is worth the trouble to get back in
Avoid the movies and the anime. What are you even thinking? Stick to the manga and at most the anime's OST
i bet my own ass that the cake will only knock out big mom only for a few seconds before it starts some kind of side-effect on her. maybe we'll get some kind of exorcising scene with linlin "fighting" the sweetness of the cake's cream
that or the cake will get fucked in some way before going into her mouth
The anime is shit and only retards watch it, if you want then read the manga
You fucking phillistine. Everyone tastes food with their eyes first. It's because they know that that cooks and patissiers everywhere try their best to make their food look good and not just like a puddle of tasty goo. A cake that tastes good but looks terrible is not a good cake.
It's worth the trouble.
Like the other anons said, manga is way better and anime doesn't do justice to it.
If it really has to be anime, make sure you see what epis are canon, before you watch.
Read the manga. Catch up on it. Then go to Youtube and just search for the fights. Someone probably will have made a compilation cutting out all the irrelevant scenes in the middle. The voice acting and soundtrack is still literally 11/10. But that alone isn't worth watching the anime because it has gone way down hill.
You can watch the movies after catching up on the manga. They're actually pretty nice. Decent animation and really great soundtracks.
>Sanji accidently put in the Fighting recipe thingies and made her stronger AND more beautiful
Will there be a Sanji flashback when Big Mom eats the cake?
Wait, why would that happen?
Are you implying Big Mom would ask for Luffy and Katakuri to get married? Katakuri and Nami? Luffy and Flambé? Oh my god, are Luffy and Flambé gonna get married
Luffy and Brulee
The cake is gonna turn her into a pacifist hippie who wouldn't even swat a fly, mark my words.
I kinda assumed Brulée was married already but I'm fine with this too.
Highly doubtful.
Wouldn't mind Iva-chan's big ass face peering into the kitchen while Sanji's making shit though. And Sanji trying to erase that memory.
i'll leave that to your own imagination
>took almost a decade for Sanji to finally do something useful with what he learned from Kamabakka
>he only did a stupidass soup before that
What a waste of a character. To think that pre-TS he had such a bigger potential... Even Brook did much more than him during Dressrossa, PH and Fishman Island, while also stealing his thunder all the time on an arc that was supposed to be Sanji's place to shine. Thankfully he is just a fictional character, otherwise he would be in severe depression after this arc
But Sanji is always using what he learned at Kamabakka. The fighting recipes aren't like "eat this and gain super powers" it's recipes, for meals, that allow those who eat it to grow stronger, likely because they are highly nutritious and fortifying. And theres 99 recipes in total. Sanji likely prepares Attack Cuisine all the time for the crew
Nah, if there's gonna be any flashback during the cake eating, it's gonna be Big Mom's.
At the very least, we're getting one of these crazy anime degustation scene. I wouldn't be surprised if Oda spent a whole chapter on it.
>Was the decoration really necessary? I doubt Big Mom will care about anything but the taste.
Yes because Oda is the master of subtlety and not making over the top shit.
This barely got mentioned but Katakuri brought up that they have ships stationed in Cacao Island as a last line of defense.
It seems pretty clear to me that Germa will end up at Cacao Island if they haven't already.
They might have even defeated Oven, thus saving Pound.
Read the colored manga from wherever you left off until you can't. Then read the normal one for the rest.
But why would one of the Germa boys be wielding a sword?
Let me contribute
Just don't, it's shit that is going nowhere and didn't even have the courtesy to fucking end.
She looks like Sanji just gave her a one man bukkake.
A meal begins with your eyes.
i want to add something, that last line of defense was even mentioned by tamago when arguing with mont d'or if the chateau falling down was craft of the straw hats as well. now that stussy confirmed what he was fearing, those ships will only get reinforcements from whole cake and the islands nearby
Not for Big meme. She eats first questions later.
They're both hers. Have you never relied on a mean persona to get by? And then found yourself at a loss when you find someone you don't wanna be mean to? Because I totally get where she's coming from. It's just habit.
Mangasee is down right now
Will she drop the habit?
>Have you never relied on a mean persona to get by? And then found yourself at a loss when you find someone you don't wanna be mean to?
No, because I'm not an asshole and I try to be polite to everyone I meet
He did say something along those lines in Skypea.
Sure, good for you asshole.
Don't call me an asshole. asshole
Yeah, I couldn't remember the actual line and I thought it was probably from G8 so I didn't bother looking it up.
Hopefully not.
That habit is the only thing left of her that makes her interesting so hopefully not.
>OP baiting sanafags
>will cry when they start spamming
You fags are so obsessed with shipping
>OP baiting sanafags
What if Caesar invented a gas that dissolves clothing and used it on Nami and Robin?
crystal healing treatment
Nobody would notice compared to the usual.
Haha yeah so funny. Even more funny because it will Sanji and Nami this time to trick Big Mom.
I can't stop laughing bro haha
Jaimini doesnt have chapter still? Where can read?
Then he'd use it in a room full of ladies just to see them getting embarrassed as they are left completely naked.
Me llamo Spicyfoot!
>They even rebuilt the altar which I don't think is edible.
Screencap this: Big mom will eat it all, even the alter. It will be a gag that one of the characters will comment on
Did Caesar Clown actually have a son that died from a disease?
>Not Piecante
Absolutely disgusting!
pirates = evil
navy = justice
Where is that from, that sounds really familiar.
But it's obvious that she is going to eat it just like how she ate the croquebuche
Good? Arguable. but Justice? Nah.
She’s going to kidnap the straw hats if it’s thst good.
is he giving pica the finger?
No, his pinky and thumb is extended as well. He's throwing up gang signs.
t. pirates
I hope she stops hiding her third eye in her dere mode. I want to see her make cute expressions with it visible.
How long until a king kong gun wrecks Katakuri?
I think they mentioned during the wedding that Germa left their Raid Suits AND weapons at the entrance.
good point
It's not really farfetched that they'd be wielding swords. Oda's probably leaving that surprise for last.
Any chance Luffy isdefeating Katakuri in this battle, or will we have another pause so that Luffy can rest(and eat a wedding cake) and then defeat Katakuri? No matter how great his Observation Haki may be growing right now, Katakuri has just received one strong punch and that barely did anything to him.
I wonder how well she'll be able to keep her composure in check when they finally come within range of Big Mom and her crew. I'm looking forward to some hi-jinks there, given the cake team will somehow have to ensure that the Big Mom pirates don't try to stop Big Mom from eating the cake, due to the understandable fear of it being tampered with.
He won’t get Waiper’s treatment.
Why are all the post time-skip arcs such garbage...
They are better than the pre skip arcs.
He’s going to totally overwhelm Katakuri and become a threat to the Yonko.