Literally the best thing to come out of anime in the past 5 years or so

Literally the best thing to come out of anime in the past 5 years or so.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's not JoJo

>generic goth himecut lolita

This character is so boring it could be used a template for any number of gatchas.

>blatant Japanese propaganda
>looks like it worked

With a character design like tat you would have expected there to just be a T O N of gate porn

But once again Japan lets us down.

Would almost be worth getting reaped just for the glimpse.

You mean one of biggest dissapointments in past 5 years or so.

>generic highly skilled dick raiser
Fixed that for you.

Too much lip.

Gate was never popular enough for that

Rory pretty hot but Gate was trash.

>Propaganda ad shows generic af boobs and guns
brainlets think it is anything but trash

>cool plot about modern tech vs magic
>apparently just jap propaganda and multi-colored cute girls forming a harem with the most hollow isekai self-insert yet

I'm scared to watch Gate, guys, because of how monumentally disappointed I'll likely be. And I like some trashy isekai.

It's definetly one of the better isekais.

Just watch it nerd

Lmao being propaganda with isekai army shit was the reason I watched this show. When you know what to expect, you will enjoy it

Only Americans and cucks can't enjoy something because "muh foreign propaganda"

>could of had an awesome wartime anime showing civilization type battles where the JSDF crush the fantasy kingdom
>instead we got 1 good episode followed by endless waifushit

Could have had a pretty interesting story with the setting, or just had it be the MC stranded with his platoon in the fantasy world if you really wanted the demi human waifus instead of trying to do so much at once.

Animated Rory? Kinda.
GATE anime? Not really.

If your standards are low enough and you have no expectations, you will rarely be disappointed.

I binged it a few months back. If you like trashy isekai, then it's right up your alley. It's unapologetically awful, but it kept me entertained enough to finish it.
The propaganda isn't even that omnipresent. I was far more turned off by how much of a bland self-insert the MC was.

Shitty anime of a shitty adaption of a shitty manga of a shitty LN from a shitty author.

>how much of a bland self-insert the MC was.
Yeah you're right. Itami isn't really that great

Calling it propaganda is wrong, because it's more of a nationalist manchild's retarded wet harem dream. Real propaganda by the state would never be so bad.
P.S. And a shitty girl.

For some reason, I am getting the impression you don't like it.

I read the manga because I thought the concept might be fun, when it looked like we might see dragons and orcs in Japan and shit, but holy fuck was I disappointed. Dropped it like it was hot the moment the Japs and Whory obliterated those American special forces.

>this manga wasn't what I thought it would be and they had the audacity to show a magical girl winning against my countries army

Can you imagine the horro?

>he doesn't know anything about Japan's diplomatic status with America
Even the monumentally retarded author of this work would think you're ignorant, because he clearly knows about U.S.-Japan relations but wants them gone, which is what he showed in such a retarded way with this manga.

It's good, don't let the denizens of Sup Forums fool you. It's a fucking fun cartoon but bogs down at times.


>japan isn't glassed by nukes the moment they kill american/russian soldiers
Fucking dropped

They wouldn't be for killing a small special operations unit on foreign soil illegally to begin with.
Even Trump isn't that stupid.

Buttblasted mutt detected.

On a more serious note the moment japan
decides to go full retard and actually kill
american soldiers is the moment they'd get the
big black boot of NATO shoved so far up their
ass that any remains of the JSDF would be used to clean up the mess

just watch it dumbass
you're letting a bunch of retarded MAGA burgers spook you away because they're not the ones killing savage barbarians in this show

>That one cosplay JAV
I'd be cool with a season 2

The anime was dogshit, read the manga.

>shitty anime design
>not glorious manga design

the people this show triggers the most seems to be the people that can't accept the idea of any technology beating a fantasy world.

Japan wouldn't anyway. They'd tell the Americans to GTFO Okinawa after some political referendum which made the action legal.
At that point either the Americans would leave or contest the action through the world court. At the end, Japan isn't an American domain and eventually US forces would leave. Assuming they didn't would be an act of aggression against Japan by America and in fact NATO may in fact side with Japan, but likely everyone would wait on the sidelines while you two figured it out.

