The botched "romance" of Koe no Katachi

Just finished the manga after seeing the movie a couple days ago, this is more about the manga which Sup Forums recommended to me. Needless to say I’m fucking disappointed, despite believing this had great potential right up to the end. I feel like I just lost my erection after being teased for 4 hours.
Let’s talk about Shoya x Shoko first, despite the fact that Ueno was my favorite girl. If you thought them not kissing in the movie was bad then just imagine that kind of failure to launch stretched out over 60-some chapters. Clearly Shoko is romantically interested at one point – the botched “I love you” scene. Shoya misses the point in typical beta cuck MC fashion. And at the end, many chapters later, it’s not evident that he ever got the point, as their relationship never clearly develops into a romantic one. Never again does Shoko indicate that she loves Shoya, and it becomes a possibility that her confession was premature and just a temporary infatuation due to how kind he was being to her. Even worse, Shoya himself is never shown to feel a shred of romantic inclination toward anyone. It’s a damn shame that I’m finding it easy to think of him as a harem comedy protagonist who, despite being a single, presumably heterosexual male, doesn’t so much as notice the multiple beautiful girls around him in a romantic or sexual way.
The fact that fucking KAWAI – easily the most disliked character by everyone wherever I’ve seen reactions to the manga or movie – is the only girl to end up in a definite couple relationship by the end just makes me puke. She says she likes Mashiba and he says he likes her – these side characters get a nice conclusion to their romance despite the female half being the most undeserving by far.
To be continued

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Ueno was by far my favorite character. The only one to maintain a distinctive good and bad side all the way through to the end, the only one to put a consistent effort into pursuing an unambiguously romantic relationship with Shoya, the most human of the main characters. Never mind that her and Shoya had all those sweet moments in elementary school, such as her wanting to buy him chocolate, their first meetings, Ueno’s many affectionate looks in his direction. Never mind that she NEEDED him more than anyone else – including Shoko – did. Her home life was never explained, but I always suspected that something was missing there due to how dependent she was on Shoya and also on fitting in with the group overall. Ueno is the true damsel in distress of the series, as she is needy, alone, and ultimately denied her greatest desire throughout.
What ending does she get? I would have been okay if she ended up with some other guy, honestly. Somebody who could take Shoya’s place and be the guy that she needed. But no. Instead the most intensely heterosexual character of the series – the only one to be romantically fixated on a member of the opposite sex the entire time – closes out the series single with a “haha it’s yuri maybe” moment with Sahara who gives her a ring to wear and drags her around in a dominant way. I can only think that the author dislikes Ueno to shit on her character this much.
This disdain for Ueno is key to making sense of why this story was doomed from the start. The creator says in an interview (
>Naoka reminds me of a girl who was high up the social ladder of my class.
Huh. So the author associates Ueno with a girl she was likely jealous of in her school days. It’s not hard to fill in the blanks: Shoya is the popular guy she liked but never had a chance of getting thanks to a girl like Ueno being around.

Cue this self-insert fantasy: Shoko is the author, initially a hated loser who has trouble communicating. It’s easy to think of yourself as having a “disability” when you’re a bullied loner, many of us can relate to this feeling I imagine. Through a fantasy scenario in which the most alpha and popular handsome guy becomes a beta cuck with no friends, the author’s self-insert character is able to secure his exclusive attention through his “redemption” which obligates him to serve her interests seemingly forever. Despite this, he’s also punished by emasculation and asexuality – demonstrated through his utter lack of romantic or sexual thoughts - opening the possibility that the author’s self-insert could date or love someone else while not losing Shoya’s devotion. And finally, the former popular girl Ueno, who has loved Shoya all these years, ends up alone and disliked– except seemingly by Shoko who demonstrates her supposed moral superiority over and over, much to the author’s satisfaction. The pseudo-yuri moment with her wearing Sahara’s ring was completely unbelievable for her character and marked the moment where suspension of belief for this story ended with finality. Even the most blatant of yurifags can admit that this was not developed in any way and was thrown in at the last minute – in my opinion as a final “fuck you” to Ueno.
The story would have been better if Shoko had been a guy and romance was kept out of their friendship and the redemption story. Shoya and Ueno could have gone through a process of forgiveness and rediscovered tender feelings from long ago. I found it odd that Shoko never hated Shoya and accepted him right away – the fact that Shoya felt hatred for Ueno would have made for a great redemption story of Its own which could have ended with a much more impactful romance.

cont. (final part)
But instead of any of that we get an author’s self-insert fantasy that’s only satisfying if you think of it purely as a story of a bully and his former victim getting along and learning to communicate despite her deafness.
I still had fun reading it and I’m glad I got to know Ueno even if her creator hates her. I’ll try my best to keep her in my thoughts despite there being nothing to go on in the way of merchandise or any other material outside of the anime and manga. Though I feel disdain for this author I can’t say she’s entirely incompetent as she created a believable (up to the last chapter) human character that I ended up really caring about.

>Ueno was by far my favorite character.
Stopped reading right there.



All this conceit.

ueno was best girl, i agree

The manga derailed after/because of chapter 22,
where we had that stupid "moon" instead of "i like/love you" misunderstanding. And shortly after that the retarded "lets make a movie" b-plot started and became main focus, no wonder that was scratched from the movie.

The fatal flaw of KnK is that Ueno literally did nothing wrong and was the entire catalyst for growth for every single character yet she was painted as the villain....

Forget the romance. It's half assed. The manga is primarily a redemption story.

Didn't read your post past the name Ueno.

>Let’s talk about Shoya x Shoko first, despite the fact that Ueno was my favorite girl.

Is this a pasta?

