Sup Forums makes a card game

>go to site
>get a picture of your waifu, favorite anime, can be anything as long as it's anime related
>make card
>post results

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

Shit card, would not include in my deck.

what a disgusting card, my fellow user

>not a creature that gives Ram +1/+1
Ram would also give Rem +1/+1

>end of turn protection effect
literally worthless



I tried...


>artifact border
>0/0 p/t
ow my brain.

The shit decisions were made on purpose to replicate the show.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

looks good my man



Haven't played this game since Ravnica, city of guilds

Let me show you how it's really done.

fuck storm

Did I do well

what a shitty design.

I don't get the relation of the card with Asta.

Why is buffing your opponents creatures?
Why are they sacrified at the end of the combat phase?

>can't untap myself
>fall of the chair




>not Aura Curse
1/10 design

>Posts a Renault

>Renault pictured
You intentionally want to trigger peoples autisms?

broken card


okay i take it back, most of these are broken cards


>not the cmc of 2

>cast this in response
your move


Should not be blue
Needs to be aura
Needs to be destroy target goblin (unless it makes sense that he exiles goblins?)
Needs to read 'cant attack' since 'may' implies a choice is involved
You can enchant your opponent with it

>You can enchant your opponent with it
I already know that. I just don't get the abilities that user gave to the card with the MC of Black Clover.

only an idiot would need the example, your wording was spot on

He kills the goblins so dead they can't be brought back.

I made those sometime ago.


I havnt watched the show but im guessing the flavour is that the screams make people go into fits of rage, to the point that they just throw themsleves towards the opponent. Maybe it could add 'enchanted players creatures attack if able' instead of saccing

Neato, I was working on an anime-themed cube, might as well share some of the stuff I was working on.

It's like Bomat courier if that card was overpowered as hell.

I like the creativity, but it basically amounts to a "can't lose the game" effect that's really hard to remove. Also, why UB? Can't lose the game is usually W or colorless.

What if it was


You can't lose the game unless you meet two or more losing conditions.

At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose two life and exile the top five cards of your library.


That's an absolutely terrible card. Not a bad design, really, just unplayable. Make it an instant at least.


I haven't played MtG in over a decade, and I've never been much of a hardcore player to begin with. What if I made it so no creature could attack? Would that make it a decent card?

>If you or your opponent have Divine Intervention in play or in hand
Damn, this is not YGO.

Give it a few more mana and it could be a real magic card desu

>Not having her sacrifice the Lapis Head of the forbidden one + The Gold Left and Right Legs of the forbidden one + The Agate Left and Right Legs of the forbidden one to summon LaPhos.

Making it instant speed and "Tap target creature" would probably be an improvement

Would be interesting, probably not too powerful.

>Ground Zero deals X plus 1 damage to target creature that hasn't been targeted, where X is the amount of time this process has been repeated. Repeat this process any amount of time.

It really isn't. "Cumulative Damage" doesn't mean anything in MtG.
It's actually a surprisingly hard effect to write in MtG.

Not this time

Isn't that kind of weird, since you need to declare targets to put it on the stack? Is there any card that functions like this? I think you need to say choose instead of target

I like the idea of having Master/Servant as a mechanic, and the masters were designed quite well, but the servants are kind of meh IMO, and the color identities are bizzare

Here's my take on part of it, I like the idea of having Archer's thing be tutoring and combos. If you fetch The swords, you can sacrifice them for a repeatable 3 mana bolt.

Already exists, and it single-handedly beats like 70% of decks in modern.

>2 for 1 to vapor snag
Bad card.

Might be playable as a 1 mana force.

I have no idea how MTG works
Is this broken?

Very. Mana cost is too low and any card that tutors anything repeatedly is broken af.

Hhmmm I'd say for constructed play it seems reasonable. Maybe a bit too powerful for limited though (Ability to just get creatures from your deck is really good)

>tfw abzan elf deck with ensnaring bridge secret tech
god bless ensnaring bridge


What color identity didn't you like?
I tried to color them so that the canon pairs would be max 3 colors [but better 2], since going 4 colors or chroma is a clusterfuck. Also EMIYA is 100% RW user, see Nahiri (the butthurt version).