NATO is just code for the US military. You dont see any other NATO countries with bases outside their own. Also the nips have become passive while Americans are more war mongering than ever.

Mangafags got some serious delusion.

>You dont see any other NATO countries with bases outside their own
The Euro's tend to send their men to US military bases around the world though, why bother building your own bases when the USA has plenty. And not necessarily true, I believe France and the UK had several airbases back before Gadaffi took over Libya.

Just watch it for the modern tech vs medieval fantasy. Don't mind the nip propaganda. If you really can't stand it, skim through.

Perhaps but we all know who the real workhorse for NATO is. Remeber when the Euro countries tried to get involved in the Syria conflict and they had to put it on hold because they ran out of bombs? The only countries that can really challenge the US are Russia and the Chinese. This anime has the untested JSDF taking out both US and Russian specops which would likely result in retaliation. Also it should be mentioned that no country has ever stopped the US from warrant less aggression.
>call on nato for help in afganistan
>lol seeya were going to Iraq too
On a final note Americans and Russians line up to join their military for shits and giggles. Japan is using a gothic lolita to get neets to join up.

honestly American retaliation is the least of the nips problems. The fact they killed russian soldiers means they will 100% get their shit invaded by russia, and at the same time because they also killed american soldiers means the USA has a good excuse to sit by and watch japan get #SLAVED without being seen as the badguy


>japanese propaganda x otaku jokes x daddy issues

Too many people focus on the propaganda portions which I found easily ignorable and not really relevant anyway.

Why exactly do so many people have problems with "japanese propaganda"? Is it some american thing that having another countries army displayed is so awful? How does america deal with 90% of movies that have armies in them usually showing the american army? Does it suddenly not matter when it's US propaganda?

She would look a trillion times better if she didn't put on that shitty lipstick.

>honestly American retaliation is the least of the nips problems. The fact they killed russian soldiers means they will 100% get their shit invaded by russia
I seriously doubt this, unless the nips have agreed to have foreign military on their soil any action they deem necessary to handle the situation will probably be seen as justified by the rest of the world. Russia would most likely deny their soldiers were ever there or claim they went rogue.

While her anime design is shit, her make-up is not.
So fuck off with your shitty taste.
If you don't listen to this while jerking it to Rory, you're doing it wrong.

The US and Russia are no stranger to losing high value personnel that don't exist proxy wars, Japan is not gonna get instantly glassed or invaded Red Dawn style.

But at the same time they're not gonna just slink away and take stuff lying down(even if they were in the wrong) especially against a 2nd tier power like Japan which they have plenty of opportunity to seek recourse against.

Is it not enough for you that she acts like a slut does she have to look like one too?


But classy, expensive prostitute. Not some cheap idol goth-loli slut.

The most realistic COA beyond military action would be HEAVY sanctions by the US


I mean Japan might not turn up the next morning as a glass crater but if the US and Russia want that gate. They will get it and no has been nation like Japan is going to stop them. Imagine if it was Germany that was trying to keep the gate. Same thing. The idea that Japan is just going to refuse the two most militarily powerful nations on earth because lol we found it first is retarded.

Retaliation politically against Russia and the USA for sending operatives on foreign soil illegally.

This. Japan is far too valuable strategically compared to a couple soldiers. Without them, or nuking them to oblivion, worst korea will be left to fend for itself. Guam and other Pacific island bases aren't big enough, and the nearest western allies, the SEA monkeys, are too weak and far.

Yeah, and in one of the worst anime in the past 5 years or so

With what leverage? With their stagnant economy, labor shortage, shrinking population, and untested military the empire of the rising sun is not going to rise again atleast not anytime soon.
>w-we'll go to the UN

Japanese militarist wanking. Nothing more.