>Shoya himself is never shown to feel a shred of romantic inclination toward anyone.
Lies, he just never says it or realizes it.
>fucking KAWAI
There is a ring on her hand in the last chapter.
>Ueno is the true damsel in distress of the series, as she is needy, alone, and ultimately denied her greatest desire throughout.
She is not alone, when she is shown outside of main cast group, she always appears to be surrounded by male and female "friends" and she is always the center of attention, not to mention her huge family with like 5 or 6 brothers.
>author dislikes Ueno to shit on her character this much.
Nah, it's the other way around. Maybe in the same, maybe in the different interview Oima says that she would love to have a friend like Naoka.
>Cue this self-insert fantasy: Shoko is the author
Wrong again, author self-insert is Shoya's sister, slut that wants a brown dick inside, that's why sister's face never shown, yet she still appears here and there in the manga. Not to mention, Shoko treated by far the worst out of all characters and she gets no proper ending either.
>Despite this, he’s also punished by emasculation and asexuality
Your problem is that you thinking about completely wrong things because you're assblasten Uenofag, but in reality it's a coming of age story about Shoya and only Shoya, not a romance about disabled or mentally ill thots.
>Even if her creator hates her
You brain dead degenerate, the fact that you fell in love with Ueno is because author makes her a likeable character in the first place, she is the best developed character after Shoya and she is shown from many perspective throughout manga, good and bad ones. Even Shoya at some point starts thinking about her more highly and understand the reasons behind her actions a bit better. If anyone — author hated Shoko for her defenselessness, drama queen nature and uses Ueno to punish her.
Read it at least one more time thoughtfully, you will find many insights, OP.

The point is Nishimiya is fucking cute and must not be lewd.

If you don't think this is kawaii as fuck, you have no soul, user.

Gee it's almost like romance wasn't ever the point of the series

>he just never says it or realizes it.
So beta cuck MC confirmed. Is there just something wrong with Japs or what? I had no problem realizing I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten, let alone high school.
>not to mention her huge family with like 5 or 6 brothers
I'm curious what your source on that is. Only time I recall her family possibly being shown was during the fireworks scene and there was no explanation of who they were.
>it's a coming of age story about Shoya and only Shoya
Nah. See it that way if you want, but MC going from a bully to a pussy who can't even think about what girl he likes is hardly a good coming of age story.
>the fact that you fell in love with Ueno is because author makes her a likeable character in the first place
I already said as much if you read the last of my original posts again.
>author hated Shoko for her defenselessness, drama queen nature and uses Ueno to punish her.
This only reinforces my point about Shoko being the author's self-insert. Difference is Shoko gets what she wants and Ueno doesn't.

Female Mangaka ... always.

On that note: Is Miyazaki gay?

>So beta cuck MC confirmed.
But beta cucks always dream about how to fuck all the girls they just never get to. Shoya is never a beta, just too hang up on his internal struggles, that he tries to solve on his own, only to fail hard again and again.
>I'm curious what your source on that is.
That's why I am saying you to reread it, I bet Spee D. Reader like you missed many more things that is happening in between text bubbles.
>Nah. See it that way if you want
Nigger please, story being told from Shoya's perspective up to 95% of the time, the only other character that story is switching time to time is Yuzuru, and also these chapters when Shoya is in coma. MC changed a lot since chapter number uno and it's growth you don't want to accept for some reason.
>I already said as much if you read the last of my original posts again.
There is no real point in rereading your posts since your assblasted Uenofag rhetoric is laughable, though I do agree with some points you make and analysis you come up with, but your self insert theory is just a delusion of trashed expectations.
>This only reinforces my point about Shoko being the author's self-insert
No, not really, when Naoka goes nuclear at any poing, you still feel sympathy towards her, because author tries her hardest to portray Ueno as a righteous character, whose actions are justified, at least from her point of view, and Shoko is the one who does the stupidies shit in the end.
>Difference is Shoko gets what she wants and Ueno doesn't.
What are you on, user? Shoko does get some sort of normal life she always wanted for the sake of her family, but she didn't really get what she truly wanted for herself:
Ability to hear properly
Shoya's big asian reproduction organ
In this sense Naoka got way more then Shoko in the end, since beside the fact that she can hear, she also is smart, attractive and has a bright future ahead.

>That's why I am saying you to reread it
Stop acting tough and give a source or I'm just going to assume you're making shit up.

It never been said out loud since it's rather irrelevant to the story, but she is from the big family.

Here she is with her brothers.

It was also absolutely bullshit that despite being aggressively pursuing Shouya when he was unconscious, she completely gives up without a fight after he woke up. What the fuck.

The first couple volumes of KnK was the best shit ever, then it turned to shit around the movie arc.

Oh cool, another Ueno thread.

>she completely gives up without a fight after he woke up
Not true, but when Shoya was still in the coma, Naoka came to conclusion that she probably already lost.

God, Ueno is so fucking hot I can't stand it.

>Reading Koe no Katachi for the "romance"

This is why the movie is superior, got rid of that trash.

>Even worse, Shoya himself is never shown to feel a shred of romantic inclination toward anyone. It’s a damn shame that I’m finding it easy to think of him as a harem comedy protagonist who, despite being a single, presumably heterosexual male, doesn't so much as notice the multiple beautiful girls around him in a romantic or sexual way.

You have clearly never experienced self-hatred at his level. At that point, you no longer even think of yourself as a contender.

All I want to know is if the blonde chick at the end of the manga was really the closeted homo that always hung around with that other guy. That's the true mystery of KnK.

>blonde chick at the end of the manga
The one with the kid? She is probably Shimada's blonde fag sister, you can see all three of them hanging out during fireworks festival.
