Choose one

Choose one.

Always Erika.


bottom left


What this fine nigger said.

Erika, for she is the least skeletal.

Top left


First girl is best girl!

I can't, they are all perfect.

Why do their tits look like fuckin tumors?

Raita might draw some ugly girls, but I like the way he draws the guy's dick about to cum


I wish we had normal Yui in last book. This is a downgrade.

>knowing them by name

The new chapter with Erika was a remake of 5.0.

Puniyanka > Yui > Kotone > Erika > Misa-nee > Dog shit > Kirara

I want to make racemixed mongrels with that loli

9/10 taste, would share lolis with.

Wow, she looks normal here.

Future Yui is cute.

I'm pretty sure that's just Implant Yui.

>not knowing them by name


I have to check Danbooru tags to remind myself.


>dozens of doujins with her
>virtually no horn-grabbing

This is the answer.

What the fuck do people see in raita

top tier fap material

Those outfits are too lewd.

Mother incest when

Raita's girls are so much hotter covered up that it's not even funny.

None of those in the pic
The big titted version of Yui for me

Fucking faggot. This is such a major improvement.
Turned her from a weird looking bitch to perfection.

No user you are the faggots.

I hope Raita keeps Yui as a tittymonster from now on. She's Misa-nee done right.

Don't try so hard to be objectively wrong.

She looks like a chink.

McFucking kill yourself.

I want to watch Yui grow from a cute little knob goblin to an irresistibly sexy semen demon. I want her to cheekily comment about the bra her parents bought a few months ago not fitting anymore, and being able to give birth more easily thanks to her widening hips.

As long as they never become Misa-tier cancer bags.

I sure hope she doesn't go back to this

Such perfection shouldn't be altered in any way.

>age progression fetish
My nigga
It's sad that there's not any real stuff like this in hentai. I see "age progression" as a tag in many doujins but it's always used in a gimmicky way and not what I want

I'll take the breast tumor on the upper right.

There's only one change that would be an improvement for either of the idols.

Can I choose Selvaria?


Feel free to choose the worst valkyria.

I wish they were fucked with that tan.

Maybe one day. But not before the tomboy brown girl gets fucked.

>color art is atrocious
>b&w art is delicious

What's her endgame?

I like both.

That artist is fucking terrible, so I pick nobody.

Maybe it's the guys mom?

No, we've already seen her.

That’s a mother I’d love to fuck in the ass.

Holy fuck she's hot
Did they ever show Asai fuck her?

bottom right

It could be her with a magical glamour.

No, but she might be plot relevant in a few years.

Wait wait, hold up... there's a plot?


She has a nice butt

18 was the first chapter in ages that didn't have some distractingly unattractive quirk of anatomy. And I don't mean the stylistic exaggeration, but weird things that surely weren't intentional.
Now if only RAITA would go back to drawing boobs with the right amount of sag.

>Now if only RAITA would go back to drawing Erika with the right amount of tsun.

Yeah she was the epitome of angry sex.

the top right slut

Am I the only one who thinks they look a little like zombies? I guess it's the white skin and skellingtons.

there's something about that anatomy


Pretty easy to guess who that is.

>tfw no SaHa

all of them

Bottom right, no ccontest.

Misa has become underrated.


The underratedest raita girl.



I'm sorry there are no other choices here

>you will never have an Erika gf

Looking thick

My man.

Translation when?

Dude, I don't think a body like that even exist, we're talking about perfection.

Hence the grief.


I don't remember this

>ends up a generic titty monster instead of a tall slender girl with glorious small breasts
Most disappointing.