What's the worse trope in anime? The furburger seeking carpet munching dyke or the gay ass trap that behaves like a total faggot?
What's the worse trope in anime...
probably traps
Traps. Dykes are at least honest
>not liking yuri
Why are you here?
I like both.
Sexually dominating dykes and submissive sissy traps are a huge fetish of mine.
Especially when combined.
But She got her own personal trap who is bigger bitch than Felix.
I always be here.
>not loving both
You have supremely shit taste, user.
You sound upset
>Thinking Sup Forums likes yuri
You faggots ruined it for yourselves by sperging every time something doesn't pander to you.
i don't like the gays
and Sup Forums is very gay :/
you will stray away from god eventually
Hello newfag.
>boku no pico
>calling someone a newfag
The latter. Only because these days they're pretty much the new tsundere in everything and their whole character is they're a trap and nothing else.
Ironic, and it's sad you don't know why your post is ironic. Lurk more newfag, or better yet fuck off.
>implying dykes are bad
What are you, gay?
Why is anime always so fucking gay
Statistically speaking, they most likely are.
>Sexually dominating dyke
She is most unlucky dyke in existence
>gay ass trap that behaves like a total faggot
He's not even human. Why would he behave the human 'manly' way?
>and their whole character is they're a trap and nothing else
Not true in Felix's case.
Have you worshipped God today?
>What's the worse
Sup Forumstards
How old is this statistics?
You are the gayest.
I see people bitching about yuri far more often than I see people calling for it in some obnoxious way