Episode 2 is out. And my god is it worse than the first one

Episode 2 is out. And my god is it worse than the first one.


To page 10 you go.

>critiquing something means it should get buried

Grow a tougher skin.

for real??? already out?




It's generic shoujo shit garbage in a fancy package. KyoAni seems to be under the impression that good visuals can make up for bad storytelling.

There was some this episode. It just felt out of place like most things in this anime. Like things are just happen one after the other, but neither the characters nor the story tie it all together to create a narrative.

>good visuals can make up for bad storytelling
For most people, it does. So it will sell well.

>She'll never touch my body and make me into a man.
What's the point in living?

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

It's a Netflix show, so it doesn't need to sell.


Sup Forums is hipster af... just enjoy your chinese cartoons fuck.

Kyoani fags will literally defend anything.

All that amazing animation wasted with instagram filters, rip.

What? You think all those thousands of people talking shit about it is just one person?

Because Netflix prints money for itself to fund its own operation, right.

Somehow, Kyoani is not that good when they try to be "serious".


how will kyoani fags ever recover?

Netflix does not sell anime BDs. Netflix sells subscriptions. They might get a cut from BD sales, but what this show actually needs is views on Netflix, not BD sales.

So, flop dragon sales confirmed?

Back to

>this show actually needs is views
Sells is figurative, autist-kun. I don't think they would reject BD sales cuts + merch revenue, though. Anyway, is it wholly funded by them?

Seriously though, why do KyoAni fans like this?

>I don't think they would reject BD sales cuts + merch revenue, though.
The point remains that it's not their core segment. For Netflix to be viable they need subscriptions and thus an indication that this show is tied people renewing their subscriptions in the form of tracked views, positive feedback, etc.

>Anyway, is it wholly funded by them?
Whether it's wholly funded by Netflix alone I have no idea but I don't think KyoAni works on their own risk.

Why so desperate?

>don't think KyoAni works on their own risk.
That's what they do most of the time though. They can afford to be more laid back because they actually take the profits from their shows, so they're not just a workbench.

This has been their strategy for a while now, so I doubt they'd give up on the BD sales. Then this whole deal would be a step back for them.

Weren't they usually funded by the publishers of the source material?

If you love picking people out from Sup Forums so much you might want to go there yourself.

>yakisoba in a European setting

Wow look at all that actual real criticism, this isn't pure shitposting, I am not being sarcastic at all.

They've been hyping this for years. It would kill them if it fails.

They usually buy the rights. They even mentioned it for Hibike, one of the reasons they picked it up because it was a cheap property.

Other times they publish the LNs themselves (Chuunibyou and such). People can submit LNs to their contest, and maybe they publish it and maybe it gets an anime.

It's a perfect show tho

What's with that hazy shit on OP's pic. Did you take a picture from a dirty window or something?

it's impossible to discuss this anime since this place is full of butthurt kyoani haters who think boruto and hero academia are the pinnacle of anime

absolute thrash

FMA did it better.

false dichotomies are not s replacement for arguments user. I'm willing to discuss why I dislike this anime, but since you have already preemptively dismissed any criticism as shitposting you're probably not even going to listen.

I applaud you for trying to be civil and reason with Kyoanifags but they won't treat you on the same level of humanity. You and i know they won't.

Okay so let me get this straight.
The man in the hat yelled at Erika for writing his letter in a way he didn't want and refused to pay for it, meaning he read it before it was sent.
Yet the woman sending what's esentially a love letter didn't proofread Violet's letter?

Correct. Also a professional ghostwriting company allowed their newest employee to send her first letter out with proofreading from either the client or a manager.

>Minorin singing the insert song through her nose


>when doll feet were animated

Besides Cattleya everyone in the company is incompetent.

>And my god is it worse than the first one.
No it's not. There's nothing wrong with this episode.
I'll trust KyoAni on this one, since they bothered giving the source material their Grand Prize and all that.

I don't give a shit. They made plenty of good shows before but this one really isn't.

Both have way too many follows because of autistic studio wars. Neither of them will be a top seller this season.

Let's be honest here, the top seller of the season will always be some idolshit.

Then why claim it AOTD?

I don't follow that leap in logic.

I like it better, than the first one.