About the servants, it's mostly a problem of space due to the Servant ability. I guess I could offload the ability completely on the masters, doing so could also allow to pair them with ANY planeswalker depending how they are written.

I guess it would be easier to do if it was a Planeswalker but the site can't do that


Mana cost symbols are backwards, and in MTG white doesn't really get bounce effects. I know this is a reference to her Wixoss card, but in MTG discarding cards is generally really bad. You need to get something really good out of it, otherwise it's just a terrible value play. If Tama has a way to remove blockers, Trample is a bit redundant and overloaded. If discard is a theme here, might as well double down on it.

Emiya isn't just butthurt, and Nahiri isn't RW because she's butthurt. While SFM is a powerful card, traditionally both artifact manipulation and duplication has been strictly in UR. Feldon of the third path, Tinker, Hoarding Dragon, etc. UR is also the color of cloning - splinter twin, Kiki Jiki, Rite of Rep etc, so for someone who copies artifacts UR fits the best.

In terms of personality, if anything, Emiya is Temur. He's angry, R, he's calculating, U, and he wants to preserve the natural order, G. Not W by any means, he's not exactly a fan of the greater good.

>About the servants, it's mostly a problem of space due to the Servant ability. I guess I could offload the ability completely on the masters, doing so could also allow to pair them with ANY planeswalker depending how they are written.
I don't much care for servants as planeswalkers to begin with. If you really wanted them for EDH, just make them all have partner, change servants creature type to "Servant", and give masters abilities like "gets +2/+2 if you control a servant."

I'm not a smart man...

I think you might deal with the card by giving it an activated ability and using charge counters.
See Lighting Storm, one of the weirdest cards ever.

starting to get the feeling that a lot of anime girls are annoying

You make me laugh.

It was really hard to create a counter that can still be usefull in another situation.

Why Vapor Snag? I was going for a Failure//Comply kinfa card and to be orginal I removed 1 mana at the cost of discarding.

It's good. It removes at high cost, but it's repeteable. And searches!

good job


>Tap target creature
Fuck, that makes much more sense too. I'm an idiot. Okay, final version.

I really, REALLY like this one
Make it 4 uncolored mana instead of two and it could be legit as fuck.

It took some time, but I like this design, when polished down. When Griffith attacks, he attracts followers who can't do anything right away. Then, he sacrifices them all to become a god.

Cone of flame exists, and it reads

"Cone of Flame deals 1 damage to target creature or player, 2 damage to another target creature or player, and 3 damage to a third target creature or player."

So there.

Needs to be blue or at least W/U

>Why Vapor Snag? I was going for a Failure//Comply kinfa card and to be orginal I removed 1 mana at the cost of discarding.
a card is worth A LOT more than 1 mana.

>It's good. It removes at high cost, but it's repeteable. And searches!
Yeah, any repeatable tutor effect needs to be retardedly high costed or it's broken.

Yeah I don't really play MTG so I just tried to reference her card
>Blue Tama
What heresy is this?

More stuff

Unless a deck is dedicated to meeting both conditions, that card basically says "I can't lose." And it's harder than plat angel to remove.

It needs something to balance it out, like milling cards or losing life, to balance this out, otherwise it's just too strong.

Mechanically speaking, it makes sense.

Blue isn't just the color of smug assholes and counterspells. It's also the color of playfulness and curiosity, which Tama has in spades. In general, I'd say her character is Jeskai more than anything else.

First attempt. I have only seen my friends play it a couple of times so I probably worded shit incorrectly.

>Nahiri isn't RW because she's butthurt.
I don't really follow the lore that much, but from what I understand she was pissed off at Sorin.
Anyway dealing with artifacts might be Blue, but equipments in particualr is a mostly a White thing. Is not just stonforge master.

>Not W by any means, he's not exactly a fan of the greater good.
I don't think Archer really abandon is morals deep down, even if he's angry or bitter about them.

>I don't much care for servants as planeswalkers to begin with. If you really wanted them for EDH, just make them all have partner, change servants creature type to "Servant", and give masters abilities like "gets +2/+2 if you control a servant."
But that's lame.

