this WILL be AOTY

Mark my words.

>heartwarming emotionally-engaging story
>rich unique character development
>phenomenal production quality
>excellent voice acting
>terrific soundtrack
>facial expressions

I promise you will cry


>Violet Everfliter

Bland garbage: the anime

So when is Violet gonna find a girlfriend?

I already cried during first ep.
This is honestly on another level altogether than any other anime I've ever watched. It really puts into perspective how the majority of anime is badly written, throwaway pop shit for teenagers compared to masterful pieces of storytelling like VE.

Stop falseflagging imbecile.

Sup Forums will grab what remains of it.
>violet wolfenstein.

Beautifully animated scenes and wondrously detailed art are wasted w/ shitty filters and bad direction.

Come back to me Seiba,

Hold it right there, AUO. Do you have enough filters in stock?

>post WW1 anime
When is she going to meet young Hitler

Darling of the Franxx was better so far

>made a bait thread
>got bait replies

My VSCO holds all the finest filters known to man Feikah.

FMA did it better.

Is this a falseflag or are you actually this desperate?

She should, so she can kill him.

Crunchybots are on autopilot, not realizing that this series is a Netflix original now.

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

An user in another thread already admitted that the original post was his. There's nothing wrong in parroting in what he says, as this anime is truly beautiful.

subs when