S-so... what do you think about my swimsuit user?... d-does it look good?

s-so... what do you think about my swimsuit user?... d-does it look good?

>not one-piece

It's not small enough, I can't even see your nipples.

Let's hope that you'll actually mature as a woman this time, Saber

Where are your tits?

in your ass

I don't mind slender girls but when your shoulders are wider than your hips we have a problem


What kind of fatfag has their hips wider than their shoulders

Are you gay or something?

Ah, the irish

Wew, that's a sad body

Red Saber is a more cute in swimsuit.

>women having shoulders wider than hips is okay

Exactly. Nami >>>>>> Saber.

Looks like a twig

>no straps
How are you supposed to enjoy swimming when literally raising your arms will cause that top to fall off?

Needs some flotation devices.

Men will never know

Needs oyakodon

How does she tuck so well in that?

My wife caster is so cute!

See, I'm a petitefag and I can't even get it up to that. Literal shit-tier.


Rider is the cutest.

I love wide hips and all. But what the fuck are you talking, about most women have shoulders wider than hips.

>there are people in this realm, RIGHT NOW, who think this actually look "cute"
Takeuchi is and always will be a shit artist, even today he can't draw a womanly body to save his life.

No. Take it off.


You look far too masculine

>even today he can't draw a womanly body to save his life
Caster is supposed to be an 82 bust, almost as big as wormslut. Takeuchi is a hack.

Jesus Christ Saber, where does all that food go?
The girls in the pedobait spinoff are more developed than you.

Medea is still best girl tho

This is your king tonight

I see at least one person liked Shadow the Edgehog.

Aw shucks is that a CR reference before the fact? Darn it Ruckus, stop messing up the timelines!

How do I get a body like this?

Make sure white rice is at least 75% of every meal, and then never do any sort of exercise other than walking