
The anime movie in comparison fucking sucks

They both suck.

Well I wouldn't say it sucks. Just incomplete.

Different mediums. If you tried putting the whole story into a film it would be a cluster fuck. The movie is exceptional as is.

If anyone had attempted to animate the whole of Akira with the same quality of animation in the movie, it would bankrupted them. The only merits for the movie are the animation and OST. The manga is brilliant but no one seems to want to read it for some reason despite it even getting a full colour release in US and being available translated in a lot of other countries.

This. Manga-fags will never understand

>the movie is good because it could have never been good

Nice strawman

I'm literally quoting the guy that says this and the guy that agrees with this. Do you even read?

Which a response to the OP, which is comparing both, instead of pointing actual flaws from the film.

The manga is good but when you read it you realize that about 50% of the pages are dedicated to

A. Characters running from something
B. Explosions

>guy that says this
I literally never said that, moron. Learn to read. I said it was already good as it is.

That color release shouldn't be promoted. It's digitally colored and takes away a lot of detail from the art. I don't even think Otomo was involved.

anime: 7.5/10
good movie, but overrated

manga: 4/10
added unnecesary stuff. pretty boring crap

>it being worse than the manga isn't a flaw because I say so

>the movie is good because it could have never been good


Is this the retard thread?

The Epic Comics version? I thought he was involved with it. I don't dislike it and I prefer the original manga as well but it's more the point that Akira has been available to read in English for ages yet no one on here seems to have bothered reading it.

Either slowpoke or newfag.

Most Sup Forums users don't read much manga. The ones that do have all read Akira.

In which case the animeonlyfagets need to stop making this thread every few weeks since it always ends up being the same shit over and over again.

Definitely agree. I had watched the movie like a decade ago but recently researched it after reading the manga and it's worse in every way. The animation is great, and obviously the entire manga couldnt fit into a 2 hour movie, but that doesn't make up for the movie's faults.

So you're just going to shitpost when discussion is presented? Not your safespace.

No he wasn't involved with it, nor was he involved with the french Glénat coloring which is about as disgusting as the Epic comics one.
It's a lazy botched up job made as cheap as possible for the time and it's irredeamable.
Good thing retarded editors have stopped thinking that coloring mangas was the way to market them in the west.
Especially in the case of Akira, the inking is amazing, hiding it behind these shitty early 00s digital colors was criminal.

>made as cheap as possible
So just like the manga was then?

Reminder that mangas are always cheap until they get big, especially in the 90's.

But it's an interesting thing because in the case of Akira, Otomo really made the most of the high page count demanded by japs editors and publication in magazines.
Instead of losing his story in pointless characters and storylines like about 95% of serialized mangas, he made his story fluid for long reads by drawing a lot of incredibly well paced action.
So for once, the retarded jap mainstream publication system was for once beneficial to the story.
Good thing it was "cheap", it wouldn't have been as good otherwise.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here but I've never read Akira and couldn't bother finishing the movie because I was so bored out of my mind.

Read it then, it's awesome.
In short, mangas are published in magazines.
When a serie gets popular (like Akira was), editors demand the author make his serie last as long as possible, which almost always devolves into pointless storylines and weird pacing in long reads as each chapter has more or less to end on a cliffhanger or something.
Otomo took the opposite direction with Akira by sticking to his original story and fillign the page counts with incredibly well drawn and well paced action scenes that blend in seemlessly to the rest of the narrative, never interrupting or breaking the pace of the story.
Which makes it very pleasant and hooking to read in volumes because its impossible to drop once it's started. The pacing is incredible, I can't hammer that enough. Read it.

I've got an entire library of actually good films to watch, good music to listen to and good novels to read. So no thanks. You sound insecure.


Not my fault you read popularity contests.

what ?

>You sound insecure.

Ad hominem.

>Not my fault you read popularity contests.

Moving the goalpost.

Come back when you can form a rational argument, Shitpost-kun.

Wasn't talking to you now was I