That's like asking why does Chevy keep getting those made up awards for the best initial quality of their shitty cars they keep having to recall

Violet threads really are dead, huh? Even Phantom World had more posters and pseudo-discussion.

Yep, the falseflager successfuly killed it.

phantom sales was not shilled to hell and back so it got less backlash

I'm think violet threads would be like fate apocryha, 5 people like it and other would talk every thread how bad is it and how much the hate it.

>phantom sales was not shilled to hell and back

The first episode broke Sup Forums

Come back to me Seiba.

Just because of bouncing tits.

netflix rip when?

Isn't it funny how whenever a well received anime comes along the contrarian hipsters show up making thread after thread hating on it using vague terms like "mediocre" since they themselves can't come up with a reason for hating it besides for the sake of hating it to win e-points for their contrarian opinions since they're ""mature"" anime watchers who childishly think "normalfags like it so I have to hate it because I'm a contrarian faggot who only likes obscure deep anime for wicked nihilist such as myself"?

Wait, that's not funny at all. Fuck off.

Give it a rest. Do it like me, only stay for a few threads and then don't come back until the next episode is out.

You don't need to play the contrarian card so hard to fit in, lad.

>trending on twitter is now a sign of how good of a quality anime is

neo-Sup Forums in action. also, since you named MAL, name one anime this season that has a higher rating than VEG. I'll wait.


Threads doesn't affect my enjoyment of the anime, so that doesn't matter to me, i just read the posts that i like and that's all.

It's the highest rated title this season on MAL, the fuck do you mean divided?

Not everyone hates it, i love it.

And you spend so much time caring for other's opinions because?
Where are your parents user?

Alternatively: If it wasn't KyoAni, far more people would be talking bad about it.

I really want to like this show but this episode was terrible. The first episode was okay, this one was incredibly stupid.

I liked the BGM at the end.


I can't take anyone seriously when he's the kind of faggot who browsing shitass site like MAL

>MAL honorabu memeber
Please go back to MAL

I mean, he's the one who claimed the show is well received, I just provided examples from various places to prove him wrong.

>open the episode 2 discussion thread, mostly negativity
>go to MAL ever
>reading anything from MAL ever

>i just read the posts that i like and that's all

You wanted safespace? That's exactly what safespaces are

how do we cure violetto's autism?

i meant, i just ignore post that i don't like, not like i want safespace or something.

Aw he waste his time readin your posts user. Does that make you sad?

We give her a ginger dick.

Characters like Yukino and Kotarou are autistic, they're awkward and don't interact well with people but they still function, they eat when they want, do stuff they enjoy when they want and can understand what people around them feel.
But Violet doesn't function, she needs to be told when to eat, when to sit and what to do. She's not autistic, she's completely broken.

>Kyoanus fanboy overhype and call "MUHHH GODANI FIND A WAY"
>People actually believe it and pay attention to it
>Turn out to be so fucking mediocre
>People complain about how medicre it was
>MUHHHH you shouldn't overhype it

I can see your shitposts in almost all of the currently up Violet threads.

Who hurt you user? I'm a good listener, wanna talk about it?

I still havent watched because it just seemed like another bad and generic LN that kyoani tries to make something out of it. Is this one so bad that not even kyoani can save it?

They fucked it up and it's not even nice to look at.

It's technically well made, but the plot is fairly generic and nothing you haven't seen before.

I'm watching more shows this season than I have in years, and this is the only show I'm considering dropping.

That's what safespace meant.

It's their in-house LN. They're the ones who made it.

Really? From the pictures i've seen it looks nice, just boring style and design (specially after they had their take on adapting such "interesting" designs from Cool Kyou Shinja).

Yeah, i was expecting that, i dont know why they keep adapting this fucking awful LN's instead of taking something more interesting things these last few years

Well, that explains it i guess. 100% of the revenue.

And 100% deserved hate.

She is so perfect

Well, they took the bet, it was a high risk high reward and they knew, but i'm curious how they will handle the show's marketing if it fails? Will they just pretend that never happened or just have the main girl show up in the group photos faaaar in the back

i don't force anyone to stop shitposting, and just do what i want.

If it wasn't KyoAni, no one would give a fuck.
They are releasing mostly polished turds.