Thoughts on Rebellion? Can it be seen as a genuine new entry for the series or is it just a cashgrab on top of a otherwise complete work?
Thoughts on Rebellion...
People were predicting this would happen since before the movie was even announced.
And what are they predicting now for S2?
I'd be fine with its sequel-baiting ending if they actually made a 4th movie, but it's been 5 years and the closest thing we have is the concept trailer.
The tv show had a far more satisfying ending. I prefer Homura failing but getting to be with Madoka upon death rather than Homura being the god and keeping Madoka in ignorance like a caged bird.
Rebellion as an ending has too many major questions. Like will Madokami keep trying to reconnect with Madoka? What happens when Madoka dies of natural causes? Would Homura let Madoka return to her godhood? Does Madokami still save magical girls even without her human aspect present?
me liked it
It gave a conclusion to the series and left the door open for a sequel, plus it allow Homura to save everyone.
I absolutely agree. They left us hanging with a bunch of losse ends. It would all be okay if there was something after it that gave the series a final, satisfying conclusion.
>Can it be seen as a genuine new entry for the series or is it just a cashgrab on top of a otherwise complete work?
I loved it. One of my favorite movies ever.
I agree with this dudeI'm a huge fan of both Rebellion and the Series, Urobuchi took a tightly knit story with defined rules and expanded on what was going to happen eventually: Homura giving into despair
Why did they feel the need to include Nagisa
Bebe was the best thing to happen to Madoka.
It was good until they slapped another movie's ending onto it, but it can't be helped.
>the virgin cheese-hater
>the chad pedophile
The manga adaptation ends up giving a shit ton more reason to Homura's sudden shift at the end of the film and, IMO, saved Rebellion for me. Recommend looking that version up if you didn't like the movie.
Loved the animation but I thought the plot twist was just a cash grab and a lazy way to create controversy. "Ohohoho. Get it? She's a devil because Madoka's God!" I agree with others that I'd like it a lot more if we actually got a proper sequel.
>Thoughts on Rebellion?
it's shit
>it just a cashgrab on top of a otherwise complete work
It's the real ending of ther series.
It could be both.
Anything after the original series is a cashgrab.
rebellion is the only good part
It was a fun movie, but the TV series ending was better, and Homura becoming a supervillain is reverse character development