You're now older than every anime protagonist you know

>you're now older than every anime protagonist you know
It's all downhill from here, isn't it?

Jesus user, how old are you?


Doesn't help that anime tend to have characters around highschool age.

You're older than Goku?

You're now old enough to know what you did wrong when you were younger. The opportunities you didn't seize, the risks you didn't take. Will you start living better from now on or just give up? Your choice, user.

So you're 15?

It gets better when you're allowed to drink and drive

>Will you start living better from now on or just give up? Your choice, user.
I'm living my life right now, I just found solace in not having to try hard. It's pretty liberating to not have to constantly feel like you need to do better.

The right answer is to never learn from your mistakes, give up and dwell on the past.

I sure hope you're not only fucking 20 or something.

>when you're allowed to drink and drive
So it never gets better? Sounds about right.

I'm not that old.
Still annoying that most christmas cake teachers are younger than me


>The opportunities you didn't seize, the risks you didn't take
I had a lot. My peers who took those opportunities and risks are better off than me. it sucks. I hate it.

We're all younger right now than we are ever going to be, we've got to take it for what it's worth.

I will always be mentally 14.


>Be in my teens
>Masturbate incessantly to teachers and Onee-sans

>Grow up
>Preferred fap is to JK and Enjo Kosai

Is this what it means to become an adult? To self-insert as an Oji-san?

Tell me the secrets to immortaliity

>you're the same age as all those unmarryable anime christmas cakes

You just need to make lemonade out of that pile of shit life shoves in your face.
They're all out there, slightly over ripe and ready for picking.
Just embrace it.

>as a kid jerk off to hentai of women getting fucked by fat old ugly men
>"wow, they're like beasts, this is basically bestiality. There's no way I'd ever be like that!"
>15 years later
>I became the fat ugly old men

Dont die

Wise user

wow a real life dinosaur in this thread

Not older than Yang Wenli.

I'm 26 and most of the positive changes in my life since age 18 have been related to anime. I was a shell of a person who only cared about video games until I started being influenced by anime.
>anime made me want to date and find a girlfriend
>anime made me want to have friends
>anime made me want to be a good person
>anime made me want to get really good at something
>anime made me want to move to Asia
I haven't completed even half of those but I don't know if I'd have even 1 checked off if anime wouldn't have instilled in me all these idealistic ideas about life, romance, etc. and made me get off my ass. I think it will take years, maybe a decade or more, but I have high hopes to eventually complete the list. Hopefully if I just keep watching anime and keep trying to improve things will work out.
