Why are characters with drill hair usually so unlikeable?
Why are characters with drill hair usually so unlikeable?
I wanna stick my dick in her hair spirals
Is a Hime cut, and himes are usually dicks.
Pic not related
Please finish S4 before posting again. Thanks.
I don't believe in redemption after 2 seasons acting like a bitch. I've noticed she's gotten a bit better, but still far from likeable.
I hope she doesn't become Yumi's petite sœur.
You'll end up liking her, she may even become your favorite
>I hope she doesn't become Yumi's petite sœur.
Then you better drop this shit right now.
Unironically go finish this RIGHT FUCKING NOW before posting.
This, keep watching, you are in for a surpriae
She was pretty bro-tier in S3 though...
I don't see the problem
Second best ship
Because you're a faggot.
watch it again. she was NEVER a bitch. the narrative is just skewed from Yumi's perspective. if you look at all of her actions again objectively you will realize she was completely in character, and that makes her adoration of Yumi all the much more endearing.
>after 2 seasons acting like a bitch.
She wasn't even a bitch at the end of the season she debuted in.
>tokofags in a nutshell
>can't even spell the character's name
Didn't watch the showfags in a shellnut
You're dumb desu