How long does it take for a japanese artist to achieve professional level manga art?

How long does it take for a japanese artist to achieve professional level manga art?

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Two years if you practice an one hour a day non-stop.

Never if you are a lazy piece of shit who thinks you can do it under six months.

Around 6 months

technically ONE is a professional manga artist, so 3 weeks or something

he's right

You're not wrong.

Yeah but you have to have a decent idea . Like Homestuck or something.

Professional just means you're paid. It has no bearing on your quality of work

What are you supposed to practice? I want to start learning how to draw.

6 years of hard work at minimum without talent
don't delude yourself

Drawing the human form.

>tfw 5 years closer to my goal

Are you retarded? The way you get better at drawing IS BY FUCKING DRAWING god I hate this fucking site

Check the sticky

Funny, because I spend between 1 to 2 hours to look for references.

Just draw.

FUCK I've been drawing for 1 and a half years and I'm still shit... What am I doing wrong?

Confidence. Just publish shit and tell everyone who tells you it's bad they don't get it

take an actual art class before you try to draw animu

Only two years?
That's fast.

If you're a lazy bum like me, it takes over 6 years, and I still don't consider it professional level.

I keep giving up because I’m a retard with no sense of proportion or perspective.

You thought you could become a mangaka? It’s absurd, never! Out of all the “artists” in all the world, think how few ever become mangaka. They were born destined to become mangaka. It’s not something you can become by trying. Each person is given his own path. And they must follow that path, OBEDIENTLY to the end.

>They were born to
Authors literally often just go pick up doujin artists. Just start drawing

Skipping leg day. Learn perspective.

>Each person is given his own path
I'm so close to my deathbed but I have not been given my designated path yet. I hate this system.

Not close enough if you're still namefagging here

Realistically 5-10 years of solid work.

If you didn't start drawing when you were 10, you're fucked and will never become a good artist

So here's the thing
Learning figure drawing is one thing (just draw people, in poses, start by drawing them in 30 secs so you get the general movement down) but manga, and comics, are about sequential art, and that takes some study.
When you read manga, don't just skim through it, take time to examine how a page is laid out, how text is placed, how much of a character's body is in the shot, etc.

So yes, definitely draw for an hour a day, but also read manga for an hour.
Also, draw total bullshit. Until you're actually ready to do a complete piece, there's no point in agonizing over getting a rough sketch "just right"

Who else /learningtodrawonlytodrawhiswaifu/ here?

Everything. People, animals, objects, landscapes, realistic stuff, exaggerated stuff, perspective. Hands, hands, hands and more hands. Things you see, things you imagine. Cute things, ugly things. Scenes you come up with. Different textures, clothes, leather, water, etc. Practice something different every day. If you don't feel like doing something serious then draw whatever you want even if it's stick men but draw a lot and often.

Me. Such a pain in the ass when my waifu is obscure.

You can't learn to draw.

>drawing for 1 and a half years and I'm still shit
Draw more faggot

study more loomis

who's you're waifu?

Randomly doodling for an hour a day isn't going to help anyone improve nearly as much as focused studies. It's a very legitimate question.

Do you have any actual chance of become decent at drawing if youstart drawing at mid 20s?

There are several boards dedicated to drawing. Do you people not know that?

yes. art is not like sports or something, you can start at 65 years old and git gud.

just have dedication

Decent yes.

But there's only one board dedicated to anime and manga.

/ic/ is mostly Sup Forums bullshit anyway, I'm sure you'd feel at home

At least this is a breather from all those seasonal shitposting

man that instructional drawing is thicc as fuck

The older you are the harder it gets. If you dedicate large ammount of time then you can get average, maybe. Don't ever think you can draw good stuff like japs though. What is even decent level for you anyway?

If you actually want to learn then start by looking at mangakas who share a lot of their works and thoughts.
Highly recommend following Mizukami Satoshi (@nekogaeru on twitter).
Here's an interview he did recently if you can read Japanese:
His art can be really rough at times but he shows it's a lot more about composition than the art itself.


It got better and then got worse

>tfw too autistic to attemp to draw waifu at my level because I would insult her with a shit drawing

If anything, you insult her by not putting forth the effort to do it.

I have practiced daily three hours 2.5 years now.

Yeah, no.

Needs ten years to be honest

3rd masterey is the best one.

I'm trying user.

Those hands are awful.

But what do you practice, user?

>Drew a lot up until age 14
>Got discouraged because I did slightly below class average in art class
>Gave up on it for years

I wanna start drawing again but then I think about all the skills I could have accumulated by now if I had just kept at it. A vicious cycle.

You can tell which fingers she uses to finger herself.

one hour a day is nowhere near enough. At least four hours of dedicated, focused effort a day if you wanna hit pro levels.

>feel the form user, are you feeling it?

step 1: Draw you're waifu.
step 2: Post results.

Either six months or six years depending on what mangaka's level you want to be at.

>Two years if you practice an one hour a day non-stop
Maybe if you possess hidden talent.

I'm assuming this is supposed to be good? Looks like you peaked in 2003, found some talent in 2006 and then forgot how to draw again

>implying talent can be unhidden

2001 > the rest

Speaking of, if you want to learn some cool shit, go watch Hamada Yoshikadu's stream. Guy is stupid talented

Yeah if you make a wrong choice in your life

That 2001 style has always been really popular and widely used, if you can draw that there was no need to go further.


Ask the artist not me.

It depends, a lot of the really good ones has gone to some college/university. Some just start as soon as they reach high school and try to sell their siuff in events.

If you go to pixiv and search some amateur artist you find a lot of high school kids trying going to events and trying their luck.

This is an interesting style.

literally this. face reality.

What the fuck is Redjuice smoking in 2003

professional mangaka


>tfw not even lvl 0
by the way I want to fuck lvl 6th Cirno.

What's the issue?
Seems like perfectly normal dwarfs/gnomes.

Well, his career didn't kick off until 2008, so it makes sense to not draw for a year. The really crazy part about Redjuice is how he said over the span of ten years, he's spent 50k hours drawing on his tablet.


Drawing manga/comic is a different beast than illustration

I mean, he can say whatever he wants, 50k hours in 10 years doesn't really work out.

Well, the OP said manga art, not concept art or illustrations. I posted this originally. You could draw like Yoshikazu or like ONE and still get published and popular.

Unless you have some hidden talent, no.

No, our brains stop developing after age 20.

The way you get better at anything is by doing it the right way, not just doing it however.

This is such bullshit, there is no such thing as a "right way". It's just about finding your own way, if you don't even draw, you'll never find it.

Decent is subjective. And it depends on what are your goals, really.

There's already one here

Someone who practices by drawing anime everyday will never improve

Yes, one of 'The Greats' was a French man who was a lawyer or accountant and started art at about 30 IIRC. It's never too late to try.

They'll improve at drawing anime

Whatever excuse helps you sleep at night. Just don't drag others down along with you or regret and complain about it.

It all depends on how much free time and how persistent you are. Learn the basics like shapes, shade, and perspective and then go off from there. With practice you will start noticing how to use shapes and lines to create a form. Start with loomis's fun with a pencil, it helps you get the basics in while also intruding how to handle forms and such.

I'm not 6 years old thought

>I'm not 6 years old
Don't try to fool me kid

you can do it. this is my progress after a year. you just have to draw a shitton and get correct critique