Why is the second OP almost never as good as the first? I know there's exceptions but surely there's some logic behind them always being a downgrade.
Fate Zeros and My Hero Academias second OP is way better
First OP is encapsulating the show's tone to get you "into it", essentially just blasting you with tried-and-tested hype, second OP is trying to depict the feel of the current arc, if that makes any sense.
That's not a bad way of putting it. First one's a tone piece and hook for the show, second is just there to pad out the number of songs they can sell you. Or alternatively, actually try to cater to the changing nature of a show's storyline.
I beg to differ
This song is about as gay as the show
That's some uniquely pleb shit you've got right there user.
>there's exceptions
user it's 3 am give me a break.
Lion >>>>>> Triangler
I beg to differ
The second OP is usually made on shorter notice. Like the first one typically has as much time as the show does to be worked on and has clear goals in mind like while the second is often made while the show is airing giving it a much shorter deadline.
This is entirely subjective. I like the second Railgun OP more than the first.
>ENTIRELY subjective?
So if i record the sound of me taking a piss people will hail me as the next Beethoven?
I'm sure there's some examples out there proving you wrong but with Urusei Yatsura OP2
Level 5 Judgelight > Only my Railgun
Not even the best one
I beg to differ
Also, a lot of the Monogatari OPs are better than Staple Stable. It's still a great OP tho.
step up nigga
I enjoy the first more.
Kill la Kill's second OP is one of my all time favorites
JoJo's second OP is the best one in its series full of strong OP's as well
>First OP is so fucking good they don't even need a second