>can't post pte images anymore without people shitting on it now since the anime started
Can't post pte images anymore without people shitting on it now since the anime started
I'm not mad
Are you upset?
Shitpost to your hearts content
The threads were actually comfy before the anime. Well, that's how it goes.
Place your bet.
Which two voice actors/actresses will have the privilege to do this line?
Norio Wakamoto should be the one
I actually really liked the second episode and laughed despite not liking the first at all. I think the female voice actors helped it a lot.
There's been a couple of comfy threads recently.
Well now that its popular (as if it wasn't already being memed about and posted by, gasp, other websites) we have to hate it. In fact we never liked it.
I think the actual OP of the show is unironically stellar. I'm pleased that the bizarre format of this show allows me to watch it twice.
They need to ditch the Bob Mimimi whatever segments though. They aren't funny; they're just gross.
They did a better job with the re-showing the episode gimmick; a lot of the moments in the second showing were gags based off of you anticipating the original gag. I honestly think that that's a worthwhile format if they pushed it hard enough, but right now they aren't yet.
Reminder that the Joke anime/manga got an Anthrology: crunchyroll.com
Also OP: my.mixtape.moe
Someone needs to fansub the raws as soon as fucking possible. The censorship was bad enough, but CR's yabba dabba doo and hasta la vista baby were egregiously bad.
Just watched the second episode. It was fantastic, much better than the first one.
I seriously can't understand why there are people who hate fun.
To be fair, the second ep was much better than the first________________.
Nana Mizuki, it's King Records and they already made some Nanoha collab merch so Nana/Yukari episode should happen and making Nana say it would be more impactful.
It's sad. This board has gone to the dogs.
What the fuck?
>In the end, we truly are POPTEAMEPIC
How can this OP be so amazing? Full version when?
Just loop the video
Why the fuck do you care about other people's, even worse anos on internet, opinion?
Grow a pair.
Heh, nice one.
To be fair the first episode was legitimately terrible
So you sayin’ we sum kinda poputepikku?
That’s because the first episode didn’t have any good skits (besides the french and the guardians of the galaxy spoof ) while this episode had multiple hits.
I’m still kind of weirded out by bob epic team though
Bob Epic Team is the best.
>tfw THOSE people are already needling into the series now
I don't get it
Would you rather have a popuko gf >:3 or a pipimi gf (:3 ?
Truly epic
Both. Think about what one of them would do if one becomes an adult tomorrow before the other.
Onegai Tumblr-dono!
> crying over fanart
I missed the fortunes translation thread :'3
I hope this image gets larger and larger as the season goes
This had censorship? Or are you simply referring to the fact they've censored other shows?
The translation of the 2nd improv was "yabba dabba do", an onomatopeia, and yet she was saying something in gook-speak, so yes clearly it was.
How the fuck did that happen
Unless you get the BS11 version, all the middle fingers are censored
I thought the middle fingers being censored was just a japanese gag. What the fuck CR.
I unironically like the song that the plushes sing and have listened to it around 10 times. What’s wrong with me?
Which version
It's not a bad song.
Dude version > Chick version
The chick version. I dunno, the dude cersion is funny, but something about the chick version keeps me coming back.
Nothing is wrong with you
You have shit taste, everything is wrong with you.
Nah, the only time its actually censored is the during the french bit.
I've just been watching the horrible subs versions myself, they seem fine?
It was drawn by that guy in the bronx who got caught raping little girls in the park and was uploading the acts onto youtube.
Sick shit.
Aren't they revisions of bkub's jokes by AC-bu?
The duo sure bring Adult Swim feel to the show.
I believe Arai Satomi was trying to do Beat Takeshi impression.
I love Arai making weird noises.
Aside from the constant motion that's reminiscent of Galo, the actual style really does remind me of Super Jail. Especially the way they portrayed hunger in that one skit.
>can't post pte images anymore without people shitting on it now since the anime started
Anyone got a raw?
>Japanese memes and video game references are reddit now
ITT: Sup Forums isu okotteimasu
>someone actually bought the popteamepic.com domain so it could redirect to Sup Forums
Every time
That's some quality shitposting right there.
in this case it's day one for the release of the anime
But can I post from this site?
Reddit is anything you want it to be.
Seriously though this anime is as Sup Forums as it gets, it doesn't take anything seriously and doesn't pretend to be good which is what Sup Forums usually hates.
>Reddit is anything you want it to be.
No, Reddit is people from reddit who bring their attitude here. Anyone who isn't from reddit and actually belongs on Sup Forums can spot it pretty well.
Anyone got a good translation of this?
Seems like daring to enjoy anything besides lewds and waifus is Reddit. Or gaia, or 9gag, the bogeyman just changes over time, the short of it is that Sup Forums is just desperate to not be seen to be enjoying things because if too many people enjoy something it's popular, and popular things are reddit.
>Seems like daring to enjoy anything besides lewds and waifus is Reddit. Or gaia, or 9gag, the bogeyman just changes over time
No, not at all. And only a dumb redditor desperately pretending to be an oldfag would pretend this is the case to help take their mind off of getting called out all the time.
why do you care? let them have their fun, just like you're having yours, you fucking retard
I'm kind of rusty but from what I can tell it goes something like this (I'll spoiler it so anyone who wants to read it after you typeset it doesn't get the "joke" ruined):
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
tl;dr it's a parody of a Space Adventures Cobra episode preview with Popuko talking about fighting other anime this season.
The joke is that obsessing about reddit is the redditest behavior possible, and only a newfag desperate to fit in throws accusations of reddit at anything short of emoticon abuse, ellipses, *action*s and Rick and Morty jokes. Newfags have even been trolled into shitposting threads over line breaks which have been used on Sup Forums since the beginning, how pathetic is that?
>Being weary of outsiders on Sup Forums is the most reddit thing you can do
>Line breaks after individual sentences and not complete paragraphs have always been used here
Okay, reddit.
>oh god hurr durr I'm retarded literally fuck my face
>template shitposts are indicative of how people normally posted
I've seen people post IMAGINE a lot with a picture of a petite anime girl, does that mean we use caps for emphasis here?
Posting that image as "proof" just shows that you don't actually remember that time period and picked up that image from a thread where some other redditor retard pretended to be an oldfag.
Here is the great irony of the whole reddit-spacing thing. It's actually Sup Forums spacing. It predates reddit and was used on Sup Forums first. You guys are literally too young to actually know this and the userbase has grown quite rapidly during your time, enough to drown out old memes. Your generation is not actually conscious. You are entirely unaware of the real history because you were not there for it, so you look to Reddit, which actually inherited it from Sup Forums, and you confuse where it came from with where you are seeing it now.
It would be like going to America, eating spaghetti, going to Italy, eating spaghetti, and then saying "lul American cuisine". You are all confused children and just do not really know what you are talking about or even understand where things come from.
But the spacing itself was born from Sup Forums, largely because of how poorly walls of text display and because it was easier to read that way. If you doubt this, just take a look at the Stanford Sup Forums archives from 2008. purl.stanford.edu
While yes, Reddit existed in 2006, but no one from that time period would have used it. Meanwhile, Sup Forums had existed for several years at that point and the spacing convention had already been adopted.
Nice filenames, newfag. You aren't fooling anyone who's been here for more than 5 years, though. Keep trying.
Why would someone do this
huh, neat
>Posting that image as "proof" just shows that
Literally troll logic.
Literally retarded.
Oh yeah, because a UNIX timestamp from 2008 would be so much more authentic.
It's not CR, it's TokyoMX.
Actually, yes.