Do girls like headpats?

Do girls like headpats?

>headpatted my ex once
>she was my first gf, I was also her first bf
>awkward silence all the seconds
>her neck slightly retracted into her shoulders
>she stared at me like I just murdered her pet or something
>she asked not to do that again and pretend it never happened

You simply weren't smooth.

Yes they do. The moment has to be right. That's all.

You can get away with a condescending "You're adorable." and then patting them on the head. Just don't make it out like you have a fetish for rubbing their hair and you're fine.

This. everyone likes close physical contact with the people they love. But head pats also show dominance/submission, which can rub people the wrong way sometimes.

More like headpats, i like being scratched with the fingernails.
No girl.

no u

Women have always responded the same way to it. Why are you petting me? I am not a dog? Super disappointing but what do you expect from western women

No, but you can train them to like it.

Best time for headpats is head time.

If you're they're "daddy" then yes, otherwise do not go for it, for me it's mostly hair stroking while being the big spoon but id assume headpats work as well

They prefer wombpats

>have young cousin
>tease her about being short
>throw in a head pat
>acts mad about teasing
>pummels me with mighty loli fists
>i could tell she liked it

The best time to headpat is after finishing wombpatting

Women are so soft. Its really under valued how soft they are. Its very nice.

Nope, we don't. It makes you feel like they're looking down on you.

I should hope so. Especially when it's an emotional moment.

Kill yourself normalshit.

Yes you do and no it doesn't.

Who wants someone's dirty sweaty hands rubbing their head?

Someone who's desperate for any kind of affection, I assume.