What would happen is a political process probably involving money for the American and Russian wrong doings and not invasion.
Ultimately however, the military is an extensions of politics by another means. Usually of last resort against an ally.

Cute slut.

Wrong. Sorry they didn't take your precious US army for their japanese anime.

In said situation I highly doubt the US or Russia would pay money because they "did something wrong" more than likley those troops were killed by terrorists residing in Japan. Shame really. Who would have thought that a civilized country like Japan would become a hot bed of terrorism. But every cloud has a silver lining. Two rival nations like the US and Russia finally putting aside their differences to help rid the world of terrorism. Shame they didnt get there in time to save Abe from that bombing but with cooperation the US and Russia just might be able to help rebuild the once great nation of Japan, now reduced to rubble. A casualty in the war on terror. See? Its that easy. If Japan doesnt want to remember who runs shit then they arnt really an ally. Nations dont have friends. Only interests.

Currently reading the manga, took a peek at the 1st episode
>Violence toned way down
>Character design looks like ass
>Already shallow personalities of the cast are streamlined further
Should I just stick with the manga or does it get any better?

I've literally never seen anyone mad that modern tech > fantasy in GATE. At most I've seen people say it's too one-sided since even a regular modern soldier with a bayonet kills a horde of professional warriors on her own, which doesn't even have anything to do with technology but just shitty wankery.

The anime doesn't get better and the manga gets worse.

Oh well. I had a feeling once I got to the Special Forces fight of how things were going to go.

Trump has mad dog mattis dealing with the military shit.

One of the most solidly fun shows. The butthurt in the threads just made it even better.

Eh I just like it. Who cares about the trolling and junk. Anime was garbage though

Anime had bad designs and was censored.

On top of them adding bullshit to the anime to make it more "marketable". Fuck you K-on.

Hurry the hell up Japan. I want loli priestesses, elf's and animal girls now.

...I'm starting to worry about the mangaka


I'd like more of the main characters instead of those. I though him tendency toward mostly just Rory could be shifted slightly, but this wasn't the direction I had in mind.

>Japanese otaku gets into the Japanese defense force
>"Hey Hiro,go clean the american apartment complex toilets"
Also their army probably has one of the lowest percentage of women enrollment in the world

That's not Devilman crybaby

never actually got around to watching season 2 but I liked seaon 1, mostly because Rory gave me a boner

It's the Americans who keep sperging out when the special forces bit comes up. No one else does this.

I hate it. The fantasy army lack magic.

I mean,killing spies from a country that has a fucking standing army in your country and could literally raze you down in 1 day is not a good idea

that is entirely butthurt amerifats whining because in GATE their shithole country is shown for the shithole it truly is

>mfw I like bothe the anime designs and the manga designs.

Not the best, but Rory is 20/10 perfection and hotness.

>Just watch it for the modern tech vs medieval fantasy
Just don't go into it with the idea that those two are at all equals. It's a completely one sided slaughter with the people beyond the gate being constantly amazed by every little thing from our world, no matter how mundane. It plays out like one of those humanity fuck yeah spiels /tg/ puts out. If that's not too masturbatory for you it can be fun.


>no sexy pics of Rory in this thread
Kuso thread.

Which one? Was it a Goro one?

There's literally nothing more dishonorable than killing people with more primitive technolo-hahahhahahah as a portuguese I was about to laugh at my hypocrital statement

Some are a bit of a risk to post here.

Yeah most of mine are just her naked. And even though the art is from the mangaka the mods are a bunch of christian virgins and usually ban me for posting it.

So, does she chop their firewood or something?

>American soldiers
All three countries sent deniable assets, not soldiers. Actually admitting they sent troops in would open them up to censure from the other two sides, so they all grin and bear it.

Plus, the JSDF spec ops had the home field and proper support against a bunch of amateurs (yes, amateurs, they were deniable assets and not a SAD team) who didn't even have body armor or NV optics. Expecting the battle to go any other way would have been stupid. Which you are, apparently.

>not enjoying the propaganda