Buyfag thread

Do you own any kimono figures?

Please read before posting:

I like this user's bird

What happened to the one by Griffon?

What an ugly bird.

Posting again, please let me know if this is the correct place to ask.

I am considering purchasing this Juri statue by
Pop Culture Shock and was wondering if anyone on here has purchased any of their products and what their thoughts on PCS’ QC is. Thank you.

Look at people's photos on the myfigurecollection page.

>Other thread made too early
>Footfag is third post
>Worse OP picture
I choose this thread.

Always ignore early threads. Pretty sure they just do it for attention.

People here are not very helpful, but you should try in the other buyfag thread too.

I think some of their stuff is great but it's really overpriced desu but if you can afford it go for it.

>People here are not very helpful, but you should try in the other buyfag thread too.
Why? Those people are lurking this thread, too. I'd say /toy/ would probably know more even though they generally don't like discussing statues but I've seen stuff like that on shelves in display threads.

Did you guys pre-order your dva?

Why are people into this type of shit so obnoxious?

This is the future my straight friend.

Stop reply you dumb fuck

I need more succubi. My thirst is powerful.

He's posted this shitty photo unspoliered every thread for the past twenty or so threads paired with the same shitty canned question. Futafags are just as bad as Pochacofags, filter the image, ignore, and move on.

People are desperate for attention so they need to most retarded figs out there. Same with porcshit etc.

I find them boring to be honest.
Especially for Sakura, it's a crime that a girl with that lewd body of hers getting a figure with an outfit covering all of her curves.

These are super cute.

Is cloth?

shitty but ㄒ卄丨匚匚

Kimonos in a nutshell. The design similarities start getting boring if there are more than three or so near each other too.

Nah, it's plastic

We need more BIG girl figures!

there you go, you just summoned this faggot

I don't know who she is and from where she comes from, tell me.

yo mom a thicc

Nothing wrong with modesty. I assume they're aimed at people who like the characters for more than their appearance anyway.

Kinda looks straight out from an Illusion game, ma I might be wrong.

how did you know

I know right.

The Rei looks okay but Asuka looks bad.

I'm your daddy~

Of course it's the fag seeking attention, he's also the porkchop lover, so fuck that guy.

That's Asraroth from Shinra Bansho Chocolate. She's a Megahouse 1/8.


Nico is too big
Porkchop is big enough and we all know we've had enough of her already.

Wish I could own this


That's true. Still, kimonos are kinda generic because the only thing they retain of the character is the face. There are other ways of making a modest figure.
Nothing against people who like kimonos though

You don't wear underwear under the kimono.

Thanks. The price is a bit steep at about $440, but it will probably my last purchase for a while.

Pork was made to make Sonic look good. I feel like they made the grey haired monstrosity as a joke to see how far they can take it and still sell merchandise.

It's the same people. They don't like either and they want everyone else to hate seeing it.

basically everyone does nowadays. and they still had their own type of underwear back then to reduce the need to clean the kimono.


yuk, it looks like it was shitting a giant piece of turd

can't unsee

Is there any other Juri fig that doesn't cost so much while not being total crap?

I have the entire maiko meguca limited edition set, also momohime and okita, not sure if they count as kimono or not.

Man I wish we could have Miyu in kimono a la pic related.

I didn't buy it for that reason, that trunk/branch looks bad.

At this point it's also MODS' fault for not banning him.

Not really, very very few collect that kind of statues here, pretty much point pointless to ask here about them.

I bought the bishoujo Juri for 55us$ back then.

Because they love the attention and they have shit taste.

I have not but it looks fine in the picture.

Stop acting like you dont like dick girls. I know you love them.

>tfw you girlfriend has bigger dick than yours.
>why live ;_;

That means you have to be the girlfriend, now bend over.

Just get a gf with a smaller dick than yours

futa fags are the same trash as porkfags, why the fuck is this even allowed?

There's also My Anime Shelf.

Start reporting.

I'm sorry, user, but I'm not gay.


Retards like you are the reason they exist. They're lonely people who are desperate for any amount of attention they can get, so they pretend they like shit like this and idiots like you make them think they're important or relevant in any way.

Why boner???

Name please!

I'd totally bang this tranny, even though I'm a straight man.

Shes got a cuter faceplate.

No, but they are pretty.

based mods

Mods range ban please.

Silly laws.

What possible use could you have with a tactical assault knife like that? Someone should probably report you to the authorities for even wanting such a deadly weapon.

Emilia looks cute here.

>10000 JPY
Pre-orders open on the 19th

Can you actually not own that in Bongland? I thought it was just a meme/only applied to stuff like hunting knives


Half of her hair looks crudely stuck on.
Probably because it was.

Is this from devilman?

Is that emilia or sagiri? I can't really tell them apart.

They would be banning most of the board them. It's not a coincidence that the third worlders who come to Sup Forums to post about their shonenshit also come to this thread to shitpost about obesity and trannies.

>Le obese advertisment lady



> 4444

I see what you did thar, you sneaky store clerk

Ha ha, nice.

They're never ever going to pick the best design of the finalists for a Snow Miku, are they?

No, because "best" is subjective.

Don't be silly.

why do I have to bet on chance to get what I want

you want dolls for that.

Because lotteries are profitable

Post your biggest butt


I'll give them points for the details.

Re-release when? Yui when?

>Garters over panties

Will they ever get it right?

No, kimonos do nothing for me.

Koto's version is fine.