Post your favorite anime image you have

Post your favorite anime image you have

this image just makes me fucking laugh elder toguro looks so stupid




Literally me


Shonens like you should be yorokobe-ing in hell

*blocks your path*



saved but i'll never have an oppertunity to post it







my boy



is this doki doki literature club reference????


me on the right


I think this girl made me a lolicon.


Charming and smug.


i sealed away my reaction folder in a cd in an attempt to leave this place :/


That first fucking arc made me cry like a little bitch.

He said 'favorite', not 'most dangerous'

hello i love anime girls




moving image

>when you wake up hung over in some autist's apartment and he commands you to eat a bowl of eggs




my nigga


A toast

>Title: the reason we remove


Fav anime