How fast have you dropped an anime

>someone recommends me pic related
>MC is introduced
>he keeps shouting like a retard
>try to endure it for 2 minutes
>I give up and drop it
>couldn't pass the 3 min mark (dropped at 2:56)
Fucking hell, I haven't dropped a show so fast.

fucking keyboard, I tried to endure it for 1 min

Read the manga if youbdont stand the MC's VA

dropped it the momment the opening appeared

The English dub fixes the shouting problem. Just saying.

Didnt know there was a dub

I dropped it after episode 1. The screaming was annoying but I mainly had enough of Sasuke and Naruto.

It replaces it with a bland voice acting problem, so it's no use trying it

>dropping the Boruto/One Piece/MHA killer


he is supposed to shout
other characters make remarks about it, so the anime is pretty self aware and it is the other characters that make the anime great.

its super predictable and basic but I just like it because its a regular classic feel good shonen anime and there is so many semen demons in it

That series was fun, though.

Constant shouting is regualr shit for shounen. The VA's voice is terrible though.

The problem isn't the VA, it's the constant and incessant screaming.

>Constant shouting is regualr shit for shounen
No, it isn't, not on that level.

>Anime starts
>Shot of a house from the outside
>shows MC (male teenager)

The 7 Deadly Sins
Such a boring shitfest, didn't last more than 10min

>Shortcut for closing a tab in a web browser
>Watching anime in a web browser
Kill yourself, streamfag.

>Kill yourself, streamfag.
Why are you getting so angry over how someone else watches anime?

works on VLC though


You seriously need to fuck off.

What's wrong? are you unable to answer a simple question?