Satanichia or Satania?

Satanichia or Satania?

just call her best girl




Literally anyone but Gabu is an acceptable choice.
But this is the best choice

I can't
It must be a proper name
I am making her a fake ID so she can enter the heaven with no problems

Main character

I would watch a Satania spin off.

It's actually Satanya.

these are different characters
also stop insulting other cute girls




Mating Material


Prime mating material




>Gabriel DropOut more like....Satania DropOut BUHAHAHAHAH


Who cares, she's a meme.



Finished watching this today. Watched for Satania and stayed for Satania.



doesn't really matter


Fuck, yall don't come even close to knowing how much I want Gabu to get a cute vanilla doujin like this one. It would be so nice seeing her getting some attention, she deserves it.
Why only Satania gets to get all the nice stuff, even though Gabu is objectively the bestest of the best?
Life is too unfair, fuck it.

the difference is that satania is a good girl and she deserves it.


Just call her reddit.

I can only see her seducing some fat, greasy nerd for a favor in an MMO.

Gabu is a gooder girl and deserves it more.


No, she's mine and seduces only me.
And I'm not fat, you fuckers.

she's not a good girl

Okay, some skinny, greasy nerd.

Gabu is a stinky neet by choice who services old men behind the convenience store to buy gacha.

>And I'm not fat, you fuckers.

end her

More like Shitstainia

Fuck off



She is. She even saved the life of some blind moeblob girl. She has the most pure heart of all anime girls up until now.

Not quite skinny either, but ok.

Keep your degenerate fantasies away from my sweet little angel.

Oh, user! Please believe me!

If being delusional helps you sleep at night, believe whatever you want.


>good girls stuck in a shit show, the show
How did they do that?

>tfw she will never confess her love to you

I'm not delusional, but honestly, you are on Sup Forums, don't say it as if you were safe from the delusion.

Frog for Raphi

Smug Satania.

>ywn confess your love to her only for her to smugly proclaim she knew you loved her then proceed to stutter and get nervous trying to confess back



plastic is plastic, so no difference

I would like to meet her in real life, I would do mean things to others and she would love me


you're not supposed to leave the caps on bottles

>plastic is plastic, so no difference
say that to some material scientist IRL and see what happens fag


Satania would love me. I'm as evil and as retarded as she is



When does Satania first appear in Gabriel Dropout? I only want to see the show to see her.

when crows transform into pigeons

Episode 7 at around 18 minutes


Satania was the only reason to watch this crap show