I was thinking about tapping creatures being a blue thing, but sometimes white gets away with it no? Or is that only if its on a creature?


>"Cone of Flame deals 1 damage to target creature or player, 2 damage to another target creature or player, and 3 damage to a third target creature or player."
>So there.
Yeah, but the problem comes from having a variable amount of targets.


Not bad. The ability should probably cost X and Red only though. Also, the whole regenerate costing more probably requires a counter system to keep track (put a counter on him each time it is used)

Rape mine, tachis.


Haste really isn't white.

It has memory problems regarding the second ability.

>Select X target creatures in order, and deal 1 damage plus the number of creatures to which this effect has already damaged to each in order.

Now I am depressed.

I originally wanted to use "bury target goblin" which would be appropriate for both MtG and the goblin slayer canon but the word "bury" wasn't beautiful enough for me because I have the autism so I went with a more beautiful wording

Here's a fun, color appropriate, design.

>Anyway dealing with artifacts might be Blue, but equipments in particualr is a mostly a White thing. Is not just stonforge master.

True, but copying and sacrificing artifacts for damage is 100% UR. I can see Emiya being Jeskai, maybe.

>But that's lame.
It's also efficient and doesn't need to change the rules. Not every card has to be snapcaster mage complex, custom cards often overload with weird effects without thinking how unfun this complexity would make the game.

W usually gets prevention or "can't attack" effects. Tapping sometimes, but rarely - it's usually a U thing.

I like it, but should be vanishing counters, and put it on the enchantment itself.

>Haste really isn't white.
True, maybe I should just turn it into a titan ability.

But if "time is on the player's side", giving it a countdown way of balancing out such as "each turn, discard X from the top of your deck/you lose X life" would be actually giving more pressure to the player than anything else, and not effectively making time his ally.
A good way of balancing it would be perhaps to have all the discarded cards be exiled from the game (that way, he can't use any spell that would allow him to prevent his library from being depleted) and to be unable to gain life in any way whatsoever.

Six mana is WAAAAY too much. See Latulla Keldon Oversee for a similar card.

Give her indestructible and reduce the amount of additional creature to 1.

Cool design. I'd prefer it if it wasn't indestructible, but costed less.

>reduce the amount of additional creature to 1
But she has three holes.

wasn't indestructible a white thing? specially on noncreature cards?

Made these awhile back.

It was an artifact thing. Since Darksteel.

I like these, but Unlimited Blade Works is absolutely busted in artifact combo decks.

I lost track of MTG since Ravnica or some edition further, but i remember that from that point on shit escalated to tons of overpowered cards, i guess that that is common now, but i grew loving the game with Invasion, damn Gerrard's crew was comfy.

btw Unlimited Blade Works is god like, it really gives me a the right feeling.

buw why U and not W?

>a card is worth A LOT more than 1 mana.
I guess you are right, but I didn't really understand the comparision with Vapor since it targets creatures and this one spells. I guess I will never find out if it's good or not.
Unless there is a Great Designer Search 3 contendant right here.

Nice, I like how it could be borderline BG.

Woah there, this may be a bit too good. Since not many decks in a constructed format use legendary creatures.

>But if "time is on the player's side", giving it a countdown way of balancing out such as "each turn, discard X from the top of your deck/you lose X life" would be actually giving more pressure to the player than anything else, and not effectively making time his ally.
True, but if we were designing around the name "time is on your side" I'd rather make a card with "Vanishing 5, you can't lose the game"

>A good way of balancing it would be perhaps to have all the discarded cards be exiled from the game (that way, he can't use any spell that would allow him to prevent his library from being depleted) and to be unable to gain life in any way whatsoever.
Yeah, but life gain is so incidental as to be pointless. In MTG gaining life is about the worst thing you can do.

I don't like Megu hitting face, feels excessive. She feels more like a boardwipe Red to me.

Kind of the point, but it really isn't. KKIronworks is already good enough, and that's a way better card than this.

>buw why U and not W?
W has some equipment stuff, but U is traditionally both the color of artifacts and of duplication.

Thanks. The reason the enchantment put counters on you instead of the enchantment is because the burden of the past and regrets never leave you.
I am thinking of reworking it.