Violet .... Evergarden?

>it's a girl

you told me she was a trap before,you liar bastard!

>it's a girl

She's pretty hot.

She's cute but seems kinda bitchy. Hope she gets better as it progresses.

short hair grills are my thang

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

milfy christmas cake tomboy

All she did was complain and tell benedict to piss off.

>tell benedict to piss off.


So the blond dude wears heels, and those weird front lace pants and wonders why the girls dont like him

FMA did it better.

>le traps lol
I bet you're also an Astolfofag ironic weeb.

This part was pretty funny.

It's a sin that a show with all this detail hasn't yet had a good feet scene. What a waste.

>2 episodes in
>still no OP
>ED playing in background

KyoAni is fucking serious

why even live

I don't remember an anime series that didn't have an OP

The ED was shitty anyways. I hope the OP is better.

Will there be a timeskip? I can't see her grasping even the most basic emotions with just the AMD training they talked about. Sending her out in her current status would be just like trolling their customers.

Ops and eps are fucking over rated.

There's only 23 minutes in these episodes vest use the time wisely and not blowing 2 minutes up front and 2 minutes at the end for shitty music videos

You can't see the feet with that dark and blurry ass show.

This entire anime is about

OP/EDs are dope. You get to see the show re contextualized in a 2 minute time frame and if you're lucky the music won't suck.

I don't see it that way. Sometimes Ops will spoil new characters you haven't seen yet and I don't really like to see that when I'm trying to follow the story intently. I get this "whose that" motion every time and it just festers a bit.

Imo time saved not doing an op is time better used on the show itself. I like the way they do the ending where they play the music but the show is still going. It's not like it stops and concludes then spends 2 minutes on a song. I just close the window when the endings run, very few that I actually like to listen to

> He's never coming back

So Gilbert's alive right? I kind of doubt they'd dance around his death so much if they weren't hiding the fact that he somehow survived.

I'd imagine he's going to have amnesia or some bullshit though.

Any LN fags know why Gilbert isnt contacting Violet?

I think he has the flu.

He died but colonel Hodgkins doesn't want to tell her. She finds out the hardway

I don't mind if there wouldn't be OP or ED, but they pretty to look at and get me existed about the episode, so it would be sad if there wasn't OP or ED.

Yes, he is alive.

yeah what the fuck was that about

so why doesnt come in contact with her? i mean he knows how autistic and dependent she is.

Roastie got what she deserved.

Shin Sekai Yori kind of didn't. It had a piece of music it played at the start of every episode but no OP animation.

Because he knows how autistic and dependent she is and wants her to get better.

I found it kind of odd that she didn't even ask for the letter to be read back to her and just allowed it to be sent off like that, especially when we see another guy actually do that and get mad because it wasn't to his specifications.

why does the hottest character always have to be such a fucking bitch?

The thing about OP is that they reduce the amount of time the episode needs to air.

Seriously though, I like this kind of format better. So seamless.

Kyoani could've done it even better.

>Recycled Manaka
Another shitty character?

I was thinking they turned him into robocop or something.

Who knows, I just figured that 'he's not coming back' is pretty careful language to avoid just outright saying he's dead like he would normally do in this scene.

i'd bet a good amount of money hes either in a coma or life support with machines keeping him alive, something like that
maybe quadriplegic, but I doubt that considering violets arms