ITT: Perfect and CANON couples


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damn, heavy hitter right out of the gate OP. grimgar threads died a quiet death and the small group of usual posters just scattered to the four winds, always makes me happy when i find one of the anons again



Doesn't he get cucked by a new party member?


best adoptive parent relationship in any anime ever bar none


you say that but we all know how they all end

why is black/darkblue haired girls always so BEST







>Being this delusional
Every time someone posts this show, it makes my day a little better.




This way monkey is free to date someone else


Really hope Yoshino will be true endgame.

>no botan yet
what the fuck

has a series ever gone far enough to have the couple of the series bang?

or are writers too afraid

me too m8, me too



Fuck, you guys just reminded me that this manga exists.
This is the only one where I can't decide which girl I want to win, they're both great.

Season 2 when?



See: Clannad, Kare Kano, School days.
Imagine being this delusional

This is why people hate /u/.

hopeful, not delusional
delusional is if we believe it will win
hopeful is if we want it to win


because of bait?

just because there wasn't a kiss doesn't mean it's not canon



Those fucking pigtails make my eyes bleed every time I see them.
The illustrator should be hanged.


this one is hard to argue with actually


they truly deserved one another


They sleep together in the same bed and alot of advertisements have them as a couple, its canon.


Unfortunately Eru gets forced into an arranged marriage by her family.



Eventually they will end up fucking.



Only he forgets about her pretty much as soon as she's dead in the LNs. Power of the imouto too stronk


>being an Ichirukicuck in 2018

Is it true that is going that way?

it's already gone that way in the wn/ln


hell nooooo


Best girls.

Wait is Ranta finally dead?



I know it's beyond perfect but let's just leave it there.

step aside perfection coming through

2nd choice is Nozaki and Chiyo.

Pedophilia is bad mmmmmmkay?
Doesn't stop me from lovin' them all the same.

You know, I'm really sick and tired of seeing niggers like you that are clearly not from Sup Forums or from this fucking site all over the fucking place. The place is now crawling with niggers of the likes of you. Fuck off.

It's fine, Lawrence is old enough to make adult decisions.


t. Triggered Pedo.

And it's back to your safe place with you.




kill yourself normalshit

Grimgar. One of the first anime I watched and love it. Hope we get another season.

ok i have to admit i walked right into that one

One may be dead but who cares?


Cute as all hell.

>He can't admit something is bad but like it anyway
And you're calling me the normie?


death is not the end

Didn't she literally ruined the whole series? The chemistry of the original party was so much better before this homewrecker came into the picture.

She traded up post-pregnancy anyway.



FUCK. I came here to post this!

Have this instead.

There's nothing bad about it though. Thinking it's bad makes you the normalfag.

Oh, did that actually happen? I dropped Bleach in like 2005.

yup, it was the canon ending

don't worry, she is reincarnated and they reunite in the epilogue

nephren gets pretty shafted tho

this shit has gone too long for its own good.

This Their love still lives on Akatsuki

>tfw always liked this pairing
>Used to get shamed for it by normies all the time
It is bad though. That's what makes it so good.

Oh fuck. Meant to post this. But Bright/Burger probably fits in this thread as well.