My friend is making me watch this.
2 episodes in and its the most edgy and rapey filled shit I have seen in a long ime. I think I'd rather just watch plain Urobutcher garbage over how edgy this is. It's just prison rape and muh wymins are evil with giant robots. I don't understand how anyone can like this shit.
My friend is making me watch this
It gets better after episode 4
wrong community
No it doesn't. From what google tells me it just gets more rapey and shit. Even having her tied to a bed and fucked or some shit.
It just seems like some awful edgy teenager with rape fantasies version of code geass or something. I can tell it's just going to be a massive trainwreck too.
Are you new to anime?
Why there? I've seen Cross Ange discussed here plenty before?
No, but I'm not into rapey shit. This is seriously like Urobutcher rewrote Gundam Seed or something. Makes my mouth feel like its got a cat turd in it after each episode.
You are on the wrong website, newfag.
it s ultra shit.
>My friend is making me watch this.
Did Embryo-sama tapped Chris and Ersha's ass or just Salia being a slut?
>Cross Ange
user please it's so stupid, it's self aware knows it is. Also Geass and IBO are way more edgy.
Sup Forums isn't just for edgy 14 year olds you know?
Not my fault you have no friends.
Yeah I think prison rape stuff is way more edgier than Code Geass.
Don't know about the other though.
>not watching this to play super robot wars V
One of my favorite shows ever. Not joking.
I can not see anything to like about it, honestly.
why is this thread still up even?
What is "reddit" about me not liking a shitty rape anime that should have just been a shitty rape hentai?
Cross Ange is fun as fuck, get over yourself, shut your whore mouth and enjoy the show.
I don't see how rape is fun.
I really don't see anything fun about this show beyond maybe it just being a train wreck like Code Geass R2 or Valvrave, but beyond that I just don't see any appeal.
lurk more newfag
Stop falling for salient bait, faglords.
It feels like someone took that shitty deadman wonderland, threw in robots and dragons, and a dash of rape, then called in urobutcher.
>Rape rape rape rape
Holy christ user where did they touch you? There are like 3 rape attempts in the whole show and you are getting your panties all twisted.
It's enough for me to be turned off from it.
What? Am I supposed to enjoy the rape scenes or something? They'er kind of forced too it feels. It's just weird, creepy and pretty much a constant vibe from the show.
Lurk for two years before posting.
>3 scenes kill a show
I know this is bait but holy shit fuck off
I'm not new.
I get the whole "rape is awesome, Sup Forums is for edgy 14 year olds like me!!" meme, but you know you have to be 18 to post here right?
I want to go to Arzenal and pay Norma cash while I breed with them.
I'm sure management won't mind having a few pregnant pilots and crew members.
Yes? What? Am I supposed to keep watching when all it's been is prison rape for the first two episodes? Is prison rape supposed to interest me and keep me watching or something?
You do understand that you aren't necessarily supposed to like every scene in a piece of media, right? Are you emotionally underdeveloped?
Yes, you are. You haven't even watched three episodes, and complaining about a rape scene in a drama is fucking ridiculous. I'm sorry that your taste is garbage, I'm sorry that you were raped as a child or whatever, but you are wrong.
On the (hopeful) chance that you're baiting, well done, lots of replies already.
No, and I get that, but what I'm saying is why would I keep watching it when it's been the edgiest piece of shit I have seen in a long time in just two episodes though.
Because it's good. This isn't an airing series, it's already finished and discussed. We know it's good.
>I'm not new.
Lying is a sin.
Is there a more alpha female protagonist than Ange?
So I should wnjoy rape scenes? Is what you are saying? Why would I watch a drama if rape?
And what is good about it though?
You don't need to enjoy rape scenes. Are you illiterate?
Why don't you watch it and find out, retard?
>I'm not new.
You sure act like you are.
Why would I watch something I don't enjoy?
And why would I continue to watch such an off putting show?
Why? Because I'm not into rape?
>Why? Because I'm not into rape?
No, because you're a literal child who can't deal with anything that triggers you.
>Why would I watch something I don't enjoy?
Then don't and fuck off.
>What? Am I supposed to enjoy the rape scenes or something?
You're supposed to laugh at them, yes. It is pretty obvious, user.
So I'm a child for not liking rape?
That makes no sense.
Why would I do that?
Why didn't you just post this thread on reddit? You'd have like 50 thousand likes by now and you wouldn't have to insult people who actually use this site you fucking rapechild
>And why would I continue to watch such an off putting show?
This might be difficult for someone like you to follow, but bear with me here. Not everything needs to make you feel safe and comfortable.
>So I'm a child for not liking rape?
No, you're a child because you can't handle a rape scene in a piece of fiction.
Cross Ange S2 when?
Im sorry you cant stomach fictional characters doing bad things
>Because I'm not into rape?
Because you're getting offended by a chinese cartoon. If you don't like it then don't watch it, it's just that simple
Why would you watch something that isn't constantly enjoyable though?
I don't think I would enjoy seeing any kind of rape, fictional, 2D, or 3D.
This lol
You're right.
So stop trying to tell people to force themselves to watch media they dislike for legitmate reasons.
Cross Ange is not everyone's cup of tea and simply screaming fun and it's supposed to be trash over and over again will not make them change their minds. Well, not all of them.
In my opinion Cross Ange is utter filth. But the actual creepy disgusting otaku and lesbians/trannies out there popped their corks all over this disgusting mess of a show.
So that's all that matters at the end of the day for the people who created that embarassment.
Money and buzz. And not the buzz of the XXX BBC dildo they're using while watching that mess either.
>Why would you watch something that isn't constantly enjoyable though?
I want to type a snarky reply but I'm pretty sure I don't need to. This question already hammers home your underage.
Since when is this a bad thing?
