Good god she's fucking ugly. Ugliest girl of the season

Good god she's fucking ugly. Ugliest girl of the season.

kon eyebrows are the worst



To quote Tsumugi, "If you think my eyebrows are thick and bushy, wait til you see what I got down there."

she's cute af

Mugi and Ritsu had a kid?

Aw man. Mean.

Shit taste OP. Bet you aren't cute at all.

Just when I think I've seen the worst opinion of the day more just keep coming

you need to go

Why ya'll bitch asses talkin' like niggas?

Unlike the main female character in the manga she's a good girl who gives chocolate she made herself to everyone.

She's like a mutt. What kind of hair cut is that? Does she even take a shower? Holy shit I hate this girl.

Dont foget she is probably a lesbian too



You wanna know how I can tell you have shit taste?




Can't be. Mugi's kid would have much darker skin.

is she australian?



I want to lick those eyebrows
Is this normal?

NO! freak

What a fag.

I hope Yukari goes through her own Emergence


Yes, I'd lick um.

thick eyebrows need love too!

Her story is far more interesting. Takagi's just too booring and repetitive.

>what' cha guys
this is why i learned japanese




There is something seriously wrong with you.

I thought she was voiced by Kugimiya Rie.

This season is good.

no bully

>brown hair
I always imagined she was blonde

Shut up, she's cute.

It's kind of weird for a Manga to get an Anime adaptation within the Anime adaptation of another Manga, even if it is by the same author.

What's the story here? Is she from another manga?

I affectionately call her mullet-chan.

But Mugi is with Yui

Looks like a cute loli imo. Mostly because she's designed differently.

What show is this?

Does anyone even read the manga that she's in?

Yes. There's only 24 chapters translated and they're each 6 pages long.

I want to suck on her eyebrows and then make a sweet love to her and take responsibility.


Its to bad it isnt fully done given that the entire series is only 54

When will Fuuka and Koiwai marry and give Yotsuba a younger sibling?

Which of them is best girl?

No but the story about her and her friends come from their spin off

Sanae is


She has such a weird non-standard design. I love her.

Her voice sucks. Her looks suck. She sucks.

She looks soft and cuddly.

she´s the only good thing of that boring anime

the man with no taste has spoken

Thick eyebrows is a #1 scene of best girl


fuck me

Shit taste.


I kinda want to watch it just for her. She's cute!

No, but the girl's got their own spin-off, and i think they've been adapting that at the end of each episode

Should've done the opposite: Takagi at the end.

More like a few will be sprinkled in here and there