You would have a point if I was the one who made this thread. Also, "there was a rape scene and I can't handle that" is not a legitimate reason.
>Why would you watch something that isn't constantly enjoyable though?
No. Please.
Answer them.
I'd love to read it.
Almost all westerners have a rape fetish so you're just wasting your time with this thread.
So why should I enjoy the rape scenes then? If a show is rapey and you don't like rapey shit why watch more of it?
I know it's you, don't pretend.
>So why should I enjoy the rape scenes then?
No one said you should enjoy them. Also, a rape scene does not make a show (((rapey))).
>people are still falling for it
Okay sure why not.
I'm that person you were talking too if that will get you to answer the question.
Now answer the fucking question.
I want to read your answer.
Well there's the rapey cavity search, the rapey brother, and the rape scene. In two episodes. How am I not supposed to think the show is going to be all rape?
>First Cross Ange thread we've had in MONTHS
>It's created by a newfag
I miss Cross Ange
>my friend is making me watch it
>You would have a point if I was the one who made this thread.
That makes no fucking sense.
>Also, "there was a rape scene and I can't handle that" is not a legitimate reason.
It fucking does.
No one has to sit through ENTERTAINMENT that they don't want too. If it has something they don't like then they have every right and a personal responsibility to not consume it.
They are not made a better person by watching a piece of trash media that has things in it that upsets them.
If you think otherwise then tell me why.
Because it's a good and interesting show and not everything needs to make you feel comfortable and secure.
Because your friend, who I can only assume is a normalfag like yourself, recommended it.
No, he's from /m/.
Also what is good and interesting about a show when the first few episodes are just rape fetish fuel?
It being a trainwreck is the best part about it. It's a fucking rollercoaster, user, a good one.
But if you're turned off by the rapey elements then never mind.
>That makes no fucking sense.
You're complaining about me telling someone to watch a show in a thread where they talk shit about a show they haven't seen.
It's one thing to decide not to watch something because you're an uncultured child, it's another thing to go online and call it shit, then insult everyone who disagrees and ignore whatever they say.
Watch it and find out. Or don't and fuck off.
See I don't get that either.
A train wreck implies that it's bad, so how do people seriously enjoy this?
What is the point of this thread? Just to be a blatant newfag? Bait? I don't really get it.
>A train wreck implies that it's bad, so how do people seriously enjoy this?
just stop being new
>rapey elements
You too, tumblr.
>Because it's a good and interesting show
They think otherwise. And that's all that matters.
>and not everything needs to make you feel comfortable and secure.
You're right.
But they don't have to force themselves to consume shitty media that makes them uncomfortable.
That's masochistic idiocy.
Look. I personally think it's sub skinnimax tier garbage for mouthbreathing scumbags. But others think it's GOOD and INTERESTING.
Different strokes....etc etc.
That's why we have various types of genres and different programs.
I'm uncultured for not enjoying rape? You can't be serious.
Also seeing two episodes does mean I've seen it.
But why would I?
>And that's all that matters.
Then why even ask the question if you're just going to say my answer is worthless.
>r*ddit spacing
You're in for some fun, actually. It gets so edgy it crosses the line twice and goes right back to funny. And it will be a glorious ride. Wait till you get to the dragons and the parallel world and Embryo. OH MY GOD, wait till you get to embryo. So much fun.
That's not reddit spacing you dumbfuck.
Reddit... Like, like...this? Get it...?
>I'm uncultured for not enjoying rape?
>Also seeing two episodes does mean I've seen it.
gay thread everyone fuck off
Yeah no. Highly doubt I'll watch more of Urobutcher's Dead Gundaman Wonderland SEED: The Rapening any time soon.
I just do not understand why it's so popular.
stop being so fucking new
>I just do not understand why it's so popular.
Because some people here are legal adults with fully developed emotions and decent taste.
So how is watching two episodea of a show not watching it then?
It's not a popular show. It's just bad/crazy enough to be somewhat entertaining.
>You're complaining about me telling someone to watch a show in a thread where they talk shit about a show they haven't seen.
They did watch some of the show.
They didn't like it!
They aren't a self satisfied anime critic they're just a regular viewer.
They don't have to sit through a show they don't like because you need more people to think it's awesome to justify your personal taste.
>It's one thing to decide not to watch something because you're an uncultured child,
You're saying this in defense of cross ange?
I actually laughed out loud.
>it's another thing to go online and call it shit,
I litterally can go online and call something that I've watched shit if I goddamned well please.
Just like you can go online and defend a show or praise it. Who in the fuck do you think you are?
>then insult everyone who disagrees and ignore whatever they say.
No I insulted the fans of that trash. Also I didn't ignore anyone. They've only fell onto the trite "it's fun" and "it's supposed to be shit that's what makes it good" thing.
Which then just devolves into my taste vs your taste.
Which would be fine, if they didn't insult the OP and claim that they were an imbecile for not enjoying their garbage fave show unironically or ironically.
Fully developed emotions mean enjoying rape or being okay with rape?
That doesn't sound accurate to me.
Watching a show means you've seen the show. 2/25 episodes is not having seen a show.
>not liking rape
You can get the fuck out of my board anytime.
Watching a show means watching a show.
Watching all of a show means all of a show.
Learn2english user.
If you have absolutely no desire to watch more regardless of what anyone says, why did you even post this? Do you crave attention?
As for why it's popular? It's not THAT popular, but it has a decent following because it's entertaining. A popcorn anime. A mindless train wreck that throws in mecha, dragons, lesbians and alternate worlds at you. How is that hard to understand?
>enjoying rape or being okay with rape?
No, it means not being a child who can't stomach an unpleasant scene.
I didn't ask.
I KNOW it's shit but they wanted to discuss this or ask why they should keep going.